
How to start learning about business, finance and money in general?

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I dont have clue what is money or how to make business anything.

Im 17. 

What books should i read to get something to understand?

Edited by ShardMare

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Here are some.

They are mostly about investing and aspects connected to investing. 

But that also will teach you how to think about money. 

Rich dad, poor dad

The richest man in Babylon

Think and grow rich

The psychology of money

One up on Wall Street

All very good, but the two first are particularly easy/fun reads as they are using storytelling, might be a good start. 

Edited by Eph75

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I don't know if learning about business in general will be very useful. It's like if you wanted to learn to sing, dance, and act in general. It's a bunch of different disciplines that you really need to study on their own.

Start off just asking questions and then watching Youtube videos to learn the answers. What is money, what is the history of money, what does fiat currency mean, how is money created, what is fractional reserve banking, what is the Federal Reserve.

To start making money or starting a business you can look up stuff like best job for teenagers, how to make money as a teenager, investing for beginners, how to buy stocks, how to make money on youtube (or whatever you're interested in), how to write a book, etc.

As you look up this stuff you'll probably find a few channels that you like which keep coming up over and over. That's probably a good sign to subscribe to them and watch all of their videos if you're finding them useful and educational.

Be aware that in the finance and self-help space there are lots of scammers. And it's also possible for people to provide lots of helpful information but still be scammers or trying to take advantage of you.

If you just want general exposure to business stuff, put on any business TV news channel (they are the ones with the stock tickers running across the bottom 24/7), or watch Dave Ramsey on Youtube.

Go to the website for your local community college, look at their business course and it should have a list of all the classes you have to take to graduate. Write those down and start researching each of those topics on your own. Math, writing, how to use microsoft office, human resources, marketing, accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, business law, operations management. Then once you study those, find one you like the most and really master it.

Edited by Yarco

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I advise not to depend on "self help" books.

They can be good starting points.

Ultimately, even the classics that are regarded as "good" aren't really that good. For example, learning politics, one might say Machiavelli's books are good. No. 

You've got to read a wide range of books and videos to really get an understanding. I don't know if schools succeed in helping students do exactly this. 

Anyway, critical thinking needs to take place for you to really understand business, finances, or money. And no one person, even like a Warren Buffet, will know what business, money really is. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses in understanding what those really are, even a Warren Buffet. 

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The best way is to just start generating ideas for making money, and then trying to build them. You will encounter lots of failure at first, but if you don't quit eventually you will start getting some success and you will learn a lot in the process. As you're doing that you can supplement with books and online courses. There are so many courses on business and marketing it's obscene. Many of them are over-priced and scammy, but there are some very good courses out there. Avoid the get-rich-quick-schemes. No course will tell you how to make your business. Only you can invent that.

I have a few really good videos on my blog and in my catalogue about small business advice and how to start a businesses. Make sure you watch those. I gave very crucial advice and tips that will save you years of hassle.

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The Millionaire Fastlane is the top 1 book on business.

Just cut-out the social commentary part on why blacks are poor, it's terrible, and focus on the business advice. It's really sad that the author has decided to mix his weak politcal understanding of socio-economical issues with gold, down-to-earth entrepreneurship guidance.

I mean, his concept somewhat corelates to Spiral Dynamics stages: Red (Sidewalk), Blue (Slowlane) and Orange (Fastlane), but obviously mixes everything that is neither Orange or Blue as Red, so everything conscious is Sidewalk.

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