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Is sex the most important aspect of life ?

65 posts in this topic

Air, water, food, and shelter are all more important than sex. You'll be fine if you never have sex, albeit not the happiest person in the world. You'll die if you never have air, water, food, and shelter.

 but I think it's more important for everyone to realize that you can live without sex. There's a shocking number of virgins who must have the Cotard delusion, because they think you'll die without sex, despite having survived without it for many years.

Some cultures and religions make sex as big deal, but all human and animals in this world do sex to breed their genaration and keep their kind, it's totally normal thing on earth, because of sex human kind keep growing without vanished, so sex is not big deal.

The people who want you to believe that sex is important (and everyone’s doing it, and it’s normal, and anyone who tries to get you to stop is wrong, etc…) have an agenda. They are either trying to make money from you, or justify their own behavior by convincing themselves that everyone else is the same way.

Eventually, most people grow out of it. Sex becomes just one of many things you enjoy, and it’s definitely not the most important one. There’s a lot more enjoyment and importance in, say, spending quality time with your family, paying bills and being financially stable, planning for your future, etc

You know ..I like to believe that life is about much more than banging hot chicks . But that's just me 

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You're spending way too much time ruminating about this.

Sure, you won't die from lack of sex, but seems like you care too much about it till the point of writing a whole thread saying how sex is not important.

Kinda contradictory :D

It won't hurt you to have sex, even though it's not the most important thing in life.

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@Federico del pueblo i just gotta get rid of my  desperate mindest . Someone told me lately that you aren't getting it precisely because you are chasing it so much . It's what's known as the reverse rule . Seek it less..and you will get it more .  How do you think about this ?

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

True :P

Yeah. No offense though. You'll get there. And then these threads like this one will probably disappear.

12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You know ..I like to believe that life is about much more than banging hot chicks . But that's just me

Yeah, that's a good attitude though!

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3 minutes ago, somegirl said:

You're spending way too much time ruminating about this.

Sure, you won't die from lack of sex, but seems like you care too much about it till the point of writing a whole thread saying how sex is not important.

Kinda contradictory :D

It won't hurt you to have sex, even though it's not the most important thing in life.

When I was in my 16 in puberty age I just loved sex!
I would think about sex in the morning, afternoon and evening. I would love to watch porno flicks, I would talk about sex and I would eagerly wait for sexual encounters to happen with girls.

In fact, my dream was to have one million girl-friends, be the most desired man and have sex with thousands of women.

Alas….how times change.

Today, at the age of 25, I  constantly ask myself “Were you seriously a playboy or were you lying about it?”

Do you know why?

Because today sex is no longer important to me. My sexual appetite has decreased to such a level - I only think about for 5 minutes. Yup - 5 minutes and I am done.

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@Federico del pueblo I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with my threads on the dating section lately.  Its just that I'm a single dude with not much friends who likes to mentally masturbate about all kinds of stuff.  And what is better than sex to talk about?  Do you got better topic? xD

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Who get´s to define what´s important? If sex is important to you it´s important to you, if it´s not it´s not. We all want to get love in our way and I think it´s important to be humble about the fact that we all have different needs and hangups in our system. What is the most imprtant thing to a herion addict? Herion. Is it the answer to their healing? definitly not. Yet it´s still important to acknowledge that Herion is what´s most important for them, otherwise we per definiton can´t understand them and help them. The same goes for guys who are fixated with sex. Will it fullfill them? No. Do they have to figure out themselves? yes.

Is sex fucking important? Yeah, and if not for you or me, it is for them.  Lying about our needs, is not spiritual - its ignorance and even per definiton untruthfullness to yourself.

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Someone told me lately that you aren't getting it precisely because you are chasing it so much . It's what's known as the reverse rule . Seek it less..and you will get it more .  How do you think about this ?

It is true but it won't work for you as a strategy.

Only once you're good enough with women that attracting them is kinda effortless, then you will see this principle at play (working in your favour).

For a beginner it can be a misleading mindset because it might cause you to think that you should just be standing in a night club with sunglasses looking cool and like you're not even trying... won't work!

Once you can easily talk to women then you can also just have fun and maybe attract some women like this (because you look so non-needy).

Also if you have other hobbies that you're passionate about and girls can see you do it, this can be attractive because you look so immersed and like you don't need anything else.

But if you're not good yet with girls then you have to try!

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7 minutes ago, somegirl said:

You're spending way too much time ruminating about this.

Sure, you won't die from lack of sex, but seems like you care too much about it till the point of writing a whole thread saying how sex is not important.

Kinda contradictory :D

It won't hurt you to have sex, even though it's not the most important thing in life.

This is exactly what I was thinking reading this

Look dude, I’m pretty sure you want sex. You said yourself you wanted it super bad when you were younger

If those desires go unsatisfied it’s not healthy for you as a man, don’t repress your sexuality

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2 minutes ago, SamC said:

Who get´s to define what´s important? If sex is important to you it´s important to you, if it´s not it´s not. We all want to get love in our way and I think it´s important to be humble about the fact that we all have different needs and hangups in our system. What is the most imprtant thing to a herion addict? Herion. Is it the answer to their healing? definitly not. Yet it´s still important to acknowledge that Herion is what´s most important for them, otherwise we per definiton can´t understand them and help them. The same goes for guys who are fixated with sex. Will it fullfill them? No. Do they have to figure out themselves? yes.

Is sex fucking important? Yeah, and if not for you or me, it is for them. 

In our modern era today..I think it's important to most people. However I don't think it should be the number one necessity to live a good life or to even live any kind of life  .

I know that sex is biological need just like food. But we can surpass that need just like on fasting day we fast and still be happy.
When one gets higher pleasure he can surpass lower pleasure. We find so many sadhus, saints and great people they are happy and satisfied without having sex.
Essentially we are not this body but soul, when soul is in connection with supersoul he is happy just like fish feels comfortable in the association with ocean or water.

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2 minutes ago, something_else said:

This is exactly what I was thinking reading this

Look dude, I’m pretty sure you want sex. You said yourself you wanted it super bad when you were younger

If those desires go unsatisfied it’s not healthy for you as a man, don’t repress your sexuality

But I know as a fact that I'm not getting any sex in less than five years.  I have a university degree to finish and I have to find a job with a decent salary to afford for a marriage or serious relationship.

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

In our modern era today..I think it's important to most people. However I don't think it should be the number one necessity to live a good life or to even live any kind of life  .

I know that sex is biological need just like food. But we can surpass that need just like on fasting day we fast and still be happy.
When one gets higher pleasure he can surpass lower pleasure. We find so many sadhus, saints and great people they are happy and satisfied without having sex.
Essentially we are not this body but soul, when soul is in connection with supersoul he is happy just like fish feels comfortable in the association with ocean or water.

For sure and I agree with that but i´ts only true from that perspective. If you are a typical horny dude that is unable to get sex and a girlfriend it will make you miserable, and that´s not because it will fullfill you. It´s that you belive you need it to be fullfilled that is the problem but you won´t realize it untill you have it.  Don´t kid  yourself. Go for what you want shamlessly instead. If you want sex and see it as your highest desire, fucking pursue it bro.

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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It's definitely something one can transcend, I think I'm getting pretty close. But the transcendence usually doesn't come from repression but rather consciously pursuing it for as long as you need.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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@Someone here nah don't worry. I just thought that the one liner of my first post pretty much summed up what you needed to hear :)

Anyway I contemplated 'your case' a little bit.

I think you should definitely consider doing a year abroad as a student, maybe somewhere in Europe. I see so many Asian students here and this would probably make getting laid a lot easier.

I mean you are good-looking too (if you're the guy in that one playback singing video), so if you're not limited by the conservative norms of your country you might have a much easier time.

I mean just think about it. 5 years until you can have sex and 1 woman for the rest of your life ?

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@Someone here

26 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Air, water, food, and shelter are all more important than sex. You'll be fine if you never have sex, albeit not the happiest person in the world. You'll die if you never have air, water, food, and shelter.

 but I think it's more important for everyone to realize that you can live without sex. There's a shocking number of virgins who must have the Cotard delusion, because they think you'll die without sex, despite having survived without it for many years.

Some cultures and religions make sex as big deal, but all human and animals in this world do sex to breed their genaration and keep their kind, it's totally normal thing on earth, because of sex human kind keep growing without vanished, so sex is not big deal.

The people who want you to believe that sex is important (and everyone’s doing it, and it’s normal, and anyone who tries to get you to stop is wrong, etc…) have an agenda. They are either trying to make money from you, or justify their own behavior by convincing themselves that everyone else is the same way.

Eventually, most people grow out of it. Sex becomes just one of many things you enjoy, and it’s definitely not the most important one. There’s a lot more enjoyment and importance in, say, spending quality time with your family, paying bills and being financially stable, planning for your future, etc

You know ..I like to believe that life is about much more than banging hot chicks . But that's just me 

   It depends on the person's value system, cognitive and moral development, psychology, personality type, states of being and life experiences so far. In context with sex, it depends on your sexuality, sexual orientation, gender role, intimate/dominant sex need, sex rate, your sex gonad and endocrine system, even genetics and body composition to determine if sex should or shouldn't be important to you. If you feel that sex has a more net negative to you to your body and mind, then to you you need to have less or work towards celibacy, but if you are having a net positive experience with sex, then maintain or slightly increase that sex rate until it's right for you.

   Although I'd suggest you to be more careful and manage that sex drive, because it can and does increase stress inside your body, if it's good with you then great.

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@Someone here

Sex is important. 

But your definition of sex seems very limited and contrived. Seems like  repression to me 

Are you very attached to religious philosophy? 

Normally sex is beautiful 

If you think sex is disgusting then work on your repression. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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7 minutes ago, SamC said:

For sure and I agree with that but i´ts only true from that perspective. If you are a typical horny dude that is unable to get sex and a girlfriend it will make you miserable, and that´s not because it will fullfill you. It´s that you belive you need it to be fullfilled that is the problem but you won´t realize it untill you have it.  Don´t kid  yourself. Go for what you want shamlessly instead. If you want sex and see it as your highest desire, fucking pursue it bro.

Do you know what the materialism perspective consider the point of human existence is? Despite what that motivational YouTube video or Instagram quote might have told you, it is not to “find yourself”. The point of life is to survive long enough to pass on your genetic material and have children. That’s where the drive to have sex comes from when we go through puberty. As one rises to adulthood, the drive to have sex increases and most people become extremely horny. This is our biological imperative.

On a personal level, sex is extremely pleasurable and can be very positive if you have lots of consensual sex with a partner whom you like.

Could I have been more productive in high school, college, and other times in my life if I completely ceased the pursuit of sex with girls? Sure, but I wasn't going to do that. I had the urge to get with chicks and like many other members of the animal kingdom, I did a lot of things (some of them very stupid) to attract female attention in hopes that would lead me to “close the deal”. I lifted weights and got huge, grew a thick full beard to signal virility and maturity, partied a lot, chatted up almost every hot girl I saw, but I'm still not satisfied .and I know that I won't ever be satisfied no matter how much sex I have.   Because happens lies completely beyond the animalistic desires of the body .or at least that's my perspective. 

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8 minutes ago, Federico del pueblo said:

@Someone here nah don't worry. I just thought that the one liner of my first post pretty much summed up what you needed to hear :)

Anyway I contemplated 'your case' a little bit.

I think you should definitely consider doing a year abroad as a student, maybe somewhere in Europe. I see so many Asian students here and this would probably make getting laid a lot easier.

I mean you are good-looking too (if you're the guy in that one playback singing video), so if you're not limited by the conservative norms of your country you might have a much easier time.

I mean just think about it. 5 years until you can have sex and 1 woman for the rest of your life ?

Yeah that definitely me bro ..thanks for the compliment also ^_^

I thought about that a lot .I'm currently living in Thailand where there's a lot of sluts and hookers .but I don't want to engage in mindless casual sex with poor girls who need money . That's against mny moral compass.  So I better wait for marriage .

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