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How to know that it's heavy metals that are causing these symptoms?

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These are the symptoms: 
 inner restlessness and agitation
being crancky and angry
attention deficite
unable to concentrate
social anxiety
fartigue and bodily tension
cold hands and feet at winter when others don't have cold hands and feet
lowered intelligence
little physical and mental stamina
heart palpitations
diminished memory
diminished eyesight at a distance + black spots and lines in my eyes; they are like broken glass, but it's not that bad, I can even forget about it
yellowish hands, fingers and feet compared to the coler of my skin and other people's hands
I hate drinking alcohol, it makes me feel bad and it tastes gross 

I cannot get tested.


Edited by Bojan

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Maybe you should go to the doctor for blood analysis and other medical tests...

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What's your diet like? I think that could be a good place to start.

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Try to do the urine test that Leo talked about in his video about heavy metals on his youtube channel and go from there. If you cannot get tested, well, you can get started with the protocol and just see if you are feeling better after 20-50 rounds. It won't hurt you to experiment.

Anyway, it's usually not just one thing. It's all these little things that are out of balance within your mind and body and every little thing that's out of balance will contribute to the issue a small percentage.

Do most you can to purify your mind and body on all different levels and what you'll find with each thing you improve, you'll also improve your issues bit by bit. It's little percents that compound over time. Some things will improve you a higher percentage than others. Diet might only improve you 20% and heavy metal detox might improve you 60%. Who knows? It might be the other way around as well.

Everything you do that's good for the body will ultimately be helpful in healing your issues.

I'd say to just go for it and see if this improves your issue. Indecisiveness is the worst. But do improve in other areas of health as well. Go for a holistic approach. Good luck. 

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