
INFP-T Witch Offering Tarot Readings and Metaphysical Advice! Come See :)

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What a weird synchronicity. Yesterday, right after I turned down your Tarot reading (because "fortune tellers spook me out"), I was watching this video where they were suddenly talking about synchronicities, and one of the guys started telling a story about a spooky synchronicity that involved a Tarot reading xD So maybe my apprehension was highly intuitive xD

1:31:09 - 1:36:13


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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15 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

Personality type: 50% INFJ 50% INFP - the results depend on what test I take, and differs between days. The general description makes me more INFP, but some common stereotypes INFJ. I do not know the model enough to decide wheter infj vs infp, so I say 50/50

Appearance - tall, blonde, blue eyes, I have gold circular glasses and ofc handsome B|

I would like to receive general advice about current energy, whatever comes up, also whether I should focus more on spiritual side and let go the material survival stuff or the other way around: pause the spiritual impulse and focus on material stuff first in the next couple of months.

Welcome to forum <3 

<33 thank you for the warm welcome!! I like how broad your request was, makes my readings much more simpler and up to interpretation like its supposed to be! I enjoy doing these :)


So, Current energy status, and spiritual side vs reality (not sure how to phrase it)

ill start with the first one....Current Energy Status! Answer? - Four of Cups (Reversed), The Chariot, The Sun....Explanation? Four of Cups (Reversed) - novelty, new direction, change ~~  The Chariot - war, triumph, vengance ~~ The Sun - contentment, fortune... my opinion? I believe that you;ve just renewed your energy? Whether that be you cleansed, you focused on yourself, or you have a newly stable connection with yourself! This seems to be going good, but i believe you may have had a hard time obtaining it? but i think you've definitely benefitted by it!


NOW FOR THE COMPLICATED ONE- to focus on the spiritual or material world? I'll be doing sort of a different fashion of this...i'd like to ask for assistance to the deity's i work with, and ill see what indication I get....Answers? Six of Pentacles, Two of Cups, Five of Pentacles (Reversed)....Explanation? Two of Cups -  love, passion, friendship, unity, concord ~~ Six of Pentacles -  presents, gifts, equality, justice, prosperity ~~ Five of Pentacles (Reversed) -  Disorder, Chaos, Ruin, discord... my opinion?
this was quite difficult to interpret as its a very broad question, but this is just my opinion....I believe you shouldn't focus on one of the other...there seems to be an equality happening when you can incorporate both of them into your daily life..... they seem to compliment each other in your case, and things csn run in disorder if you differ them from each other too much it seems, but this is just my opinion!!

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I don't know anything about this whatsoever, but it sounds like it could be fun. Why not.


Personality Type: INFJ

Appearance: 23 year old male. Lebanese. Tan, black hair. 5'10 and 180 pounds. In shape with some muscle

What I'd like a reading on: umm, I have no idea. How about love, since this is not something I experience outside of friends and family.


Edit: After going back and reading other responses, it seems I have to ask a more specific question. So... why is it that I'm not able to experience love in my life? Why do I engage in self-sabotaging behavior? Will this ever change for me?

Edited by GroovyGuru

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3 hours ago, xAkachan said:

I was excited when reading this one, I've been dying to do a reading on luck! Thank you for the encouragement on me doing this :)

Awesome! Thanks for the reading! It was pretty accurate and helpful! :) 

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Sorry I haven't been getting back to anybody! my comments have been broken and nothing was allowing me to chat :(

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@Razard86 telepathy is cheating the game of evolution. If you really think evolution would make this possible then every species would have the ability of telepathy. 

Sorry but from an evolutionary perspective this makes no sense. Telepathy would be everywhere. 

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8 minutes ago, OBEler said:

telepathy is cheating the game of evolution. If you really think evolution would make this possible then every species would have the ability of telepathy. 

Sorry but from an evolutionary perspective this makes no sense. Telepathy would be everywhere. 

From the premise of "telepathy is possible/real" the other premise of "Telepathy would be everywhere" doesn't necessarily follow, it only follows if you go with certain assumptions.

A very easy way to demonstrate this is by granting that telepathy requires a set of factors that are only satisfied at specific levels of evolution. More specifically, one could postulate that telepathy requires a certain level of cognitive complexity in order to be possible.

Under this view, we wouldn't expect telepathy to be everywhere.

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22 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Razard86 telepathy is cheating the game of evolution. If you really think evolution would make this possible then every species would have the ability of telepathy. 

Sorry but from an evolutionary perspective this makes no sense. Telepathy would be everywhere. 

Sure, let's derail this ancient thread with a debate on telepathy:

1. Telepathy does not have to "cheat evolution" but it could be limited in its scope and occurence just like any other sense or cognitive faculty.

2. Why do you think telepathy isn't already everywhere? Why do you think other species don't have telepathy?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Every species communicates via electromagnetic radiation. Each of your cells in the body communicates via electromagnetic radiation. This is because DNA is a fractal antennae. Humans are still discovering and developing the self-awareness of the communication that's always been going on in our relationships at the energetic level, in the same way that humans had to discover and develop self-awareness in general.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@tuku747 How many things are happening that I have no idea is happening? its too much information.

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7 hours ago, ambush said:

@xAkachan do you still do this?

The user last posted in 2022, but was last online 7 hours ago, which was when this old thread was revived. Interesting…

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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