
Best and Worst Dreams You've Ever Had?

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Best dreams and most nightmarish horrors you've had while asleep. What are they?

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I dreamed there was a demon, she looked like a little girl, she had the power to destroy the world so I had to keep her happy (sort of like that Twilight Zone ep with the cornfield right?)... So this demon asks me "do you love me?" I had to lie of course and say "yes".

Then it became evident the question was sort of mocking really. Then the demon asked me to show her how much I loved her and stripped. The demon was a little girl with hairy legs, she then said the name of my dead mother and began to masturbate over her death while smirking or laughing or some shit.

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Once I was able to choose on a screen which of my past lives I would like to see. When I chose one, I lived as a princess in a beautiful palace and lay in my husband's arms. The love I felt for this man surpasses anything imaginable. Then someone came into our room and discussed something with my husband for a while, when the man left my husband came back to me. We looked into each other's eyes and I realized something wasn't quite right and a few moments later he started gasping and blood was coming out of his mouth. He stayed totally calm, calmed me down and told me what to do to save our child. He died in my arms and I woke up crying and cried my eyes out for a while afterwards.

That was my most beautiful dream. It showed me that no matter how much suffering I experience, it's all worth it to experience this.

I think the worst was when I had sleep paralysis and a demon came into my room to rape me or whatever...


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One of my best dreams, oddly enough started out with a thought prior to me falling asleep that must have triggered this dream that I am about to share. The thought was that I didn't think I could actually fall in love with someone anymore. It was not a sad thought or anything, it was more like a realization that dawned on me before going to sleep.

It was a very short dream of a scenario where a serial killer had a woman as a hostage, in some kind of ruin a few floors high. I somehow rescued her, and was shortly thereafter lying with my head in her lap, in a empty park at night, so madly in love with eachother. More in love than I ever felt before irl. I then slowly faded out of that dream with a gentle but distant beeping sound that felt like some kind of distant signal while coming back to earth. I could even feel holding her hand as I slowly  faded into waking up. It sounds strange, but it felt like I "woke back" into waking up here irl. So going from that dream reality, into this reality dream. The dream itself was like a short sweet reminder of the capability of that romantic love stil is very real and possible.

Edited by ZzzleepingBear

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Dreaming of the elder gods is never fun. Dystopian nightmares and so on...

Putting that to the side, I have had some amazing mystical dreams. From impossible sexual fantasies being lived, to worlds straight out of fantasy stories. Sometimes I even receive messages. Here is one of my favorite dreams, that I happened to log in my dream journal:

The System
9/11/19: I have a very lucid astral dream experience. One of my guides speaks to me in whispers as I feel a great pressure in my spine. She whispers to me reassurance and speaks about the “mysteries of the universe”, while saying that I will live in an ecstatic and wonderfully detailed world. I feel her rubbing my feet and grounding me. I tell her “It sucks I have to be in the system”, she then says “Your true will has spoken”.


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6 minutes ago, Benton said:

Once I dreamt I was on a forum talking to myself.

But I was pretending to be other people.

Just a dream.

Wow.  I had a very similar experience. Except everyone was Leo and then God. And it wasn't a dream.  


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On 2.6.2020 at 3:49 AM, Carl-Richard said:

4 years ago, back when I was addicted to weed, I went for a week without smoking. The result was the most intense dream I've ever had. I still remember everything to this day:

I was in a space ship circling a dark planet with earth-like conditions. Everything was going fine, but suddenly we were starting to have technical problems. Me and three other friends were in the ship and we had no idea what to do as we slowly started to breach the atmosphere and the ship starting to shake violently and speeding up.

As we were hurdling down towards the surface engulfed in a ball of fire struggling to make a controlled landing, thinking we were all going to die, we survived the crash. Now, for what felt like atleast 300 years of being alive, we were stuck in a Hunger Games esque situation where we had to fight for our life to survive, creating tools, hunting animals and building progressively better types of shelter on this completely alien, dark and night-ridden planet.

After a while, our tools became very advanced and we discover new types of technology, effectively creating a new civilization with divine standards of living. As this new world was flourishing and I had the time to relax, I decided to sit down and just marvel at the beauty of it all, and then I was struck by this incredible insight:

Everything that had happened up to that point was just one part of an infinite series of simulated realities made by aliens for the purpose of creating new types of technology by exploiting the creative potential of the human mind. As this all dawned on me, I wake up in my bed (still inside the dream), and I start scribbling down notes about what happened, even drawing the insides of the space ship that crashed. Then I actually wake up for real, and all I could say to my self was: "....What... the... fuck...."

It was so intense that I actually struggled with accepting that my waking life was my real life for a moment. I've never tried Salvia, but the feeling I was left with after waking up certainly reminded me of those types of descriptions (of having lived an entire lifetime in an alternate reality).

I just wanted to write this down somewhere after all this time :)


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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12 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

Once I was able to choose on a screen which of my past lives I would like to see. When I chose one, I lived as a princess in a beautiful palace and lay in my husband's arms. The love I felt for this man surpasses anything imaginable. Then someone came into our room and discussed something with my husband for a while, when the man left my husband came back to me. We looked into each other's eyes and I realized something wasn't quite right and a few moments later he started gasping and blood was coming out of his mouth. He stayed totally calm, calmed me down and told me what to do to save our child. He died in my arms and I woke up crying and cried my eyes out for a while afterwards.

That was my most beautiful dream. It showed me that no matter how much suffering I experience, it's all worth it to experience this.

I think the worst was when I had sleep paralysis and a demon came into my room to rape me or whatever...


This might be the funniest went into so much detail on your first dream and then mentioned the last one like an afterthought. LOL

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Benton Thank you. 

Yes, I figured out later that that was what I was conscious of. It's crazy that enlightened masters are possibly aware of that all the time and have learnt how to process everything properly.


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2 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

@Benton Thanks for the compliment. 

When people say our awareness is not high enough I use to take it as a low down insult. After I took a psychedelic my awareness skyrocketed and I was like "So this is what they mean!!" So yeah your awareness is not high enough. Your awareness is just a state, for example if you take some weed you get high that is a form of awareness. When you are sleepy that is a form of awareness. If you are bleeding and about to pass out THAT is a form of awareness etc.. 

There are states of awareness you can reach....where the TRUE nature of reality is revealed.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 I see what you mean.  

I think people should just be careful when assuming baseline when it comes to 'mental disorders' and schizophrenia.

I think that would be my baseline if I wasn't medicated. Otherwise I would permanently see others as myself. It s only distorted due to inexperience. People have to be allowed to breathe and grow. The road isn't sparklingly clean.  


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This happened recently, two nights ago. I was in the car with my grandfather, probably on something because he was candidly embarrassing to talk to. He promised me we were in the right place, then proceeded to tell everyone in public i was on drugs. I stopped him by choking him out in elbow lock. I killed him. Realizing what I just did, I walked into the diner I was at. Convinced it was my last moment a free man, I walked up to the hottest girl there, then realized it was a dream. I wanted to be kind to my dream projections, because when I fuck them I usually notice they have attitude. I just confessed, "I just wanna tell you my penis is very hard rn." Right before we proceeded to fuck, I saw the Holy Mother Mary leaving the diner. It wasn't the murder that caused her to flee, it was just me, immediately desiring sex after murder. 

Needless to say, I prayed the rosary today.

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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14 minutes ago, Benton said:

@Proserpina So in other words you don't think your baseline is very high right now.

Wherever you are is fine. Just remember that you are not in the highest state of awareness and you are interpreting your experience thusly.

You can take or leave my advice. It's fine.

If you have a love for God and a good heart it shouldn't matter how supposedly transcendent you are or how high you apparently are.  You can sit on your high horse of spiritual superiority but I see through it.  

These mystical states don't always mean everything.  


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I had a dream where I was in a city where all the buildings were old and looked like they were taken from the countryside. Slowly chased by some entity, it was always far away and occluded. The thing told me it was my friend, but that he would get me. 

Then I "woke up" and its face was right above mine, It looked melted its eyes were glowing red and the glare from the light weaved into a pattern. And I laughed because he told me he was going to get me and he did. :D? Then I fully woke up and was left confused with a headache. 

This is the only interesting dream I can remember. I would not say it was good or bad, I never felt fear during the dream it was just weird. It sure was an experience tho lol.

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I was a spider that was radially/symmetrically being stabbed by 6(ish) knifes from the sides. The knifes injected me with small spider hatchlings/eggs that were to be rapidly hatched.

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Plenty of good and bad and neutral, but I don't remember most of them.

One I remember had the character of a past life experience. I was shot in the head outside some house that seemed to be far away from the rest of society (seemed to maybe be on or near mountains). As soon as I was hit, I immediately lost all motor control (in the dream) and went still and fell, and then started hearing a loud ringing and my vision became reddish-black and faded out. And then I woke up in bed sweating. It wasn't even that bad, though I'd imagine some would find it pretty scary, but nonetheless it's one that I remember.

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Falling into the abyss. That dream was lucid.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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