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My self actualization goals and obstacles

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So I need a fresh start in my life . I need to take shit seriously more . basically I'm trying to get my shit together in life .  Somethings need to change  .I need to quit :

  • Smoking. 
  • Porn and masturbation. 
  • Junk food .
  • Mental masturbation. 
  • Procrastination. 
  • spending too much time in this forum mentally masturbating. 

University's new semester begins in mid June . My plan is to finish my business degree. Find a job so that I can afford myself buying a house and finding a girl to marry.

This will require time and effort and dedication.  It's not a one night deal.  Its a life long journey to my dream life.

One of my goals also to work out an build a strong body . I can't go to the gym for reasons I'm not going to mention here. But have some basic equipments in the house so I can workout at home .

  To notice a macro significant change will require years of dedication and work towards the right thing and avoiding the bad stuff .

The obstacles I have to find a girlfriend or to get married:

 I need to fix some issues about my appearance . This can be done in the gym .

I need to finish my business degree and that's gonna take few years since I'm still in first grade. 

Finding a way to earn money to afford for buying a new house and escape mom's basement   .

Actually finding a girl to marry and that can only happen through social circles. As I'm not expecting that I will attract hot girls from clubs and whatnot. 

But I'm determined to change my life to the better ..

I need to first be fulfilling the basic needs on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  Then I can move on to something higher .like seeking god or awakening. 

I also want kids . My sister recently gave birth to a baby . He is beautiful and cute .I'm a little bit jealous. Why not me ? Why can't I be a father?   Well I guess that takes work to achieve. 

Edited by Someone here

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Dude please..... You didn't even start life. I'm the same age as you. Fatherhood and motherhood can wait please. 

First fix all your issues.. 

You want children into this?

Are you fucken kidding me? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India I clearly said that these are long term goals .they won't happen over night. But they require years of hard work first. so it's not like having kids is in my to-do list for today or something like's a long term project towards my dream life .

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I don't know you, but I think you're being harsh on yourself and sacrificing your authentic self by somehow caving in for culture.

What you're calling mental masturbation is clearly your passion for philosophy. And your desire for marriage seems in some way like an escape from facing and accepting your sexual desire, your dirty side (don't worry, everyone is dirty).

I agree with you on getting rid of bad habits like smoking and eating junk food. But the rest sound like they can be recontextualized into a more healthier frame. For example, porn and masturbation are not a substitute for the real thing, but they might be until you get abundance of the real thing.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@Gesundheit2 no I'm being honest and real and straightforward.  All these things need to change.  Including me mentally masturbating on this forum about useless shit . That has to change. I can have a better use of my time. Like working on my life purpose. Discovering my life purpose first. I don't even know what my life purpose is .I don't know why I have to get out of bed in the morning. To go through the same mediocre life that actualizes less than 1% of my true potential. 

I know my life can be epic and magical. But If I want significant results ,I have to perform significant effort .

Edited by Someone here

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