
Looking for other communities

1 post in this topic

Hi, I am trying to find people at the higher stages of perspective (like Spiral Dynamics) and philosophy-centric community..

This community here seems warped to me, and there is no reason not to have alternatives.


I have been looking for philosophy discussion forums, discords, local stuff, social apps... Or finding other gurus like Leo and their communities (ex: Brian Johnson, Tom Bilyeu) although I don't see open conversation happening really. Also like Facebook groups (Spiral Dynamics / Personal Development groups) although I detest Facebook... Reddit is really a curated content site so not really the best idea for small-guy discussions (which are more about our lives than bigger ideas sometimes)

Have any of you looked into this and wouldn't mind sharing what you have come across? Honestly im lost... And I'm looking for people of similar development/ideas... But they all seem to leave more to be desired.

Like this community also has restrictions so you are limited in how much you can respond, it just doesn't seem to facilitate any personal connection/relationship-building so it's like having your hands tied imo.


Any suggestions, what other ways to itch that scratch of looking for similar-minded people for growing and developing ourselves through peer-to-peer support??


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