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The multi orgasmic man book

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I'm currently reading the multi orgasmic man book by mantak chia. Tbh it's kinda complicated and long and boring .and so technical and difficult to understand.  If anyone has read the book ..can you give me a brief summary of how to achieve multiple orgasms and also non-ejaculatory orgasms and full body orgasms .because  i find these possibilities interesting. But I'm not quite sure how to do it .

So if anyone have read the book ..can you give me a brief list of the gist of the techniques mentioned in the book ? And also if there are similar books out there but more simple than this one would be appreciated. 

Thanks .

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my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I haven't read the book but the only method I'm aware of is Kegel exercises and squeezing your Kegel muscles really hard when you're about to orgasm. 

The muscle you press out when you pee, or pull in when you have to pee really bad and are trying to hold it in. Squeeze it in for a few seconds like 20x in a row. Start off once a day and build up to more reps and more sessions each day and holding it for longer. Don't overdo it right away or it'll be painful.

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9 hours ago, Yarco said:

I haven't read the book but the only method I'm aware of is Kegel exercises and squeezing your Kegel muscles really hard when you're about to orgasm. 

The muscle you press out when you pee, or pull in when you have to pee really bad and are trying to hold it in. Squeeze it in for a few seconds like 20x in a row. Start off once a day and build up to more reps and more sessions each day and holding it for longer. Don't overdo it right away or it'll be painful.

So I need to tense this muscle right before I cum and that will give me non-ejaculatory orgasm? Or more potent orgasms or what exactly? 

I also heard that Kegel exercises strengthen it true? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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