
Time laps of vegans

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Lots of people like Fully Raw Kristina and Vegan Gains are still looking great after being vegan for 10+ years. But yeah, it's easy to end up looking like a meth addict if you dont supplement properly and make sure you're getting balanced nutrition.

A lot of the more extreme vegans probably bathe less than average and have also stopped brushing their teeth with toothpaste or anything else that's "not natural" which is probably contributing as well. And ofc all the women you're seeing without makeup. Most non vegan women look tired and sickly without makeup too xD

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You do realise that this is Sv3rige you're talking about right?

Chronic liar, manipulator and deceiver lol. The guy is a master of tearing things out of context and manipulating reality to serve his carnivore audience who cannot digest fibre :D . What you are looking at are people psychologically sick with extreme anorexia or extreme fruitarians who have been brainwashed and have ended up with a mental disease caused by extreme malnutrition and protein deficiency. He is looking hard to find the worst cases on the internet and then presenting that data as "this is common" where it is clearly not. He even says in his comment "this was insane amount of work" because you gotta look hard to be able to manipulate reality like he is. There ios a reason why he's had an entire account banned

This is NOT a valid not just representation of vegans lol. It is quite scary tho, I agree. You could equally start to create a compilation "look what beef does to you" and show sick and morbidly obese Americans in McDonald's but that wouldn't be as exciting to watch I guess. 

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That video is real sad. Looks like a lot of people who are not supplementing right and eating the right amounts/right stuff that they really need.
Being on a raw food lifestyle requires a bit of knowledge about what it is you are doing. I have been on a plant based diet for 10 years and just switched to a raw diet. I'm more energized than ever before.

There are a lot of unhealthy ways to be vegan/plant based, and a lot of ways of being healthy. Just like the ways you can be unhealthy and healthy on animal based diets. Even though I don't really see the former being something optimal for everyone included. The planet, the animals and people's health. But speaking to people about their number one survival requirement can get people really really riled up.

This guy is a year short of 60 and he looks younger than most 30 year olds I know. He has been a raw foodist for almost 30 years.


“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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10 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Omg, this is insane.

Sv3rige is mentally ill and a well known liar, manipulator and deceiver. 

The individuals presetend in his collages are for a huge part the worst examples you can find, often on longstanding, weird elimination diets like frugivores with severe malnutrition-tendencies and other issues. He also deliberately alters clips with filters to make skin and wrinkles more prominent than they actually are. 

Taking nutritonal advice from Sv3rige is like taking health advice from McDonalds. Pure BS. 

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

You do realise that this is Sv3rige you're talking about right?

Chronic liar, manipulator and deceiver lol. The guy is a master of tearing things out of context and manipulating reality to serve his carnivore audience who cannot digest fibre :D . What you are looking at are people psychologically sick with extreme anorexia or extreme fruitarians who have been brainwashed and have ended up with a mental disease caused by extreme malnutrition and protein deficiency. He is looking hard to find the worst cases on the internet and then presenting that data as "this is common" where it is clearly not. He even says in his comment "this was insane amount of work" because you gotta look hard to be able to manipulate reality like he is. There ios a reason why he's had an entire account banned

This is NOT a valid not just representation of vegans lol. It is quite scary tho, I agree. You could equally start to create a compilation "look what beef does to you" and show sick and morbidly obese Americans in McDonald's but that wouldn't be as exciting to watch I guess. 

I don’t belong to any groups. I see the benefit of eating fresh meat and fresh fruits/vegs. But nobody deny the accelerated deterioration of plant and fruit based people.

If I had to chose my poison I would go fully carnivore than fully plant or fruit. The evidence is there which diet is the most harmful but then again I don’t belong to any group. Also carnivore people don’t push their agenda and are not aggressive about their diet. For example I don’t see them pushing to ban fruits or vegs while the other camp does try to ban meat. 

The thing is that not everybody is made equal in terms of biology. Some people can pull of not eating meat for years and still look young but some people just need to eat meat or their body just goes apeshit. I don’t like vegans guilt tripping me about me eating meat. 

1 hour ago, Vincent S said:

That video is real sad. Looks like a lot of people who are not supplementing right and eating the right amounts/right stuff that they really need.
Being on a raw food lifestyle requires a bit of knowledge about what it is you are doing. I have been on a plant based diet for 10 years and just switched to a raw diet. I'm more energized than ever before.

There are a lot of unhealthy ways to be vegan/plant based, and a lot of ways of being healthy. Just like the ways you can be unhealthy and healthy on animal based diets. Even though I don't really see the former being something optimal for everyone included. The planet, the animals and people's health. But speaking to people about their number one survival requirement can get people really really riled up.

This guy is a year short of 60 and he looks younger than most 30 year olds I know. He has been a raw foodist for almost 30 years.


To be honest the names you mentioned all have CONFIRMED health issues. I’m especially stunned you called Christina healthy and young. She looks like a granny that is rotten from the inside although she is barely 30. 

All of them have multiple health issues, low energy, they are angry at everybody, destructive to themselves and wanting to spread that destruction, and the most important; they earn money from their lifestyle so they are prone to cheat and lie:

So there are problems in trusting these plant and fruit based lifestyle coaches. They are financially invested and they earn their likelihood from them. Even while they are rich, they can afford to go to the best doctors and buy the best supplements: and they still have major health issues. That has to tell you something man. They are either liars and secretly eat fish/meat or they are true to their diet and they buckle. 

I think most people can’t see what I’m saying because the deterioration happens so slow. The reality check will come sooner or later but it will come  


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17 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

To be honest the names you mentioned all have CONFIRMED health issues. I’m especially stunned you called Christina healthy and young. She looks like a granny that is rotten from the inside although she is barely 30. 

All of them have multiple health issues, low energy, they are angry at everybody, destructive to themselves and wanting to spread that destruction, and the most important; they earn money from their lifestyle so they are prone to cheat and lie:

I think you replied to the wrong person. I think your reply was maybe to @Yarco

Do you buddy. Nobody forcing you to change your ways.

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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I'm as skeptical of veganism as anyone, and generally advise against it... But the dude who owns that channel seems to have as his main goal in life the discrediting of vegans. I would assume almost all of it is out of context. It's like someone discrediting trans people with a video of every botched transition, so that it engenders disgust in the viewer, and a desire to take up arms against the cause.

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

To be honest the names you mentioned all have CONFIRMED health issues. I’m especially stunned you called Christina healthy and young. She looks like a granny that is rotten from the inside although she is barely 30. 

I don't know what kind of 35 year olds you know. But if you think Kristina looks like a granny in comparison then you should hook me up xD

Edited by Yarco

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I know countless of vegans among my acquaintances and they all look great....
Stop believing this nonsense. What you see on youtube is not reality.
Plant based diets have been studied intensively and its not a question anymore of its healthy or not. 

Also, "vegan" is such a vague label.
I could eat only potate chips, that would make me a vegan.
I could only eat fruits and get like 10g of protein a day, that would make me a vegan as well.
I could eat a 100% plant based, unprocessed diet, with a rich variety of different macro and micronutrients from a huge range of food items and take care of potential deficiencies in a smart way. 

Only one of those will keep you healthy in the long run.

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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I think Sv3rige content should be banned from this forum.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@StarStruck Bro that video gave me anxiety lmao. Jesus christ these people lacking cholesterol, sat fats, a complete amino acid profile and so much more..


<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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1 hour ago, UDT said:

@StarStruck Bro that video gave me anxiety lmao. Jesus christ these people lacking cholesterol, sat fats, a complete amino acid profile and so much more..


It is crazy that these people are not seeing what they are doing to themselves. I know a girl who is 22 and she already started developing that sunken eyes corpse look. She is an extremist vegan so I don’t even have the courage to say something. 

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Be careful with veganism is all I have to say. It seems to work for some people but not so well for others. I was vegan for 4 1/2 years and it worked well until the last 1-2 years or so where my health started declining(worsened vision, floaters, eczema on my arm getting worse, fatigue, horrible workout recovery to the point of getting ill after working out).

You can be relatively well educated in nutrition and still miss out on nutrients with a vegan diet. I supplemented with B12, D3 and algae oil but was still not getting enough of some vital nutrients that didn't cross my mind at the time(vitamin A and creatine to name a couple). You don't see many vegans talking about these nutrients yet not much vegan foods contain these nutrients and missing them will impact mental function, immune function, workout recovery, eye health, skin health, and more. Sv3rige is correct in this even though he is a crazy person(he was a famous Runescape player and tried stabbing people at his school when he was younger if you want some crazy Sv3rige trivia). 

Many vegans will tell you B12 and D3 supplements is all you need but it's an oversimplification of nutrition. The OG Vegan researchers like T. Colin Campbell recognized this, he even wrote a book on the subject called "Whole" that's about how you can't simplify nutrition to single nutrients like vitamin A, D3 and so forth. That's why he promotes a whole foods plant based diet, because it's more likely to keep you safe from deficiencies.

But, not only is it still easy to miss vital nutrients that are more commonly found in animal products if you eat a vegan diet(whole food plant based) but it is also difficult to get in enough calories in for an active lifestyle, which I suspect is one of the reasons for my inability to recover from exercise. Eating too low calories will impact energy and testosterone levels.  I dropped heavily in weight over the years from 75 kg at 185 cm tall to 59 kg. I looked a bit anorexic and I did not even eat whole food plant based all the time. It's not a coincidence some MMA fighters use whole food plant based diet to cut weight. And I suspect it can be very useful to help diabetes type 2 patients because it will help them drastically with their overweight, which is the main cause of diabetes type 2. But if I can't exercise without getting ill, what's the point of eating 'healthy' if I'm not overweight? If being vegan was really optimal for your health you would see a lot more vegan athletes out there.

In my opinion it's difficult to be optimally healthy without regular exercise because your body will become weaker and weaker and it will start to affect your mind. Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of vegan doctors, nutritionists and influencers you will find online are doing it for ethical reasons. And they will use all of their knowledge in a biased way because they are not mainly thinking about your health, but about the animals.

Edited by Asayake

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@Asayake good thing you speak out against these extremists. 

I agree that Sv3rige is a crazy guy and that is exactly that the truth should be spoken out by others who are more nuanced than him. 

I tried to play nice with vegans but they are just thick headed and one really has to bash the facts on their heads but who has the energy and willingness to do that? If they want to destroy their body they can do that. All we can do is warn them. Either way the reality check will come for them. In one way or another. 

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I am a vegan bodybuilder that finds it hard to keep his weight down when I am not doing three or four days of exercise a week. 

I am living proof you can be both a bodybuilder, or fat, and a vegan. Its mostly down to how many carbs you have and portion size. I have been extremely thin when I was detoxing and on a raw diet, back to the weight I was as a teen training for my blackbelt, but I was in good health. My aim is to go back to my raw diet at some point, with the usual vegan protein supplement and maybe some tweaking to it.

However I can also guarantee I get much less sick than I did as a meat-eater, and my overall appearance makes me look about 10 years younger than I am, more when I am on raw foods.

I should add I've been a vegan, with a wide vegetable intake, since 2011 ish. So plenty of experiential evidence from my own life.

Edited by BlueOak

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On 6/4/2022 at 7:51 PM, Something Funny said:

Oh no, I just got into veganism a week ago. So this is my future ?

Just make sure you get a wide selection of vegetables and don't overcook them. Steam them so more of what you need still exists. If you can eat the occasional raw vegetable do it, if not get some salads too. If you are going to fry all your veg, grill or overcook them then yes I imagine that is where people get into problems.

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Lol most scientists say a plant based diet is perfectly healthy - IF DONE RIGHT.

there plenty of ways to eat shit on a vegan diet and get fat and there’s plenty of ways to do that on an omnivore diet,

I’ve said it before on this forum, a vegan diet isn’t the most convenient and easy but it’s pretty healthy when done right, but you have to actually put some effort into, and also there will never be a one size fits all diet for everyone,

I went vegan for ethical reasons not to be an athlete but these days there are plenty of examples of successful vegan athletes, it just depends on the person and their will power and genetics etc. I doubt the world will ever been 100% vegan or 100% carnivore but wouldn’t you want to live in the world where you can choose your diet. And yea vegans can be insufferable but it is true that if you eat meat you’re more than likely supporting the slaughter of innocent animals and that’s a moral call for you to make, no one can force you to eat anyway, I eat meat but that’s just because I’m on a Keto diet and trying to lose weight, I plan on going 100% vegan but I wouldn’t push it on anyone, I would just give them the facts and let decide. That’s how society really changes, not by forcing your views on each other, even if truth is on your side.

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    Jesus Christ, it has to be either Vegan diet this, or Carnivore diet that, or keto diet this, or frutarian diet that, or Atkins diet this, or rae vegan that, or seafood diet this, or insect diet that, or intermittent fasting this, or grassing that. What happened to a balanced diet plan?

   Be flexible, listen to your body needs, and get the necessary nutrients for your survival, get good sleep and rest and exercise when necessary. Is it that hard? Maybe, maybe too complicated, which is why you have to be flexible with your health and nutrition. C'mon!


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