
How to actually develop radical self acceptance?

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I've determined that radical self acceptance (otherwise known as self-love, minus the imagery of chronic masturbating) needs to be one of my main goals in consciousness work. I would like more perspectives on how I can actually achieve this.

Is it better to actually improve my life by achieving more materialistic pursuits which would naturally lead to self acceptance, or can psychedelics and meditation open new facets of my awareness that will better facilitate this goal without the need to pursue a higher materialistic status?

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1 hour ago, DrugsBunny said:

I've determined that radical self acceptance (otherwise known as self-love, minus the imagery of chronic masturbating) needs to be one of my main goals in consciousness work. I would like more perspectives on how I can actually achieve this.

Is it better to actually improve my life by achieving more materialistic pursuits which would naturally lead to self acceptance, or can psychedelics and meditation open new facets of my awareness that will better facilitate this goal without the need to pursue a higher materialistic status?

Add the masturbation into the mix with radical acceptance of not just your self personality but also each conscious experience and you have yourself a recipe for having an  insight into reality.

Work towards accepting each experience, intention and craving and releasing it. Keep in mind, you need to inquire towards the sense of 'I' or the process wont resolve into anything substantial. Make sure the self is always in the back of the mind with this investigation.

Much love,


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6 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

I've determined that radical self acceptance (otherwise known as self-love, minus the imagery of chronic masturbating) needs to be one of my main goals in consciousness work. I would like more perspectives on how I can actually achieve this.

Is it better to actually improve my life by achieving more materialistic pursuits which would naturally lead to self acceptance, or can psychedelics and meditation open new facets of my awareness that will better facilitate this goal without the need to pursue a higher materialistic status?

i say do the latter first then you can do the former, the former is what bernadette roberts refers to as returning to the marketplace

to do the inner work is why you have incarnated

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Def psychedelics will show you the deepest self acceptance possible.

But you will also have to do manual work and development. Material success doesn't really affect your self-acceptance much. It's more like a band-aid over a deep wound. You need deep inner work.

Which is not to say you shouldn't pursue material success. Material success is a good thing, just don't expect it to heal your psyche.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Self-acceptance (SA) comes from within. So, daily practice of meditation and a SA exercise of your choice is good. Experiment with the possible exercises and look which one is good for you. Even better if you do the SA exercise during the whole day like some people do with breath meditation.

Edited by Loving Radiance

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Self-acceptance comes when you realize that any non-acceptance is a learned idea with no value. What is is. reality is, and not accepting it is like not accepting a rock, stupid. You accept every last molecule, last trauma and last thought, as you are. there is nothing to compare with, there is no model of should be. Social success is adhering to that model, but that in the end is adhering to a delusional idea and it will collapse, or it will be permanently on the verge of collapsing

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14 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

I would like more perspectives on how I can actually achieve this.

Which aspects are you currently not accepting or feel are unlovable? 

Where did you get the "message" that they are not acceptable or unlovable?

If they're from your environment, and not intrinsic to reality, they are just a belief to be seen through as a belief, a concept, an idea, or a projection from your environment. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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What is it exactly that you want to accept? 

If you were a flame, would you want to accept your shape, even though it changes in every split second? 

What makes sense, is to acknowledge where you are right now, find the direction in which you want to evolve, start going in that direction and love yourself unconditionally on the way. 

So the most important thing is that you don't have to accept your weaknesses. If you accept these, then the ego can identify with them, and then you won't grow them out. 
It also doesn't make sense to deny your weaknesses, because then you will never address them.
You need to acknowledge your weaknesses so that you can heal them.

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Self acceptance was your default. You need to undo, not do. 

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