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When I discovered the rational world

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When I discovered that everything in science is a bunch of stuff considered as 1 divided by x (as meaning every perception having in it the possibility for finding something which stands in some perfect proportion to something as potentiated by a different perception) then I also understood that everything computational and thought about in science is a bunch of stuff as accidental instantiations of something which is beyond all of these, that math is just that, a rational system which comprises the variables you apply in the division of some initial input, which itself is a discovery of the condition required for it initially appearing in us.

That we are ourself the condition for all possible systems one may venture into, come across, that most of the work one would do thereafter is a justification of how it could initially appear trough us in the beginning, except this is rarely admitted.

That this which is beyond our deliberate computations of it is also predicated on ourself as the condition for such computations is where you are left at awe.

We are thought science, thinking, judging the way we are thought counting, that around us and inside us there are a bunch of stuff laying around that we can put under scrutiny and that somehow by these peculiar formulas and methods they just happen to go neatly together, this is insanity. As though our counting these things justifies their being closed of such to possibly be subject for quantification.

We are thought it as a story, or as a joke, instead everything in this world, as in what it means for there to possibly be a world at all, is a rational system the paradoxes of which are a function of the finitude of the requirement for consciousness to distribute over it. For the metaphors in our perceptions to asymmetrically go together when the empirical sensation is cancelled from our thinking of that world, to be rational requires us to avoid emptying our metaphors/concepts for their corresponding perception, unless by that procedure a possible experience were merely anticipated and not also tried justified.

I kept it short and simple, with no high hopes of it going home anywhere, but on the off chance it does I feel justified posting it here, if you care about any of it feel free to pm me if you like.

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