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About ego backlash

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The last weeks were packed with awakenings and egoic mind deconstruction. 

So right now, I'm in a conscious ego backlash. I crave for anything distracting, arousing, mind fucking and entertaining. I nearly ate twice as much as usual. I fear that if I stop with this, the urge will just came back tomorrow even stronger. So right now I feel into this sensation of egoic craving and external fulfillment.

Any tips to integrate this sequence of consciousness even better?

Love you guys :x


Edited by Vynce

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Do the things you want consciously as you said, and do them a lot, so that it becomes shallow/boring/the meaninglessness of the cravings are felt, like you would get bored of your favourite song if you listened to it too much.

Then lie in bed for a few days and do not much at all, just sleep and rest there a lot, and allow yourself to be very lazy and unproductive for a couple of days. You will become bored sooner or later and then you can decide okay, now it's time to get back on track again. You go out for a run or do some yoga or workout or take a walk, something that energizes you. Then you start pursuing the meaningful things in your life again. 

The contrast of first doing the meaninglessness things and being bored and tired in bed compared to the energy you will get from the excercise and the fulfillment/meaningfulness you will get from getting back on your path will create a gravitational pull towards the things you should be doing and you will not be much interested in the more shallow cravings anymore.

This is how I like to do it, a reset. It's maybe not the quickest but it is a lot quicker than trying to surpress cravings and then getting stuck in a loop of evergrowing cravings that sooner or later take you over and keep you stuck for even longer.


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You said you're trying to distract yourself - inquire into what it is that you're trying to distract yourself from. Notice any emotions that might be lurking within you, whether it's anger, fear, grief, or whatever it may be.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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the work is 2 steps forward one step back, notice this embrace this relish this, just don't let it become one step forward 2 steps back

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