
Urdhvareta or the Sublimation of Sexual Energy

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I wanted to write a bit on this rather esoteric concept. This is NFSW, so beware.

I want to avoid some of the gross exaggerations and fantastic claims of the scriptures, as well as the various hang-ups and taboos that will generally stop people and religious orders in particular to explore this topic.

Briefly, Urdhvareta is spiritual and physical process, by which sexual energies and in the case of men, semen is sublimated and made to flow upwards along the spine, so instead of its usual descent, it goes into ascent. For this to happen, Kundalini must pierce the various chakras and knots, until it pierces the Brahmarendra and reaches the crown.

Through various techniques and exercises, the lower abdominal muscles are sufficiently strengthened, so that one can experience a full body orgasm without ejaculation. The process is slightly different for women, in that they have the advantage of having the ability to experience such orgasms anyway, whilst normally there is no release of bodily fluids, though of course some women are capable of the latter as well. I have yet to meet a woman that will talk about this without inhibition, but from what I can gather, women on the tantric path are encouraged to have frequent orgasms in order to aid the process of Urdhvareta.

When Kundalini rises to the top and breaks through to the crown with sufficient force, the cosmic egg, or Hiranyagarbha is cracked and Soma or Amrita, a divine nectar is released and floods the brain and eventually the whole body. With Urdhvareta, the objective is to create a constant flow of semen / sexual energy from the lower abdominal area into the brain. This process of constant sublimation leads to the creation of the Divine Body or Sarupya Mukti. It is believed that a person with such a body becomes effectively immortal and will display the powers of a god. I would caution against taking such claims seriously, I believe much exaggeration and projection is involved. What seems to happen instead, is that a so-called light body is activated with the release of Amrita and that the process of Urdhvareta builds up this light body, slowly, over an entire lifetime. As the divine essence (ojas) is pumped up the spinal column and streams up mixed into the spinal fluid, it reaches the top of the head, where it will fall back as soma / amrita enabling the gradual building up of the light body or divine body. This will only fully activate and come into its own upon death. Tibetan Buddhism talks about a similar process in Dzogchen, where a rainbow body is built up through various practices and austerities.

The Left-Hand Path (Vama Marya) believes in using sex as a tool to sublimate sexual energy and semen and turn it into amrita. The Right-Hand path, which is the only one really accepted by the mainstream today, believes in achieving the same effect through strict celibacy, both in body and mind. Even sexual thoughts are forbidden. I won’t take sides in this eternal debate, except to point out that the Left-Hand path has been heavily suppressed in the past few centuries and is now near extinct, so they’re hardly in a position to defend their own views and argue for them on an equal footing. The Right-Hand path on the other hand seems to hold rather bigoted and rigid views, especially on sexuality, the sex organs and the role of women. To me, it seems they are unbalanced to the point of misogyny and denying the importance of sexuality in spirituality.

Not many know that up to the middle ages (in fact, in many ways, up to the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857), Indian views on the role of spirituality and sexuality where very different to today, but I guess the Victorians took care of that for generations to come. To give a few examples, Indian women in the South did not cover their torsoes before colonisation, which was also the case in Bali and Pacific Islands, like Tahiti. It was the Victorians that forced them to cover up. In North India, that happened earlier due to the influence of Islam. Another example would be the prevalence of Temple Prostitution and even tantric orgies. This, I believe now only happens in a handful of Indian temples today. Further examples are the existence of medieval sex manuals like the Ananga Ranga or Kama Sutra, which display a sophisticated understanding of sexual pleasure, still unmatched, but especially striking compared to the complete taboo status sex enjoyed in Victorian society and the ignorance with which such topics as the female orgasm were treated. In medieval and ancient India, it was common practice for couples to engage in tantric intercourse, which was very different from the kind of dynamic, hectic sex practiced today and was mostly about sinking into stillness and Samadhi in a meditative state. Very few people remember how to do this today, with perhaps Tibetan Buddhism being the last holdout of this ancient practice, but even there it is often hushed up and kept largely secret.


There are many beliefs around the topic of Urdhvareta, which are difficult or next to impossible to verify. Swami Muktananda believed that his ability to give Shaktipat was contingent upon his Urdhvareta status. Other Swamis believe that Urdhvareta is necessary to gain Brahmavidya or knowledge of the Supreme Truth and experience Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is a topic I wrote about in a previous post. Yet more others believe, that Urdhvareta is a necessary component not only of building a Divne Body (Sarupya Mukti), but also to gain divine power (Sarstya Mukti).


I cannot say how much of this is actually true, but perhaps some of it is rooted in reality. I often get the feeling that when Yogis experience something fantastical in a Samadhi state, they tend to describe it as if the event took place in physical reality, when most likely it was an astral experience, that they experienced in their astral body, perhaps even unaware of the distinction in an exalted state. I have some experience with this, ranging from astral projection, lucid dreaming, OBEs, NDEs and various Samadhi and non-dual states, so I can understand why it must sometime be difficult to distinguish between events that took place in an astral state (such as levitation or flying) from what actually took place in physical reality.


Instead, I will now concentrate on the process of Urdhvareta and describe it as best I can, as it takes place within my own body. I find that such first-person descriptions are the most useful.


Whilst Urdhvareta is a subtle, background process, focussing awareness on it can strengthen the flow and in meditation it becomes an integral part of the Kundalini Mechanism.


The starting point for the energy is always in the testicles, with the equivalent for women being the ovaries. When becoming conscious of it, the bottom of the testicles start to tingle. This is accompanied by a pumping motion, which is indistinguishable from that experienced during an ejaculatory orgasm. Heat, or what feels like a hot liquid substance is pumped through the base of the penis, with the energy coming from both sides, left and right and meeting there. This activity is independent of Kundalini. Whether there is sexual arousal, is dependent upon the position of the head of the Kundalini serpent. If it’s lodged in the first or second chakras, sexual arousal will be experienced. Once Kundalini moves past those lower centres, arousal dissipates and disappears completely at the higher centres. In an ideal case, the head of the serpent is lodged in the crown. Then, the starting point of the energy is in the testicles end the endpoint is at the Brahmarendra Bindu, at the top back part of the head. Ojas ascends along the spine into this Bindu, there it will turn around and fall back as Amrita or Soma (Nectar or Ambrosia to the Greeks). This is a hot, liquid substance made of light. Science now recognises this as the fifth state of matter, though it is not normally detectable to ordinary senses or even scientific instruments.


As Ojas is pumped up the spine, the strongest sensations arise at the bottom of the testicles, where the main energy flow enters the body, the toes, where supplementary energy is sucked up from the ground, through the earth element and the back of the head, where Ojas is turned into Ojas Shakti in the brain, which then exits the head at the bindu of brahmarendra, there it is turned into Amrita in the space above the head and it falls back as a Nectar of Divine Grace, in a motion resembling a fountain or a waterfall. During this process, the feelings experienced all over the body are exquisitely pleasant, comparable to sexual pleasure, but of a much higher order. The sensation at the top of the head is the most pleasant, almost indescribably sweet, though as Amrita spreads all over the body this ecstatic Joy and Bliss is experienced everywhere. With Amrita, divine Wisdom also enters the body and once receives downloads of information, flashes of realisation about the true nature of things and one’s own individual life situation. In this state, one is already in a lesser Samadhi state, though still inside the body, just opened up towards heavenly realms through the mouth of heaven atop the Brahmarendra. One might receive visions and communications from higher beings, such as Devas, guides, gurus or one’s own higher Self. With the mouth of heaven open and amrita flooding the body, one becomes naturally attractive to higher beings, who may wish to impart wisdom, blessings or just interact in some way. In such a state one may feel the touch of a Deva (god) which is exquisitely sweet. Blessings or boons can also be passed on, though these have to be offered by the Deva in question. At this level, no words or language exist, even thoughts cease in the ordinary sense, since one is no longer of mind. Communication is by direct knowing, touch and the transfer of energy, which can transmit great pockets of information, concepts, visions, images, ideas, without the use of language.


Ordinary thoughts cease in this state, instead of a stream of consciousness or linear thinking, knowing occurs in flashes of realisation. Ideas burst into one’s consciousness in an orgy of light and each download of information is accompanied by a highly orgasmic, joyful and blissful flash. Although one’s ego (ahamkara) is still present it is no longer the doer or the thinker, the reigns are handed over to the higher Self (Atman), as it were. The ego flails around helplessly, not really understanding what is happening to it and is swept away by the intensity of the experience and wave upon wave of orgasmic light energy. Similarly to an experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which usually only occurs once in a lifetime, the human mind is not capable of processing and returning with all the information that it realises in this lower Samadhi State. Some of it will be brought back, but it will always be an incomplete or lesser part of the whole picture. Therefore when in this Samadhi state, bringing back ideas is like fishing in an ocean of light, one can only bring back a few of the endless multitude of ideas and concepts available to the Self in an unending sea of consciousness.


A person is usually called an Urdhvareta, if they manage to internalise this process and create a permanent flow, accompanied by an unceasing Samadhi, though for any ordinary person with a job, family, etc… this would be highly impractical, so usually only great sages and gurus choose to dwell in it.

Nevertheless, once Urdhvareta has been established, a lesser flow, which works gently in the background can usually be maintained and this will build up a light body or divine body, slowly, over a lifetime.

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Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

On 01/06/2022 at 1:08 PM, Dumuzzi said:

This process of constant sublimation leads to the creation of the Divine Body or Sarupya Mukti. It is believed that a person with such a body becomes effectively immortal and will display the powers of a god. I would caution against taking such claims seriously, I believe much exaggeration and projection is involved.

It's not so much exaggeration and projection. The alchemists often talk about how the Great Work will bestow bodily immortality but if you read between the lines it is clear they really mean a spiritual liberation from death. As far as godly powers, these sound just like the Siddhis that many different paths can awaken.

On 01/06/2022 at 1:08 PM, Dumuzzi said:

I won’t take sides in this eternal debate, except to point out that the Left-Hand path has been heavily suppressed in the past few centuries and is now near extinct, so they’re hardly in a position to defend their own views and argue for them on an equal footing. The Right-Hand path on the other hand seems to hold rather bigoted and rigid views, especially on sexuality, the sex organs and the role of women. To me, it seems they are unbalanced to the point of misogyny and denying the importance of sexuality in spirituality.

Where are you talking about? I would say that in the West for at least the last century the Left-Hand Path has been dominant, particularly in spiritual circles. For example, in the striking year 1888 three foundational events of the New Age movement took place: Helena Blavatsky (a woman, like many other theosophists and new-age spiritualists) published her book The Secret Doctrine, which heavily emphasised an epistemology of direct experience and "channelling" as opposed to stifling scripture; the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was established, which held very "progressive" views about gender and facilitated the rise of famous adepts of the Left-Hand like Aleister Crowley; and Nietzsche published his final books The Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist (in a Christian context, how much more "left-handed" can you get?).

In a way, what I have just described is like the Victorian sexophobia that you go on to describe collapsing in on itself and giving birth to a peculiarly one-sided and thus profane fascination with sex that is very noticeable today.

On 01/06/2022 at 1:08 PM, Dumuzzi said:

I often get the feeling that when Yogis experience something fantastical in a Samadhi state, they tend to describe it as if the event took place in physical reality, when most likely it was an astral experience, that they experienced in their astral body, perhaps even unaware of the distinction in an exalted state. I have some experience with this, ranging from astral projection, lucid dreaming, OBEs, NDEs and various Samadhi and non-dual states, so I can understand why it must sometime be difficult to distinguish between events that took place in an astral state (such as levitation or flying) from what actually took place in physical reality.

Yes, but there are many reports from very varied sources of levitation, walking on water and other such things really taking place. After all, the Awakened One has conquered the dream of life, it is only natural that they will have a certain power over it!

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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@Oeaohoo Some siddhis are real, but when dealing with religion and spirituality in an Indian context, much exaggeration and magical thinking is involved. 

I would put bodily immortality in that category. None of the famous masters were particularly long-lived and many suffered from major health issues. Observing the effects of Kundalini on my own health, it is more of a drag than a boon. It puts considerable strain on the body for an evolutionary purpose, but that in itself takes a toll. 

The suppression of LHP is meant mostly in an Eastern context. A few centuries ago, it was a lot more widespread and was at least tolerated. These days it is pretty much disdained and mainstream Hindus, Buddhists, Jains would abolish it if they could. But, even in the West, whilst things have progressed since the age of Inquisition and Witch-Hunts, it's still far from penetrating the mainstream, it remains a fringe phenomenon compared to traditional religions and churches. 

Regarding levitation, I remain sceptical. I've heard second-hand accounts of it myself, but in the age of camera-phones, how come there isn't a single video of it?

Perhaps it does happen, but it must be extremely rare. However, when you are in your astral body, you levitate, float and fly without difficulty, so I have a hunch that most self-reported accounts of levitation are actually from astral experiences.

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5 hours ago, Dumuzzi said:

The suppression of LHP is meant mostly in an Eastern context. A few centuries ago, it was a lot more widespread and was at least tolerated. These days it is pretty much disdained and mainstream Hindus, Buddhists, Jains would abolish it if they could. But, even in the West, whilst things have progressed since the age of Inquisition and Witch-Hunts, it's still far from penetrating the mainstream, it remains a fringe phenomenon compared to traditional religions and churches. 

That’s a shame. Do you think this is entirely from Western influence? It could be that these age-old institutions sense they are losing their power and influence to modernity and so are clamping down on everything which is not strictly in line with orthodoxy. I would imagine it is also because they think that such practices would lead to them not being taken seriously on the new "world stage". I sometimes imagine in the future a humorously inverted situation where us Westerners have fully regressed to ape-men and the civilised Orient is forced to come and rescue us. Not that the Hindus and such were really uncivilised anyway.

As far as it not having penetrated the mainstream in the West, I would have to disagree: a music video of a gay black man lap-dancing for Satan now has nearly 500 million views; one of the most popular current artists “Megan Thee Stallion” brought out a compilation of her music called “Something for Thee Hotties” (a lame pun on the burning heat of Hell), on the cover of which she can be seen dressed as the Devil; the now world-famous UK artist Jorja Smith sings in one of her hit singles: “See, my little waist can make you switch sides / You never know the devil in a disguise”, the chorus of which goes: “Be honest, you want this / I can be heartless regardless of my conscience”… I could go on all day but you get the point!

These are just the latest examples too. Satanism, the cult of the body and the society of the sex obsession have been gradually on the rise in the West for decades, while in the West traditional religion is increasingly forgotten and openly mocked. "Piss Christ" won an award for the visual arts in the American South! To be fair, I don’t think any of this can even be called a Left-Hand Path, because it all leads nowhere. It only leads to that vortex of nihilism and hedonism which could truly be called a “bottomless pit”... Anyway, sorry to hijack your post with these sad irrelevancies!

You’re probably right about Siddhis and such and my experience of Kundalini has also been quite damaging to the physical body. However, demanding proof of that sort is not necessarily appropriate. Why would an enlightened person reveal their power to someone with such intentions? It would likely attract a lot of the wrong sorts of people, those who are impressed by flash and spectacle rather than the truth and God. Besides, if pictures did emerge today most would likely think they had been photoshopped.

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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That’s a shame. Do you think this is entirely from Western influence?

Could be. India has gotten a lot more sexually repressed and "traditional" in terms of its spiritual traditions since colonial rule. The British cracked down on a lot of LHP traditions that were seen as unacceptable, rightly so, in my view. The best known one is probably the Thugee cult, immortalised in the Indiana Jones movies. They sacrificed over a million people to the Goddess Kali over 400 years. A British officer managed to infiltrate them (they operated as a secret society, with most unaware of the scale of their crimes) and wrapped up their whole operation. Some Tantric priests will still sacrifice children to Kali today, although it's super-illegal of course. Mostly, they do goats today, which is acceptable to the authorities. 

Re. satanism and blasphemy in pop culture - I do not consider that Left-Hand Path personally, it's mostly a reaction to centuries of repression by Christianity, but has very little to do with true LHP traditions. Those are largely lost and have been recreated from bits and pieces here and there. They are often a gross misunderstanding of LHP principles. To me, the only authentic, unbroken LHP tradition out there is tantra and even that is often heavily misunderstood and sensationalised. For instance, the use of sex as a tool of sublimation of gross energies and converting them into higher-vibrational spiritual ones is a sacred and holy process, not some frivolous exercise of pleasure-seeking.

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