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How you are God-a simple logical explanation

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You might wonder how you are God?  You might be having difficulties getting a grip on this one fundamental teaching of Leo. And here I want to help you understand this in a simple logical way .

First ,you are this human being, let's start here. Now where did you come from? I mean you gotta wonder.  From your mom's body. And she came from her mom and so forth. Now I don't need to describe all the details, go back to evolution or the big bang or whatever, its basically all the universe Morphing and transforming from one form into another. Having sex with itself and giving birth to itself.  Now please can we get way with the apparent boundaries? Let's say everything is one it's all interconnected.  Now this one existence is there anything beyond it ? No because even if there is.. it's still it. So it's one. Infinite. And self sustained. Eternal. Didn't come from anywhere. Nothing beyond it. And it's the only thing that there is. And what is all that? It is you. Seems like you are God pretty much. 

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What a nonsense.

Why such need in proving that you are God or not.Life is simple.

Edited by Zeroguy

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The main assumption this explanation is based on is that there isn't anything outside you.

But you can't be sure of that.

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5 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

Why such need in proving that you are God or not.Life is simple.

Because realizing that you are God is the ultimate point of life .when you realize that you are God, you realize that you are immortal and all loving and Good with a Capitai G etc is the most fulfilling realization ever . 

Not sure what you are pissed off from.

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7 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:

The main assumption this explanation is based on is that there isn't anything outside you.

But you can't be sure of that.

Of course you can. That's what it means to be God. To be God is to be the entire universe. Infinity itself. What could be outside of Infinit? Nothing of course because Infinity is All encompassing.

Everything that can exist for you must be perceived and considered by you. Look and see. Anything literally anything is but an appearance in your pov. So even when you are talking to me you are talking to an image in your mind. 


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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Because realizing that you are God is the ultimate point of life .when you realize that you are God, you realize that you are immortal and all loving and Good with a Capitai G etc is the most fulfilling realization ever . 

Not sure what you are pissed off from.

For most people it is not.Just small percentage.All animals and plants don't have it yet they are all existing living their life.

It's a market.

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4 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

For most people it is not.Just small percentage.All animals and plants don't have it yet they are all existing living their life.

It's a market.

Yes but "how" are  they living their lives ? If you haven't noticed yet ..most people live a shitty medicore life .no dreams. No creativity. No goals. Just surving like an animal. all they care about is food and sex.  What if I told you there is another way to live life .a life of such peace and bliss that passeth understanding .and this can only happen via a spiritual awakening to yourself as God. 

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Of course you can. That's what it means to be God. To be God is to be the entire universe. Infinity itself. What could be outside of Infinit? Nothing of course because Infinity is All encompassing.

What makes you sure you are all of Absolute Infinity?

Even when you are in an insanely high state of consciousness, I don't think this can be called all of Absolute Infinity. It's just one possible form/state within Absolute Infinity. 

It can sure feel like it is all of Absolute Infinity (because it feels like there is nothing outside you), but I don't think it necessarily means that that's the case. Also it's kind of circular logic.

4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Everything that can exist for you must be perceived and considered by you. Look and see. Anything literally anything is but an appearance in your pov. So even when you are talking to me you are talking to an image in your mind. 

All that means is that if there is something outside you, you can't become conscious of it (because in that moment, it would no longer be outside you).

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Yes but "how" are  they living their lives ? If you haven't noticed yet ..most people live a shitty medicore life .no dreams. No creativity. No goals. Just surving like an animal. all they care about is food and sex.  What if I told you there is another way to live life .a life of such peace and bliss that passeth understanding .and this can only happen via a spiritual awakening to yourself as God. 

Proves we are all humans(animals).

"Spirituality" still goes under survival and reproduction.

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6 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:

What makes you sure you are all of Absolute Infinity?

Even when you are in an insanely high state of consciousness, I don't think this can be called all of Absolute Infinity. It's just one possible form/state within Absolute Infinity. 

It can sure feel like it is all of Absolute Infinity (because it feels like there is nothing outside you), but I don't think it necessarily means that that's the case. Also it's kind of circular logic.

All that means is that if there is something outside you, you can't become conscious of it (because in that moment, it would no longer be outside you).

You might wonder Why is direct experience the criteria for truth?  based on direct experience one can only ever be certain of the content of his own experience. And cannot validate or invalidate the existence of a third person objective world behind the surface of appearance. 

Point one thing.. Just one freaking thing that exists outside of your direct experience right now.. You might say "well the pyramids in Egypt they exist there and they are not in my direct experience now".. No!  There is no pyramids and no Egypt and no "there".. All that exists in actuality right this moment is whatever you are experiencing right now + the belief or ideas that there is something existing outside of that which is actually occurring (the belief) inside of that. 

The idea that there is something existing outside of direct experience is just an Idea that is occurring inside direct experience!!!!!

  One can't get around this. 

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4 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

Proves we are all humans(animals).

"Spirituality" still goes under survival and reproduction.

Most people agree that life exists beyond the physical realm. But, many stop at calling incorporeal or ethereal things “spiritual”. the word “spiritual” (for some) is loaded. Some avoid spirituality because of its association in their eyes with religion, which they reject due to them finding religion to be judgmental and hypocritical. What should we call our experiences that are beyond survival?

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You might wonder Why is direct experience the criteria for truth?  based on direct experience one can only ever be certain of the content of his own experience. And cannot validate or invalidate the existence of a third person objective world behind the surface of appearance. 


3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The idea that there is something existing outside of direct experience is just an Idea that is occurring inside direct experience!!!!!

  One can't get around this. 

Of course.

But that doesn't mean that there can't be something outside your experience. 

It just means that your idea of an outside isn't proof of an actual outside.

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You might wonder Why is direct experience the criteria for truth?  based on direct experience one can only ever be certain of the content of his own experience. And cannot validate or invalidate the existence of a third person objective world behind the surface of appearance. 

Point one thing.. Just one freaking thing that exists outside of your direct experience right now.. You might say "well the pyramids in Egypt they exist there and they are not in my direct experience now".. No!  There is no pyramids and no Egypt and no "there".. All that exists in actuality right this moment is whatever you are experiencing right now + the belief or ideas that there is something existing outside of that which is actually occurring (the belief) inside of that. 

The idea that there is something existing outside of direct experience is just an Idea that is occurring inside direct experience!!!!!

  One can't get around this. 

You've brainwashed yourself with Leo's videos.Good luck.Why need to prove that you are God to others.Maybe you are not so sure.

You awaken to absolute solipsism you should enjoy your little bubble of experience for the rest of life yet there is need in you to "awaken others?!"

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1 minute ago, Zeroguy said:

You've brainwashed yourself with Leo's videos.Good luck.Why need to prove that you are God to others.Maybe you are not so sure.

You awaken to absolute solipsism you should enjoy your little bubble of experience for the rest of life yet there is need in you to "awaken others?!"

@Zeroguy Who are you talking to? :P

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3 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:


Of course.

But that doesn't mean that there can't be something outside your experience. 

It just means that your idea of an outside isn't proof of an actual outside.

This issue sounds tricky at first glance but let's take Example question to illustrate the point........ Does planet Mars exist while one is not perceiving it? 

The answer:

Nothing exists for the you/me except the stuff that is occurring in your (my) direct experience in the NOW.

Existence =NOW. Ideas about here and there.. Now and then and back then.. Up there and down here..themselves must occur NOW for them to be just more concepts occurring again NOW. 

 It's not that there is an absolute static truth about whether "Mars" "exists".. There is no such thing as "Mars".. For all you know mars could be exploding and getting destroyed now.. So it exists at one point and it doesn't exist in the next moment.  How about when you are dreaming and completely lost in your dream..mars doesn't exist in the context of your dream world. Just like a flying spaghetti monster does not exist in this world as far as we can tell.. But who knows maybe it exists in some other dimension! You see it's all relative. Identity itself is relative to time and change. Existence itself is relative to a frame of reference and to an observer. 

So does mars exist? Yes and no without a doubt relative to whatever one imagines this question even "means" lol. But don't go looking for an absolute answer. No idea is absolute.  The absolute is your direct experience right fucking now and nothing else .

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Just now, Michael Jackson said:

@Zeroguy Who are you talking to? :P

Better ask @Someone here.

I am enjoying my life rather then trying to convince someone or to allow myself to get brainwashed.Critical thinking is a great thing.

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4 minutes ago, Zeroguy said:

You've brainwashed yourself with Leo's videos.Good luck.Why need to prove that you are God to others.Maybe you are not so sure.

You awaken to absolute solipsism you should enjoy your little bubble of experience for the rest of life yet there is need in you to "awaken others?!"

I didn't. I discovered it for myself.

You are not open to the possibility that you can actually discover these truths for yourself without needing to believe Leo or anyone else ,then why are you on this forum and following Leo's work if you think truth cannot be discovered?

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

This issue sounds tricky at first glance but let's take Example question to illustrate the point........ Does planet Mars exist while one is not perceiving it? 

The answer:

Nothing exists for the you/me except the stuff that is occurring in your (my) direct experience in the NOW.

Existence =NOW. Ideas about here and there.. Now and then and back then.. Up there and down here..themselves must occur NOW for them to be just more concepts occurring again NOW. 

 It's not that there is an absolute static truth about whether "Mars" "exists".. There is no such thing as "Mars".. For all you know mars could be exploding and getting destroyed now.. So it exists at one point and it doesn't exist in the next moment.  How about when you are dreaming and completely lost in your dream..mars doesn't exist in the context of your dream world. Just like a flying spaghetti monster does not exist in this world as far as we can tell.. But who knows maybe it exists in some other dimension! You see it's all relative. Identity itself is relative to time and change. Existence itself is relative to a frame of reference and to an observer. 

So does mars exist? Yes and no without a doubt relative to whatever one imagines this question even "means" lol. But don't go looking for an absolute answer. No idea is absolute.  The absolute is your direct experience right fucking now and nothing else .

If there is something outside your bubble, it would exist relative to itself. And relative to you it wouldn't exist.

4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The absolute is your direct experience right fucking now and nothing else .

Your direct experience is the absolute, relative to you.

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3 minutes ago, GreenWoods said:

If there is something outside your bubble, it would exist relative to itself. And relative to you it wouldn't exist.

Your direct experience is the absolute, relative to you.

What you don't yet realize is that there cannot be anything outside your bubble.  It's literally impossible. Its as simple as this ..when you fall asleep the whole universe disappears.

Let me ask you another question..

Do you agree that There is no difference between dreams and reality?
It's literally like... The dream phenomenon is identical to the 3d waking world.
And both are just what they are. Exactly as they are. Light and sound. Smell and taste and touch. etc. And that's all there is. There is no explanation. Direct experience is God. Is rock bottom. This experience that's happening right now is all.. Is everything.. Is God.. Is unexplainable.  

It should be obvious. 

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

when you fall asleep the whole universe disappears.

... relative to you.

3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Do you agree that There is no difference between dreams and reality?


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