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Would a supermajority of Democrats in both chambers of Congress be useless?

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TYT keeps being incredibly frustrated with the Democrats “Doing Nothing"



Cenk and Ana recently said that even if the Democrats had a supermajority of Democrats in both chambers of Congress or even if the entire Congress was made up of 100% democratic US senators and 100% US House of Representatives, the Democrats would get "nothing done" at all because they have become feckless and corrupted these days that they have no longer been willing to fight for the working class, the middle class, women, black, and brown, or for any of downtrodden folk in America.

How accurate is that?

Edited by Hardkill

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I think they would get a ton of stuff done. Just not to help the groups you've mentioned xD Helping their corrupt buddies get even richer. Both sides do that when given the chance.

I think politics for the near future is going to be people getting disenchanted with one side, then electing the other as a majority. Then remembering the other side is just as bad and flopping back again, over and over.

You can do whatever you want but it might just get undone in 4 years. Look at all the executive orders Biden signed undoing Trump stuff on his first day. I think that's the new norm going forward. You just undo all your rivals work and start over on your own agenda again every term.

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18 hours ago, Yarco said:

I think they would get a ton of stuff done. Just not to help the groups you've mentioned xD Helping their corrupt buddies get even richer. Both sides do that when given the chance.

I think politics for the near future is going to be people getting disenchanted with one side, then electing the other as a majority. Then remembering the other side is just as bad and flopping back again, over and over.

You can do whatever you want but it might just get undone in 4 years. Look at all the executive orders Biden signed undoing Trump stuff on his first day. I think that's the new norm going forward. You just undo all your rivals work and start over on your own agenda again every term.

We need a nation wide progressive civil rights movement ASAP!

Edited by Hardkill

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4 hours ago, Hardkill said:

We need a nation wide progressive civil rights movement ASAP!

What does that mean? Who are you getting that term from?

People are stupid, I'm stupid. When I hear that I just think "we already have civil rights". Borrowing previously-used terms is a bad idea.

What you need is to dramatically reduce corruption in one or both parties. Millions of people will need to be really fed up to make that happen. Even then I dont know if really fed up people can even take action in this country any more.

 Or you could make a third political party but good luck (y'know, on account of all the corruption... the Republicans and Democrats run the organization that decides who gets invited to debates.)

Trump had the right idea with his "drain the swamp" phrase but of course he didn't actually do it. As voters we need to stop taking the easy way out and voting for incumbants. Kick out all the corrupt career politicians and get new people in. Like who the fuck is still voting for Nancy Pelosi?? Of course eventually they will become corrupt and need to be replaced themselves, so it's an ongoing cycle. Maybe we need a 4 year term limit for congressmen and senators.

Edited by Yarco

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Of course it will be useful! The issue is not really the Democratic Party, but rather America’s faulty election system. 

Republicans maintain power through gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, and the electoral college.

If Democrats had a supermajority, they would get passed so many neat progressive stuff, and the political Overton window would be forced to move left as the American people would see that centrist Liberal Governments are helpful, though ineffective.

If Democrats had let’s say 5 more Senate seats, they would be extremely effective.  They would not have had to compromise that they have had to so far. They’re ineffective as their Senate majority is oh so slim.

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