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Just to get out of the boredom I'm experiencingxD.

  Just shower me with your questions . It could be about anything.  Philosophy. Science. Spirituality. Psychology. Sexuality. Society etc.

And I will try my best to compose a perfect answer. 

Only personal questions are not allowed .

Lemme hear ? ? 

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Hello, i thought about it and there it goes :


How can you embrace the implication of Infinity that you/i will suffer through the most horrible experiences possible (beyond what you can even imagine) forever ? 


Yes its just one side of the coin/duality, but from my very limited perspective i feel like the spectrum of suffering is way more deep than the spectrum of happiness. (Like, experiencing the best thing possible is not worth experiencing the worst thing possible)


from an enlightened perspective its alright of course, but i especially think of the implication that you/i will suffer through all this from a non-enlightened perspective also


Edited by BlurryBoi

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Another quick question like this one would be :


If you could enjoy the best experience possible, forever, But first you would need to suffer the worst experience possible, forever.

Would you take the deal ? 

(Not suffering mindfully of course, like as a very unconscious/unspiritual/unwise/unloving entity)


(I feel like its basically the inevitable implication of Infinity)

Edited by BlurryBoi

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12 minutes ago, BlurryBoi said:

Hello, i thought about it and there it goes :


How can you embrace the implication of Infinity that you/i will suffer through the most horrible experiences possible (beyond what you can even imagine) forever ? 


Yes its just one side of the coin/duality, but from my very limited perspective i feel like the spectrum of suffering is way more deep than the spectrum of happiness. (Like, experiencing the best thing possible is not worth experiencing the worst thing possible)


from an enlightened perspective its alright of course, but i especially think of the implication that you/i will suffer through all this from a non-enlightened perspective also


You have to understand that you as an ego will NOT experience everything possible . But you as God will . And that's a completely different story .God is selfless .so he doesn't mind experience hell for eternity. Its a piece of cake for God. When you are completely selfless and unbiased ..nothing can hurt you or affect you .

Also I would not focus too much on that aspect of Infinity if it causes you intense suffering.

Have you noticed that what you don't focus on ,literally doesn't exist anymore?  So why focus on these ideas if they are not serving you and causing you existential crisis? 

Spirituality is about connection with your true nature..tapping in to dont have to do anything… be you and have fun…ultimately , its a gift not a right..not knowing is the fun of it… why do a cross word puzzle ?climb mountains ,surf…?.its the challenges in life ,the requirement is to accept the absolutely most bizarre thing .

reality is not limited to survival and the norrow understandings….for me it's about being grateful for the great cycle of everything you see … grateful for the mystery. To be able to smile in the middle of the most terrifying storms.

15 minutes ago, BlurryBoi said:

Another quick question like this one would be :


If you could enjoy the best experience possible, forever, But first you would need to suffer the worst experience possible, forever.

Would you take the deal ? 

(Not suffering mindfully of course, like as a very unconscious/unspiritual/unwise/unloving entity)


(I feel like its basically the inevitable implication of Infinity)

There can't be two forever.  Nothing lasts forever. Every form is finite and it's going to die and disappear. 

Hell could manifest as a fear that could potentially keep the “me” going. it’s illusory like anything else; just another stick, of the carrot and stick. Another thing that’s obvious here, is that all suffering comes to an end, because there isn’t anyone either connected to or separate from emptiness (or everything). Like anything else, hell is imaginary . it can exist as a motivator for stage blue folk, etc, but nothing lasts forever, nothing is separate, and if there were nothing but intense suffering, there’d be no reference point to know what’s better, and even if it’s a worst case scenario,  if there is a reference point of happiness in consciousness that exists to allow max suffering to exist . .well then one could just pay attention to that positive reference point and it wouldn’t be hell anymore. In any case it wouldn’t last forever, nothing does. It would eventually be transcended (not that it’s actually real).



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Another question could be :


How can we overcome the deeep fear and automatic Resistance towards ego-death/fully letting go during meditation (for someone who is still deep inside/attached to ego and hasnt had an awakening before) ? 



Is there a (paradoxal) technique/way of fully letting go ? (Like to fall alseep, "paradoxal intention" to stay awake can help)

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7 hours ago, BlurryBoi said:

Another question could be :


How can we overcome the deeep fear and automatic Resistance towards ego-death/fully letting go during meditation (for someone who is still deep inside/attached to ego and hasnt had an awakening before) ? 



Is there a (paradoxal) technique/way of fully letting go ? (Like to fall alseep, "paradoxal intention" to stay awake can help)

Ego death is the (often instantaneous) realization that you are not truly the things you've identified with, and the "ego" or sense of self you've created in your mind is a fabrication. In some instances, it can offer a profound feeling of peace and connectedness with all that is, as the walls of separation the ego creates come crumbling down.

In other cases, and especially if your ego resists this "death," the experience can be very scary and result in a sense of detachment or disassociation .

Ultimately, ego deaths are not a casual experience but rather quite the opposite. It changes the course of people's lives entirely. When one comes through on the other side having released all the things they've identified with, with only their true spirit left.

Experiencing ego death is life-changing, intense, and sometimes terrifying, but it can also lead you to your soul's nature and allow you to live a life in harmony with your deepest truth. So whether you're in the throes of your own ego death right now, or are just getting started, There is no need to worry ..the real you is emerging.:)

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

Ego death is the (often instantaneous) realization that you are not truly the things you've identified with, and the "ego" or sense of self you've created in your mind is a fabrication. In some instances, it can offer a profound feeling of peace and connectedness with all that is, as the walls of separation the ego creates come crumbling down.

In other cases, and especially if your ego resists this "death," the experience can be very scary and result in a sense of detachment or disassociation .

Ultimately, ego deaths are not a casual experience but rather quite the opposite. It changes the course of people's lives entirely. When one comes through on the other side having released all the things they've identified with, with only their true spirit left.

Experiencing ego death is life-changing, intense, and sometimes terrifying, but it can also lead you to your soul's nature and allow you to live a life in harmony with your deepest truth. So whether you're in the throes of your own ego death right now, or are just getting started, There is no need to worry ..the real you is emerging.:)

Beautiful wisdom

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On 14/06/2022 at 9:44 AM, BlurryBoi said:

Beautiful wisdom

Thanks .

If you have more questions, feel free to ask away :)

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1 hour ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

How does one become a philosopher?

Through academia,mostly xD

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When and how did you get into spirituality?

What inspires you in life?

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12 minutes ago, Asayake said:

When and how did you get into spirituality?

What inspires you in life?

1.began to notice that despite having a good life ,family, education, profession, material things.I had this inner yearning for more. I began reading and exploring and after decades found the wisdom of advaita vedanta is a fascinating and sublime path that has revealed to me who I am, why I am here and what I am to do while in this life.

2.For me, being challenged and going out of my way to push to the next level is inspiring.

Sometimes life needs changes because things have become stale or too predictable. Challenges break that mould, and the ideas and excitement that come with it create inspiration

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On 6/12/2022 at 2:40 PM, BlurryBoi said:

Hello, i thought about it and there it goes :


How can you embrace the implication of Infinity that you/i will suffer through the most horrible experiences possible (beyond what you can even imagine) forever ? 

That is false, is not gonna happen


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On 15/06/2022 at 0:50 PM, Someone here said:

2.For me, being challenged and going out of my way to push to the next level is inspiring.

How do you Reframe the most hardcore Failures and (seemingly) meaningless/useless Hardships ?


(I think this question was lost in the crash last week)

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@BlurryBoi sorry I don't quite understand your question properly.  Could you try to rephrase it in a different way ?

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