
Ultimate musical improvisation/creativity

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So I was listening to this song by The Aristocrats, and I noticed that the main riff at 0:33 sounded very similar to "Bad Horsie" by Steve Vai, only a more deranged version. Then I remembered that the bassist of the band used to play for Steve Vai, and I thought "huh, maybe this is a tribute to Bad Horsie by Steve Vai". Then I looked at the title of the song, and it said "Terrible Lizard" ? Of course!



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That microtonal vocal line she keeps doing has been stuck inside my mind all day xD


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Sometimes I wish I was a girl lmao. So emotional.


Edited by Carl-Richard

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The song that made me get into death metal:


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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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This is the most insane Meshuggah song I've ever heard. It's quite literally insane.

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Heaviest classical piece performed on electric guitar.


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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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My favorite technical death metal instrumental song


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This is the tightest live performance of a guitar solo in technical death metal history:



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OMG why is this so good? xD


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See the progression from thrash metal to djent :D


Edited by Carl-Richard

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Metallica's heaviest song from 1986 remixed and remastered to sound even heavier.


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Opeth isn't the only band from the 90s and early 00s that mixed progressive metal and extreme metal influences. Dan Swanö of Edge Of Sanity could be considered the progenitor of the style. But of course, Dan Swanö has a lot of ties to Opeth, as he is Swedish as well. He mixed some of their albums, collaborated with Mikael Akerfeldt on a few songs, and also plays in Bloodbath (oldschool death metal band) where Mikael also played.



Edited by Carl-Richard

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Ron Jarzombek was a technical metal innovator in his earlier years, and more recently, he has taken some novel approaches to songwriting similar to Meshuggah by starting from specific limitations.

In this album, his melodies follow a type of serialism seen in modern classical composers, which gives off this mentally unstable vibe, as the goal is to have no single note that can be identified as the root note. He also wrote the songs as scores for different scenes from horror movies, so seeing those scenes together with the music, coupled with the unsettling tonal nature and the extreme metal soundscape, truly makes this an especially deranged piece of metal music.




Edited by Carl-Richard

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Probably the only Death Metal song where you can hear (almost) all the lyrics. Probably the catchiest one too.


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NO WAY! He did the solo in Konnakol:



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"Exivious" is, to many ears a through and through instrumental jazz-fusion album. Unlike Cynic, a technical death metal band with jazz influence, Exivious has become a jazz band influenced by technical death metal.


Cynic is one of my favorite bands, and when I discovered Exivious some years ago, it was a bit too jazzy for me to really understand, but then over the years, as I've listened to more jazz fusion (like Allan Holdsworth, who is in a way beyond jazz if you ask me, but anyways), when I went back to Exivious, I fell in love. The psychedelic atmosphere, the picked jazz chords, the technical metal riffs, the daring tone choices, the musicianship; everything is just :x



Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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