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A little critique to Leo's style on the forum

90 posts in this topic

That actually is precisely the reason why I love his approach on the forum.

Some of his amazing insights are actually on the forum. The level of Love given and consistency always surprises me.

This is not it is

People ask lazy questions that have already been answered or that are shallow or egotistic and they cry when response is given. 

One of the most useful and greatly moderated forum ever.

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11 minutes ago, TRUTHWITHCAPITALT said:

That actually is precisely the reason why I love his approach on the forum.

Some of his amazing insights are actually on the forum. The level of Love given and consistency always surprises me.

This is not it is

People ask lazy questions that have already been answered or that are shallow or egotistic and they cry when response is given. 

One of the most useful and greatly moderated forum ever.

Yea people sometimes make stupid threads but why does Leo not show compassion to his followers when some of them make a stupid post.

You see the poster doesn't think of his post as stupid, otherwise he would not post it. But it's only stupid from Leo's pov . I suffered from this myself. Often Leo locks my threads and leave Me an insult or at least a bad toned comment. Why is that?  Is it necessary? Is it gonna help the user grow?

legit guru has compassion for the person they're triggering and is there to help them integrate things afterward.  A fake guru just wants to one-up others and feel superior like a narcissist does and will drop the person they triggered due to lack of genuine compassion or interest in helping that person.  A fake guru is thinking about themselves, shoring up their own sense of absent self-worth and significance, by faking to be above others any way they can get away with. 

I'm not saying Leo is like that .but sometimes he really shock me with his irresponsible attitude towards some members here .including me.


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@Someone here You are hurt. I get that. This should make you realize you're more or less on your own with this work. Whatever you do get from this forum is to be treated like a bonus, if you start to see it that way the hurt should start to fade. 

Before I became active on this forum the only resource I really had were therapists, and there were lots of problems with it, mostly the fact that it could never lead to any real connection. Maybe because of that I feel like this space gave much more freedom for self-expression and reaching out to like-minded people that I could never get from therapy. 

Try to focus more on your own growth and journey, it does not need to be validated or invalidated by anyone else here. Any camaraderie that arises is a gift. ?

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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4 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Don't act entitled. We're lucky that he's even participating here and engaging with all this nonsense.

I'm real sorry buddy. (Do tell if I'm projecting here) But if you hate this place so much, you hate Leo so much, that all you do is complain and act in this smirky-passive-aggressive way, in all your comments. Why spend your time here so much? Why even bother? If your standards are so high, why not be the light in the world that you want to see? And stop pestering others to do it for you?

I'm not bashing or cornering you, I'm doing this for your own good. Look at yourself and set your patterns free, and live life the way you want to live.
If you are addicted to this forum, well then that is another thing. But realize that Reality is just a mirror and that you see what you really are and give out. Flip that way of looking at everything, and you will quickly realize how fast things change for the better. (Of course this applies to us all, especially me :x)

@Someone here I would advise you to find your own compass and let go of relying on Leo so much. Find your own bliss and follow that. Be unique in your own way and let that blossom in your own reality.

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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@puporing im not "hurt " . I'm just making some observations about Leo's toxic behaviour in this forum . With hope that he might read some of it and change his ways in the future in a more compassionate way .

Me being on My own?  The honest answer is that I do not care. These experiences(awakenings )are some of the most significant moments in Leo's life and that's good enough for me, I do not need some new-age or science based answer to validate them. clearly there is something biological going on, but clearly that isn't the alpha and omega of the story. In this regard its a lot like having sex with someone you love, yes there is something happening biologically but there is also something playing out in emotional and psychological realm .

Imo Leo must connect emotionally with his followers not just intellectual.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Often Leo locks my threads and leave Me an insult or at least a bad toned comment.

Lol. "Often"? That's absolutely not true.

You start like a thousand threads every week, and I have rarely (if at all) seen any of your threads getting locked. But even if it is true, consider it collateral damage for your overall activity here. You know, if you post 100 posts and get criticism on 5 of them, then that's not a bad thing. Really just normal. If you're sensitive like that, then I would suggest that you rule out working in sales, because in reality the sale rate will be the inverse of that at best.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 minute ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Lol. "Often"? That's absolutely not true.

You start like a thousand threads every week, and I have rarely (if at all) seen any of your threads getting locked. But even if it is true, consider it collateral damage for your overall activity here. You know, if you post 100 posts and get criticism on 5 of them, then that's not a bad thing. Really just normal. If you're sensitive like that, then I would suggest that you rule out working in sales, because in reality the sale rate will be the inverse of that at best.

So he is punishing me for starting so many threads ? Is there a rule in the guidelines about how many threads you could start in a week ? I don't think so 

Yes I do post a lot but I always try to make sure that my posts are decent enough and high quality.  The last post Leo locked of mine was "can a man made computer become conscious?". The thread was awesome and people were sharing so many interesting views on the subjects and it continued for 9 or 10 pages .and then all the sudden leo came in and started "solipsizing " and repeat "only you can become conscious, nobody else " and then when I disagreed with him he locked the thread and accused me of spreading nonsense and wasting his time .

I mean I'm OK with locking threads . This place needs moderation. But I disagree with the insult that always follows locking a thread.  That is completely unnecessary and just hurts the user's feeling and make him feel like shit . Why does Leo not work on changing that ?

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Accessing and embodying are two very different things. 

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@Someone here He has warned in a post and the blog video recently that if you're fundamentally not pursuing the work that he teaches he is not going to tolerate that. Because that kind of post on AI consciousness would be considered derailing from the work he is teaching. That's why the off topic section exists and is not considered part of the work. If people kept pushing a materialist narrative or one that shifts the focus away from their own growth and awakenings it will get shut down because that is at odds with the work here. When a thread gets locked it's usually for derailing from the work; low effort; against forum guidelines; and/or getting out of hand with argumentations

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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@puporing again like I said im not against locking threads. It's his forum after all and he can lock whatever he finds distracting from the"real work". But my main objection is the Insults that always follow a lock. 

So instead of saying "stop your mental masturbation or I'm gonna kick your ass outta here '.

....he can say "this is distracting from the real work. Please make more decent posts in the future "

You see the difference?  

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@Someone here Ok I get you now. Yeah that's a fair critique I would say. Especially if you didn't see it coming.

Next time when you make a post just anticipate it getting locked with a nasty comment, that will help you grow. No biggie. ;) 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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34 minutes ago, puporing said:

Next time when you make a post just anticipate it getting locked with a nasty comment, that will help you grow. No biggie. ;)

Don't worry..I have become an expert in what turns Leo off .so I can avoid my posts being locked in the future :)

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Ok addressing your points one by one. 

I think we all agree that Leo on YouTube is not Leo in the forum.  He doesn't show more than 10% of his actual potential and intelligence and intellectual capacity as you see him on YouTube talking for 3 hours straight about the most complicated topics. 

I want to understand why?  Why Leo doesn't put much effort in his replies instead of these shorts nuggets that he throw here and there.  Its rare to find Leo replying in more than 5 lines .

also his somewhat arrogant an non- compassionate style.  I hate it when Leo locks a thread and then leave the last post an insult to the OP and say something along the lines " watch out or I will kick you out of here ". Like why use this tone with your followers and supporters (almost everyone here loves and supports Leo and his work ,otherwise they wouldn't be here).

I don't resonate with Leo's content on his forum . He doesn't engage people in the forum other than a short message and in  most times its about pick up . It seems he doesn't embody his own teachings and is more so intellectualizing them. He's a genius in my view, but doesn't embody nor engage his questioners on a level that Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira would. 

@Leo Gura I hope you can clarify a bit your attitude towards this forum and your fans.

thank you 

  • It takes a huge deal of time and effort to create a productive and substantive YouTube video. 
  • He doesn't have much time to devote to the forum because he got bigger fish to fry. Most of our issues are already addressed in many of his videos 
  • He is an introvert. He will limit his communication as much as possible because communicating can be very draining to introverts, unlike extroverts. 
  • He is not insulting the OP  he is only telling them what's not acceptable 
  • Loving Leo does not mean taking advantage of his generosity. That's not real love 
  • He does not have an obligation to interact with every person on the forum. That would be extremely taxing on his energy. 
  • He has little patience because he got too many things on his plate 
  • He is human and has human flaws. He doesn't put on a Saint mantle. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

@puporing again like I said im not against locking threads. It's his forum after all and he can lock whatever he finds distracting from the"real work". But my main objection is the Insults that always follow a lock. 

So instead of saying "stop your mental masturbation or I'm gonna kick your ass outta here '.

....he can say "this is distracting from the real work. Please make more decent posts in the future "

You see the difference?  

This, I agree with. Though, I don't mind it being said to me.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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5 minutes ago, Preety_India said:
  • It takes a huge deal of time and effort to create a productive and substantive YouTube video. 
  • He doesn't have much time to devote to the forum because he got bigger fish to fry. Most of our issues are already addressed in many of his videos 
  • He is an introvert. He will limit his communication as much as possible because communicating can be very draining to introverts, unlike extroverts. 
  • He is not insulting the OP  he is only telling them what's not acceptable 
  • Loving Leo does not mean taking advantage of his generosity. That's not real love 
  • He does not have an obligation to interact with every person on the forum. That would be extremely taxing on his energy. 
  • He has little patience because he got too many things on his plate 
  • He is human and has human flaws. He doesn't put on a Saint mantle. 

 He's being doing YouTube videos for more than 10 years now . He is definitely got used to it and became second nature to do.  And you can compare his old videos and his new videos and  see the difference in confidence and coherence etc.

He literally have over 30k posts. How can you say he has no time for the forum ? He participate almost every day. 

and No... he sometimes straight our insult people. Calling them imbeciles and whatnot .this happend with the user @Gesundheit2 when he disagreed with him about "love" .

I know that Some people here  show arrogance but maybe a communication can have value beyond the individual that is doing it, regardless of how it sounds. People confuse the person with the communication, and think that since they dislike the person, then the communication is false or unworthy. That includes believing in him because you like the teacher or how the communication sounds.

The point is to watch out for Leo's self-bias and to be open. It’s more about getting yourself (your biases, preferences, etc.) out of the equation as much as possible.


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@Someone here enough. 

This thread is.... 



Useless debate. I'm out. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Vincent S Thank you for the feedback :x I'll reflect on it and make the proper adjustments.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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It's because he's an INTJ.  This is how NiTe operates.  I made a whole thread about it in the off-topic section a few weeks ago.

Leo doesn't care about exploring ideas, or discussing ideas just for their own sake.  He's very direct and practical.  He'll tell you how to get laid, and will give you exact instructions on how to wake up as God.  Everything else is unimportant to him.  And if you complain about his attitude, why would he care?  He's an Fi user.  He doesn't want/need anyone here to like him.

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16 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

@Vincent S Thank you for the feedback :x I'll reflect on it and make the proper adjustments.

Thank you for being open to yourself ;)

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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15 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

It's because he's an INTJ

What's INTJ?

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