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The loop of knowing you are nothing, and the ego self

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Everyone is inherently nothing, that is what you call consciousness. Your character dies, the entire content within that nothingness that you call "you" vanishes. The nothingness can't go anywhere obviously, because it is already nothing...

When recognizing that you are the nothingness, and that if any other things are aware in apparent space they too are inherently nothingness, then you wonder why if you are the same nothing you are stuck "in this body" so to speak.

Conversely, when you realize your entire character is an appearance taking place within that nothingness, you wonder what it is experientially like to cease to exist, as you then are identifying as the character... You already know what it's like for your character to die as it happens every monent. Nothingness remains. But it seems to remain within the same character from each character's knowledge......

We are all it fundamentally, we are all appearing in it, it IS nothing (that I know is the case) and it therefore has no border. Only things can and do have borders... Actually each vision we have is limited and has a border. The text on this screen is limited, it's black shapes. To appear here it has to be black and not white. That is one of countless borders which make up this moment... There can never be infinity AND something else, so these limited things must be divisions within itself. It is impossible for them to be outside because if something was outside of infinity, infinity would have a boundary. Which is impossible in nothingness AKA consciousness.

We are one of these divisions surely... The sense of continuation maintained by a mind trick, consisting of memory, etc. Where do those limited things go when they end? I was having a thought an hour ago, and that thought is now gone... If it has ceased to be, it has become nothing... And consciousness IS nothing, so that thought must be reintegrated with the same nothing that is currently watching my fingers type these words.

When the last moment of our character ends, it will surely go to that same nothing just like the moment hours before this one did. But where will we find ourselves then?....... Each dead person instantaneously reaches the end of the universe, like how when undergoing surgery you instantly arrive many hours later in the recovery room, and so at the final moment of each character, it should all be together immediately at the total collapse of the universe... Back into itself like a reverse big bang and then back out? I am not sure... These are puzzling things indeed.

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On 5/29/2022 at 0:45 PM, RMQualtrough said:

and so at the final moment of each character, it should all be together immediately at the total collapse of the universe... Back into itself like a reverse big bang and then back out?

Yeah that's definitely how some unity experiences can appear, but let me be more clear about what I'm talking about:

It's as if the births of every character (who has ever lived or will ever live) collectively resolve into the Big Bang, and the deaths of every character resolve into the Big Crunch. More importantly, the same goes for the births and deaths (arising's and passing's) of every sensation. It's the experience of a more expanded ego or God-mind. Ketamine has a tendency to reveal it actually. But in the end, nothing arises or passes, and there's no real timeline, so it's not God-realization or enlightenment. But it's a very profound experience.

Edited by The0Self

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55 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Yeah that's definitely how some unity experiences can appear, but let me be more clear about what I'm talking about:

It's as if the births of every character (who has ever lived or will ever live) collectively resolve into the Big Bang, and the deaths of every character resolve into the Big Crunch. More importantly, the same goes for the births and deaths (arising's and passing's) of every sensation. It's the experience of a more expanded ego or God-mind. Ketamine has a tendency to reveal it actually. But in the end, nothing arises or passes, and there's no real timeline, so it's not God-realization or enlightenment. But it's a very profound experience.

If the universe does indeed ever collapse. If it does then of course inevitably we """wake up""" as the one singular nothing. I don't think that could happen as something we actually realize because nothing without thingness being necessitated isn't possible. So I don't think there will be an "a-ha!"

But if we imagine there is a brief moment in a big crunch where we do recognize... Just as a thought experiment. ALL of us will feel that it is OUR own consciousness that has remained. Even though it is all of us. So I say that """waking up""" for real would feel like waking from a dream, where the same awareness seems continuous. As opposed to say, another character's consciousness from within that dream waking up and leaving you in oblivion. It will always feel like it's continuous you. I'm explaining shittily. But it will be EXACTLY as if nobody else ever existed. It will FEEL like literal subjective solipsism was the case, even if it wasn't (and I think it is not). If you see what I mean?????

Edited by RMQualtrough

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On 5/29/2022 at 11:45 AM, RMQualtrough said:

Everyone is inherently nothing

Yup, and there's no one that knows's an illusion of self! ?

Death is already the case because no one was actually really alive.

& something that isn't real, cannot die.

It could be said that when the body dies, the illusion of self dies with it but again it wasn't real from the start...... which is already the case.

What a trip right?  ?





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Waking up is like what’s happening is all there is for everyone, except there is no everyone, there’s just what’s happening, and nothing is even happening without mind, and there is no mind.

There are no objects. And there’s even no need to be aware of objects for this to be exactly as it is.

Edited by The0Self

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