
What is leo guras meta ethical framework?

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Hello. Can someone tell me what leos meta ethical framework is please? If he hasnt explicitily stated  what framework he mostly subscribes to(i couldnt find the answer in his videos),

which category do you think his beliefs mesh best with?

Is he a consequentialist? If so is he a 

1) Utalitarian- believes that the maximizing of wellbeing for the most amount of sentient life is the goal

Or a 

2) ethical egoist-believes the maximizing of only leo guras well being  is the goal?

Since leo is a solipsist, and as stated in his videos , he believes that other avatars cannot really feel pleasure and pain. Doesnt it make most sense for him to be an ethical egoist?

Or is he a deontologist(ethical theory that states that the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action)- after watching leos relativism and "what is goodness " videos i highly doubt leo is a deontologist

I also dont think he is a virtue ethisict.

What do you guys think he aligns mostly with?

-Since he is a solipsist, if i had to bet i would say he is an ethical egoist. 

Id also love to know what meta ethical framework any of you mostly subsribe to

Edited by Ineedanswers

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He definitely has traits of an ethical egoist due to his personality plus the solipsistic tendencies. But he also has empathy, compassion, which prevents him from harming other people too much. He also understands goodness as a principle of being Godlike, so there are multiple facets at play. One side of him is the human side that goes by biological instinct and desire as well as his personal goals, and the other is rooted in some higher understanding of Truth. However, none of this is explainable perfectly by formalized models of morality since he does not subscribe to ethical egoism as a philosophy and probably doesn't believe in utilitarianism as a hard rule. He most likely has morality from his heart (emotionally, compassionately) and from Truth while not adhering to some strict elaborated code, all whilst following generalizing virtuous ideas like "wisdom" or "integrity" or whatever else.

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His typical answer will be " morality is imaginary."

Judging by how he acts in his videos...

Leo has showed his ethical positions in a couple of ways. I would say his is a mix of a utilitarian and a consequentialist. He applies this both individually and collectively. In many ways his spiritual pursuits look like egoism. Meanwhile he mentioned that he does not want to stay in the carnivore diet for ethical reasons.

1. He tells his audience that they have a collective responsibility with psychedelics, arguing that if we misuse them, then society will demonize them, slowing the expansion of consciousness and spiritual awakening. This makes him sound a bit like a utilitarian who bases ethics on consequences. He also weighs the criminal penalties in his decision to use psychedelics.

2. A similar example is when he uses the example "oh morality is relative so I can rob a bank and it's not evil." He points out that there are consequences and you will be punished by your fellow humans if not God.  Leo never says these actions are evil in any sense, but they are not in one's own favor or In the collective's favor.

3. The closest thing to an ethical egoist would be his pursuit of awakening. He goes off on his own away from everybody to seek love, truth, and selflessness, but paradoxically this is very selfish. Leo has experienced levels of awakening that allow him to forgive himself if he sets of a nuclear bomb and kills billions of people. In this case forgiveness is good for Leo, but not for humanity.

The reason Leo seems so selfish in this last example is because his pursuit of selflessness goes full circle, making it identical to selfishness like a psychopath who becomes a mass murderer with no shame, yet Leo forgives himself out of love while arguing that guilt is not a very resourceful emotion.

This makes it seem like Leo's position is "morality is imaginary."

Typing this makes me feel like I should love myself more. It sounds very powerful.

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I think he likes to help others as  much as possible while enjoying life himself. I think this is the best attitude.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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When you awaken the only ethic becomes aligning yourself with God's infinite intelligence.

And then the only question is how selfless can you stand to be to align yourself with that.

It's nothing personal and it's nothing human. And it makes no difference whether you do it or not.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What is morality? What is the purpose of morality? What is the purpose of its purpose? Nobody gives me an answer I really understand 

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On 6/1/2022 at 11:48 PM, MusicalMillipede said:

What is morality? What is the purpose of morality? What is the purpose of its purpose? Nobody gives me an answer I really understand 


Morality is an imaginary constructed belief system designed to serve the survival an individual or collective identity.

For example, murder does not serve our survival, therefore a common moral idea is "killing is wrong." This easily become a an expression of our emotions and fears when survival drives our entire ability to reason. Notice for example your emotions when you imagine someone pointing a gun at your head and saying "morality is relative." Your emotions could easily hijack your reasoning, this turning our rationality into another survival strategy. Hence morality is often designed to control undesired behaviors.

Common collective moralities include nations and religions. Homosexuality is held in a strongly negative view because these people do not fit the traditional Christian ideology of God creating Adam and Eve. In this case what is being survived is a collective ideology when it's morality is made law. This is neither good nor bad per say, this is another expression of survival. In the case of a nation, you can look at patriotism and war. Soldiers in any country are put in a positive light as propaganda and described as brave. It serves the survival of a country to win a war, hence it must control the moral narrative as our national identity is survived.

Other examples include suicide bombers today and during world war 2. In these cases, what is being survived is a collective identity whether religious or national. It can come at the cost of an individual sacrificing himself, believing that he is a hero.

In truth, you are creating good and evil by imagining that it is so. A belief system is like the glasses you put on that makes reality seem a certain way to you. I encourage to look at yourself when you start rationalizing, and you will see what I mean. 

There is an even deeper truth that everybody is good, but this is beyond the scope of this question. It is such a beautiful thing to realize that it will be left in tears as you forgive everyone because you realize that there is no evil to forgive. Your essential nature is love and it is the source of healing, peace, and joy as you align yourself with your true nature.

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@trenton I think I understand better. Hopefully one day I can get on that level and let go of the stuff I can’t seem to forgive people for. I’m very far away mentally from accomplishing something like that though

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13 hours ago, MusicalMillipede said:

@trenton I think I understand better. Hopefully one day I can get on that level and let go of the stuff I can’t seem to forgive people for. I’m very far away mentally from accomplishing something like that though


Welcome to the club!

One of the reasons I am the quiet type is because I am afraid of what people would think of me if they knew some of the horrible things I actually think. This leads to me having a lot of judgements toward myself as I instinctively try to hide everything that could embarrass me.

The things which would embarrass me the most are all of my judgements which reveal the arrogance and pride of my ego. I can see how these judgements boomerang and ultimately lead to some form of hypocrisy. So if I stay quiet, then I won't embarrass myself. The problem is that it makes me very socially awkward. Basically, on the inside I feel like I am superior to other people, but this conflicts with my logical mind that tells me there is a million ways in which this attitude could backfire. Maybe this is partially OCD.

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@trenton Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm embarrassed of just about everything about myself. I'd say I'm embarrassed that I exist


Edited by MusicalMillipede
Sent too early

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