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Illusory Self

Why do I feel better when I make out with a girl?

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I find it strange how my ego seems to feel some sense of satisfaction/pride if I just make out with a girl.

If I don’t do any approaches the whole night I tend to feel terrible the next day.. it’s just strange how I unconsciously put so much attention on others giving me satisfaction.

I don’t get why I’m so afraid of rejection when there’s so many girls in the club… sure it’s from our ancestors but you would think our brains would be more developed noticing the sheer abundance. I feel good right now simply because I kissed a girl but I typically feel bad when I don’t. Strange phenomenon if you ask me. 

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Primal fear of being ousted from the tribe comes from the primitive part of the brain and that part doesn’t understand reason and logic. Exposure therapy is the only way. 

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Maybe loneliness? (aka the desire to be close to someone)

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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5 hours ago, Illusory Self said:

I find it strange how my ego seems to feel some sense of satisfaction/pride if I just make out with a girl.

If I don’t do any approaches the whole night I tend to feel terrible the next day.. it’s just strange how I unconsciously put so much attention on others giving me satisfaction.

I don’t get why I’m so afraid of rejection when there’s so many girls in the club… sure it’s from our ancestors but you would think our brains would be more developed noticing the sheer abundance. I feel good right now simply because I kissed a girl but I typically feel bad when I don’t. Strange phenomenon if you ask me. 

I think that's pretty normal, but might change over time.

I don't have this anymore.

Once you've made out with a lot of girls you become a little numb to the event and then you might need to sleep with a girl to get that same feeling.

And the same can then probably happen again.

We simply like to be validated sometimes.

And whilst we don't live in caves anymore we still react similarly to cavemen. 

You still received a lot of social conditioning that taught you that approaching unknown girls is unusual, even in bars/clubs. Not too many guys do it and you're brain picked up on that rule early on and now you have this mental/physiological program that's running your emotions. 

Your brain works exactly as it should, protecting you from perceived social threats :)

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