
If people are being mean to you in their journal, please block them.

153 posts in this topic

The journalling section can really trigger people too because a lot of people are opening up their heart and soul and when people spit on that people will overreact.  


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13 minutes ago, Loba said:

This place has a really crappy environment caused by people who should have been banned a long time ago.

Is their behavior also environmentally caused?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard Could be, depends on what they say is the cause.

Some people are like indestructible. 
I view them as someone with a monotone voice and not much "soul".
But how long should a person put up with it?  This is one of the most heartless, soulless venues I've ever witnessed.
There was a time when it was more unified, back in 2016-2018 and then it just went down.

I've been looking for another place with as niche of a subject matter but the only other place has the same quality of people.
Reddit is a mixed bag, but the salvia and witchesvspatriarchy subreddits seem to have the right vibe - the main problem with them is they are designed to consume.  So it has to be quick, like a meme or song, so the soul gets left out of the mixture.

I doubt anyone has ever actually gone through one of my journal entries from start to finish with an open mind - so I write for myself.

My lesson here, if someone's in trouble here, I'll just let them drown.

I waste my time, which is not plentiful, and could be spent on learning, which is what all these little spats get in the way of.
The bitchiness is absolutely justified, I've never had the awful feeling in my gut on any other forum, I have a tattoo of my old, old forum, darkness, of a raven a friend made and we all met up - I bought tickets for two people and myself to go, and 40 of us met and it was amazing 3 days.  It is this environment.  

My old joint had none of... this.  This is like, no one really likes one another, it's a haven for incels and NPD to gather pitiful energy supplies for their various problems, where year after year there is no growth, no one really counts on one another here or knows one another on a genuine level.

Aside from my journal - this place doesn't offer anything of substance.  And I have had experience with better communities to compare and contrast.  If some of these people were on my old forum, they would have been banned long ago.  There needs to be stricter standards of what is tolerated and what isn't, and quite frankly, stalking people should be on that list.

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37 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

The Piagetian correlate to Stage Blue.

Where though? I don't see it.

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1 hour ago, Loba said:

Could be, depends on what they say is the cause.

It's quite obvious that it's environmentally caused, or that the individuals and the environment are entangled. It's the first point of my "thesis" here (1.1), namely that it's generally not a simple problem caused by one individual or one action (linear causality), but rather a complex systemic problem (cyclical causality). 

On the other hand, my solution, is actually an individual one, but as a result of acknowledging the systemic factors: it's up to the individuals themselves to make the change that they desire every time they click the report button, which is to block or stop reading journals of people they don't like, stop contributing to the mess.

The solution is individual responsibility because the moderators are supposed to deal with simple problems with linear causality as defined by the guidelines, something which minimizes ambiguity and bias, and preserves the trust of the moderators. We're not family therapy counselors. All we can really do in this context is provide encouragement, which was the purpose of this thread.

Although, maybe in the future, I'll consider enforcing mutual blocking using warning points on a case-by-case basis, which is also commensurate with the systemic problems: avoiding individual solution => perpetuation of collective problem => collective punishment / coerced individual solution. I'll have to contemplate how authoritarian that truly is.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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19 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Where though? I don't see it.


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Honestly I have not stalked anyone. It's an absolute ridiculous claim from deluded brains. 

By that definition everyone is stalking each other here. So many people visit my profile every 5 minutes and write an awful amount of personal stuff about me to others. Then even that should be considered stalking? 

All I ever did was take his profile picture of the Devi. You know why? Because I liked the Devi picture and I was fascinated by it and at the time he had no profile picture. So I thought it would be okay to use it since he doesn't need it. Then we had a squabble over the journal. I had found the journal title funny so when he deleted the journal, I thought of playfully teasing him with a similar name. Honestly at that point there wasn't much bitterness between us so I wasn't taking our fights seriously and that was the reason I had that journal, just to kinda tease him(I wasn't trying to ridicule him). He took it so damn seriously and said that he would kill himself. Over what really??

So when I came back to the forum and saw all the drama go down, I was honestly taken aback and I immediately deleted the journal and removed that profile picture. 

That was it and this girl went around calling me a stalker without getting to know the whole story because she loves to blame me and get between people's conflicts and then likes to blame the environment. 

The next time too.. When me and him had a fight, I was being playful (because I hadn't developed enough hate for him to completely discard all connection) and so as a way to tease him I had the pendant/necklace picture on. I thought he would be cool with it because I had used it before and he was cool with it. I even told him that I wasn't trying to harass him, just doing it fun. 

He even agreed that he doesn't care so it gave a false impression. Because clearly he doesn't have proper communication. Then when I realized that he might be upset, I immediately took down that picture as well. 

Now I have written about the Dragon many times before. I have evidence of this. I was flipping through my old journals and I came across a journal that I written almost a year ago about dragons and many people had Congratulated me on it and said they had liked it. 

That journal was called Dragon Energy. 

Here it is. 


This is long before even knowing this person who made the Dragon post that he keeps talking about. 

When I saw that journal, I thought I would revive something around the concept of Dragon again and with that intent in mind I decided to start a Dragon journal again. I did not think of that guy's post at all, I swear to God, I did not think about him even once while making that journal 


The funny part is that for a so called open minded place such as this and this guy who constantly talks psychedelics, Devi snf love, he cannot take another person on the forum writing about a Dragon. Does he hold some kind of copyright or patent on the word Dragon? That nobody else is supposed to use it?  So because he talked about the Dragon, nobody else can? 

I was immediately called a stalker after I created the journal.. I was like wtf? Everyone has creative freedom, they can use whatever title they want. THAT'S NOT CALLED STALKING. stop the pitiful victimhood over fucking petty nonsense like titles. I did not even have the same title. It was a different title from his post. But he so likes to portray this image that I'm stalking him lol. And he used this woman (who cares so much about environment) to start a war against me. To be fair he did not even tell her to come at me. This was all her plan. We wouldn't even have this conversation if she hadn't started shit here (her audacity to blame the environment when she started shit by writing stalking in bold letters, this is the same woman who said she never wants any drama or doesn't time for it) 

Now for all the people on the forum. If you were stalked by someone, wouldn't you feel threatened by that person or some sort of discomfort around that stalker? Would you be on their threads? Would there be a chance that you would to make things worse by purposely engaging your stalker lol? 

This guy who loves to bicker around the forum that I'm a stalker appeared and commented on my threads. Wow. Definitely scared of a stalker lol. 

There's evidence for this too. 



Surprise Surprise!!!!!! A person who is so concerned about me stalking them is perfectly comfortable with replying to my threads lol. I guess the stalking isn't bothering them enough to avoid me altogether. 

Not only that. 

Just yesterday the person so scared of my stalking decided to talk about something related to me. Now everyone on the forum knows I have BPD. So far I'm the only one. 

So this guy starts a thread directly about my mental condition. I don't think there's BPD in his family. So what was this thread for? About me? 

So they can freely demonize my mental condition lol but I'm the ummmm. Stalker. 


A person who truly wishes to be left alone, why would they be bothered about my mental condition, why drag me into their equation again by making indirect references to me? And then play victim that I'm doing something to them. How about not bothering me at all from their end? 

Does he enjoy being stalked? Maybe a possibility since he cannot stop talking about his stalker lol? Neither can he avoid his dangerous stalker. Or maybe the whole dreamt up idea of being stalked is too tantalizing to resist?? "a girl on the forum is stalking me omg." Even when I repeatedly said that I wasn't stalking and wasn't interested. 

Regarding the whole bipolar thing. My mother is Bipolar.  I'm trying to fucking understand the disorder so I can handle my relationship with her in better ways 

But as you all know. Everything I do has to be about him right??? Since I am this dangerous malicious stalker omg. So he even made the bipolar thing about him. 

I have to tear my hair out trying to prove that I am not stalking him. To be honest I feel like I'm the one who is being stalked in all fairness. Because everything I do, he takes it all to be about himself, his stupid paranoia because he just loves to be a victim of my supposed stalking 

Enough of this pathetic drama.. 

This girl started it who is always sitting on a high horse judging others 


And that fucking Benton dude. I'm stalking him only in his deluded dreams. I have absolutely nothing to do with that person. He can do whatever he wants and keep fantasizing that I'm stalking him. 





Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Talk about triggering me to the point of insanity and then labeling me a stalker. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India No matter how many points anyone makes about the specifics, it only provides additional confirmation to my understanding that it's a systemic problem, and the solution will remain in accordance with that.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

@Preety_India No matter how many points anyone makes about the specifics, it only provides additional confirmation to my understanding that it's a systemic problem, and the solution will remain in accordance with that.

I provided my points. If that dude again complains about me, do what's necessary because I'm fed up with and tired of all these stupid petty  complaints from so called highly spiritually matured people. 

Give warnings to both me and him because I'm tired of his gossiping and conflict 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Just now, Preety_India said:

I provided my points. If that dude again complains about me, do what's necessary because I'm fed up with and tired of all these stupid petty  complaints from so called highly spiritually matured people. 

Points are the problem :) 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Carl-Richard said:

Points are the problem :) 

I'm really frustrated with all this unnecessary complaining. I have no time to joke in all sincerity 


When I did try to joke, it was given a negative twist and called stalking. 

Enough and done with this thread. 

So called busy people however keep commenting on this. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Carl-Richard There are users who clearly create conflict if you watch. Preety usually keeps to herself and wants to grow. 


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4 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

@Carl-Richard There are users who clearly create conflict if you watch. Preety usually keeps to herself and wants to grow. 

Thank you so much 

@Aleister Crowleyy to be honest I'm the coolest person you know. If I don't get along with someone I let them have their way. 

I even talked to people who have repeatedly fought with me. These people even called for my ban, not once but several times. Even then I accepted them back. 

I'm all for fun and joking about things. But some people either say hurtful personal things as a joke and on the other hand there are people who just won't let go like people on this thread, who want to pick on something about me and keep repeating it forever like a broken record till I'm driven insane. 

At some point if someone accused you of stalking them and you defended yourself and they keep accusing, I mean you will reach your breaking point defending yourself. 

This is like someone is accusing you of stealing stuff in a shop when all you did was simply touch the stuff 

I'm still trying to stay calm under the pressure of these useless accusations. 

All of this simply because I started a journal with the title Dragon. 

I don't even know whether I should laugh or cry 


It's just so annoyingly absurd.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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29 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

There are users who clearly create conflict if you watch.

Ask them personally whether they think that.

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@Carl-Richard Telling people they are intellectually disabled is not exteme to you? Calling someone a 'parasite' does not appear as bullying to you? There are levels to this thing.  


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9 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

@Carl-Richard Telling people they are intellectually disabled is not exteme to you? Calling someone a 'parasite' does not appear as bullying to you? There are levels to this thing.  

If you see something that is against the guidelines, report the person. You want to revolutionize moderation? Write your own thread or debunk mine.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I wouldn't even care to defend myself honestly, if there was at least a modicum of respect. 

But here I am.... against my wish. 

I just wish love from the bottom of my heart. Nothing more nothing less. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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7 hours ago, Loba said:

I doubt anyone has ever actually gone through one of my journal entries from start to finish with an open mind - so I write for myself.


Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Carl, I have a question - do you keep report history available?  Because that chick was goading me and the other dude into an argument nearly the whole day.  I had reported those before asking my question here, and they were removed by either the girl or a mod, but I am not sure by who.  This chick isn't some innocent bystander or anything like that, she surmised I was talking with someone by following them, and me around on this website and then started freaking out about it.

Do these reports allow mods to see the whole picture before adding confusion to the fray?

@Knowledge Hoarder Not so, try reading my recent journal entries, they're all about alchemical transformation, I use energy work to bring peace onto planet earth, you know very little about me.  Now might be a good time to inform yourself.  Or don't, I don't care one way or the other.  Also, reported and blocked, goodbye little kid.

@Gesundheit2   Thanks Ges.  That actually means a lot to me.  I feel that once they're done, they're pretty well-rounded and thought out but I was wondering if at the end of the day it was just a hobby for myself and only myself.

Edited by Loba

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