
Feeling a strong emotion for the rest of the day after waking up from a dream?

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A couple of years ago I had a dream that  I woke up from feeling a strong emotion for the rest of the day that I'm not sure what it was.  

I believe that the details of the dream are not very important but the general idea of the dream is the following:

I was a child, I had a female friend that I was playing with, in the end, she was lying in the hospital, a black hole appeared on her face and I woke up. :)

the feeling was very peaceful and loving but still not sure about that. what is that?

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I've experienced something similar, dreams can create indescribable emotions and weird states of mind. I hung onto that emotion for the rest of the day simply because of how interesting it felt.

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@Osaid yea but I feel like it says something about me, idk 


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12 minutes ago, YeahIam said:

yea but I feel like it says something about me

Probably, dreams are hard to decipher IME though

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