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Realms of Wonder

Personal Authenticity: An Extensive List.

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In doing research for my business, I have been developing a list of qualities associated with authenticity. 

some of these are definitions that I have thought about and "come up with" but many of them coming from articles online. 


  1. A concept of personality in the fields of psychology, existential psychotherapy, existential philosophy, and aesthetics
  2. In existentialism: Authenticity is the degree to which  a persons actions are congruent with their values an desires, despite external pressures to social conformity.
  3. Authenticity in art: A work of art that is faithful to the values of the artist.
  4. Un the field of psychology: authenticity identifies a person living n accordance with their TRUE SELF, personal values, rather than according to the external demands of society, such as social conventions, duty, and tradition.
  5. Independent thought, thinking for ones self.
  6. Knowing ones self.
    1. Values
    2. Desires
    3. Strengths
  7. Avoiding herd mentality, standing alone.
  8. Reliable, accurate representation
  9. The individual takes responsibility for proactively shaping their beleifs, then the be willing to act on those beliefs.
  10. To say that something is authentic is to say that it is what it professes to be, or what it is reputed to be, in origin or authorship
  11. Authenticity describes a person who acts in accordance with desires, motives, ideals or beliefs that are not only hers (as opposed to someone else’s), but that also express who she really is.
  12. Integrated
  13. Whole
  14. True to ones self, for one's own benefit.
  15. Independent of external and psychological pressure.
  16. "Language of personal resonance"
  17. "Not just being involved in the authorship of such a law, but about how this law fits with the wholeness of a person’s life, and how or whether it expresses who the person is." - (Menke 2008)
  18. Inner connection
  19. Intuition
  20. Introspective examination of one’s inner motives, values, intentions and conscience.
  21. Inward and Upward.
  22. Becoming what one IS.
  23. Being  ones Own.
  24. Owning up, owning what one does.
  25. Human being is a “relation of being”, a relation that obtains between what one is at any moment (the immediacy of the concrete present as it has evolved) and what one can and will be as the temporally extended unfolding or happening of life into an open realm of possibilities.
  26. To the extent that our lives are unowned or disowned, existence is inauthentic (uneigentlich), not our own (eigen).
  27. to realize the capacity for authenticity, one must undergo a personal transformation
  28. a relation between two aspects or dimensions making up human existence.
  29. Intrinsic motivation and desire.
  30. standing up for and standing behind what one does—as owning and owning up to one’s deeds as an agent in the world—becomes possible in this sort of resolute commitment to the “for the sake of which” of one’s existence


Anything you would add to this list?

Edited by Realms of Wonder

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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