
Describe Kundalini energy

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I always thought Kundalini was some ridiculous spiritual woo-woo, but the more I’ve been reading, I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve actually been experiencing Kundalini at various times over the past year. 

Would love to hear others’ direct experiences of Kundalini energy to compare notes.

How would you describe it? Thanks in advance.


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Kundalini is the physical manifestation of Shakti so it feels like the feminine aspect of transcendence. The experiences that I particularly associate with Kundalini are experiences of release and liberation. It is a very impractical, ungrounding and destabilising force if not balanced with masculine energy, which I don't feel I have quite succeeded in doing. There is a famous Hindu story of a woman who is so beautiful that everybody who sees her turns into a woman! It is a bit like that.

I got into Kundalini Yoga because I heard it was particularly potent and wanted a direct ticket out of "clown world". It is very effective, to the point that it has made me a bit of a "girl-in-a-boy's body". I find it almost impossible to do anything I don't want to do anymore. Mundane tasks are much more difficult but I can absorb information intuitively - "grok", as they say - much more quickly than I ever could before. It's like you trade in your bodily life for a spiritual one. I think this is why it is known as being dangerous and is not recommended; if I had a family or serious responsibilities I think it would be very difficult to maintain them, if I would even still want to.

It can have some peculiar bodily side effects: it has somewhat screwed up my digestive system (very gurgly) and sometimes I feel very tired. Immunity is very much weaker than it used to be. I feel an almost constant sense of cooking in my lower back and a subtle vibrating in what the Arab mystics called "the eye of the heart", the ajna-chakra as it is generally known. The bodily vibrations can be a bit annoying and in the early days it could be quite sickly-sweet and overwhelming. But all of this is pervaded by a sense of peace, blissfulness and freedom.

Probably best to avoid it unless you know what you're doing or you don't care if it goes wrong!

Edited by Oeaohoo

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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This song, plus synchronicity, and the ability to communicate with a primordial energy that offers you more creativity and expression:


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Thanks for the insights. I don't think what I'm experiencing is Kundalini in that case. Mine feels more like moderate anxiety, dread and a certain lively buzziness. It comes in waves and spikes a couple of times a day. Started shortly after a massive dose psychedelic trip a year ago in which I beheld God / infinity.

Every so often, vague recollections of the sheer magnitude of that trip seem to sit just at the edge of my awareness, stirring these indescribable feelings.

Edited by axiom


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Yes, this is one of the dangers of psychedelics. You have opened the door to God, now he's coming for you whether you like it or not! Obviously infinity is a threat to your normal identity, hence the anxiety and dread. Lively buzziness sounds a bit more like Kundalini though.

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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This is what I’m getting at re the dread:


Edited by axiom


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This sounds very similar to my own experience. What you are describing sounds like the process of surrendering to God; if your path ends up being like mine, you will probably find that Kundalini comes more active once this process is complete. This is why, for example, the alchemical process ends in red rather than white: once you have achieved the integration with God - the “coniunctio” and the white stone, as it was known - the final phase is known as the “Red Work”, in which this impassible divine presence is brought down through the lower centres of the spiritual body so as to neutralise any remaining karmic attachments.

He who bathes in the light of Oeaohoo will never be deceived by the veil of Mâyâ. 

Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

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There are a number of good books on the subject and hundreds of youtube videos, some of them made by me :)

K energy is not easy to describe as it is such an unusual experience, most people have no frame of reference to understand and explain it.

However, serpent imagery seems to be a constant across cultures and that is a good way to explain it. When the energy moves inside you, it does in fact feel like a serpent wriggling inside you, it even turns and churns like a serpent would.

There are many more sensations associated with Kundalini, such as a sensation of heat and light, first at the base of the spine and later along the whole spine as the energy moves up. 

Chakras get activated one after the other, their spinning is also a curious sensation, hard to explain, easily understood, once experienced. 

When blocks and knots are reached their is constriction, when they are broken, passed or cleared, there is huge relief. Pressure builds up before each particular block and knot, this can at times be painful. There is also a rhythmic pulsating sensation. There are neurological effects as well. 

When K breaks through to the crown chakra it feels like it is physically breaking through the skull and it is accompanied by a sound of a bone breaking. Them Amrita (liquid light) comes rushing in, with a roaring sound, like that of a waterfall.

The sensation of blinding, all-encompassing light is overwhelming. All throughout, there is a sexual element to K, sexual arousal and full-body orgasms are experienced in stages and in ever increasing waves. After each wave, the arousal dissipates and the sexual energy gets transmuted and absorbed into the K stream. 

When K breaks through, Hiranyagarbha (the cosmic egg) breaks, the body is flooded with Amrita, the light body is activated and consciousness leaves the body to experience Nirvakalpa Samadhi or Nirvana, a feeling of complete Oneness and non-duality, in a boundless, universal state where the soul feels omniscient and omnipotent, encompasing everything there is.

Upon return, only a fraction of the boundless knowledge available in Nirvakalpa is brought back.

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