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Started watching CobraTate (Andrew Tate) content - helpful stage red?

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I have a stage red shadow in the sense that I was very meek as a child and never took on many challenges or strived for anything. While this is changing in my adult life, I still feel like I am missing some healthy aspects of stage red. 

I happened onto Andrew Tate's channel. He is a professional kickboxer, who is now involved in business. His channel, from what I can gather is stage red/early orange. While this made me want to dismiss it initially, I find that his style of communication is very nuanced and a lot of subtle information is being conveyed below the surface. He reminds me of my father and perhaps this is why I am drawn to his information, as my father was not always present, nor did he convey much wisdom to me as a child - thereby me compensating by gathering life wisdom from Youtube sources in my late teen years.

He has a way of communicating which cuts straight to my true feelings. And it reinforced what Leo says about burning through Karma. I'm 25 and while I have experienced awakening and recognise that this life is illusory and that no material thing will ever bring lasting happiness, there is still a part of me which strongly desires animalistic cravings like sex, materialistic pursuits, and power/respect. I have not had these things most of my life and I am cognisant of the fact that I can't meditate my way through this stage. Nor do I particularly want to. I've suffered from extreme shyness all my life and I just want to experience living a fun, chaotic, life. I do recognise that his POV is limited, but I feel he has a 'kick up the arse' style of communication that I really respond to. 

Life is a game and I have spent too much time thinking about the game and analysing the game instead of actually playing it. While I was rewarded for my efforts with God realisation, I am still stuck in the game. So in a sense, my development returned full circle to where I was when I started the self-actualization journey, but I am restarting it with higher wisdom.


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