
Leo Gura - God - Dissociated boundaries

15 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura please answer these questions for me, as you are the only one who can

1) why me and my life, whats so special about this

2) why can't conciousness fragment itself into different perspectives, encapsulated by my experience, just by  a dissociated boundary/divisions like a kaleidoscope, with mine being the outer

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2 hours ago, bambi said:

please answer these questions for me, as you are the only one who can

I would consider that the essence of Leo’s teachings is that you can answer these questions for yourself.

In fact, not only can you answer these questions for yourself, you must. Because any answer Leo can give you will not ultimately satisfy you. You need your own experience and contemplations.

Use Leo as a resource and potential guide, not as the holder of truth that then is passed on to you if you’re lucky enough.



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3 hours ago, bambi said:

@Leo Gura please answer these questions for me, as you are the only one who can

1) why me and my life, whats so special about this

Haha! Cause you are God. Who else could it be?


2) why can't conciousness fragment itself into different perspectives, encapsulated by my experience, just by  a dissociated boundary/divisions like a kaleidoscope, with mine being the outer

It can only fragment if you fragment.

- - - - -

The only thing you will ever find in existence is yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I came to the same conclusion during contemplation recently. I was asking myself why am I awakening? Why is everyone else not awake? And then it hit me. Who else? 

One thing you said in one of your videos was that life is a construct for God to awaken. Now in my experience that has so far proven to be true. But 99.9% of humans seem completely clueless about God and I'm not convinced everyone does wake up even on physical death of the body mind.


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1 hour ago, Godishere said:

life is a construct for God to awaken

Life is also a construct for God to dream.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Haha! Cause you are God. Who else could it be?

It can only fragment if you fragment.

- - - - -

The only thing you will ever find in existence is yourself.

@Leo Gura but why this incarnation, why my childhood, family, what so special about this 'bambi' out of the infinite number of other possible selves or identiites I could have been

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Without you particular life God wouldn't be infinite, so your very life is very important and special.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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53 minutes ago, bambi said:

@Leo Gura but why this incarnation, why my childhood, family, what so special about this 'bambi' out of the infinite number of other possible selves or identiites I could have been

Awaken and see

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Awaken and see

And is DMT the only way? Ive done ketamine 1000 times and had crazy experiences, but nothng that is giving me anything conclusive... does DMT give more answers??

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8 hours ago, bambi said:

@Leo Gura but why this incarnation, why my childhood, family, what so special about this 'bambi' out of the infinite number of other possible selves or identiites I could have been

As Leo said you are God so who else would.  You are Infinite Possibility.  So at some point you will experience every possibility and onto infinity.  There is no one else to do it because you are God.  The point for you to be "you" meaning in this body is now.   Right now you are experiencing this particular form.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 hours ago, bambi said:

And is DMT the only way? Ive done ketamine 1000 times and had crazy experiences, but nothng that is giving me anything conclusive... does DMT give more answers??

I don't know what will work for you. Experiment.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You are naturally attracted to the specific forms or types of information, tools and techniques which align with your current belief systems, in order to guide yourself through the awakenings that are most relevant for you specifically. But do understand that only you yourself possess the creative power to change anything, you are the only source of power. You choose to label, interpret, give meaning to or decide to utilise the imagined effect of some kind of external tool or methodology in order to give yourself permission to experience the desired inner growth, expansion or awakening about your true divine nature of reality and experience.

Bashar very clearly explains this understanding in this clip about what he terms 'permission slips':

This fundamental understanding will help anyone greatly on their unique path of awakening when truly applied to physical daily life experience. I highly recommend listening to this explanation of how all tools, ideas, objects, philosophies etc. operate in our consciousness by what they represent to us personally and how we interact with them psychically,

It is of no importance what type of 'permission slip' you choose to embrace in order to allow yourself the experience of the transformation or awakening you desire. Like Leo already answered: experiment, discover and explore whatever works for you currently by trusting your intuition, sense of alignment, flow, passion, highest excitement, following your heart's intelligence or higher guidance to tune yourself vibrationally.

A very common pitfall for many is projecting way too much power onto some illusory thing that is inherently meaningless or neutral, apart from the meaning you as the creator give it. Which can quickly become a limiting perspective, belief or identification when you have naturally integrated the specific wisdom or consciousness that certain approach symbolised for you, and are now ready for the next level or dimension of your self realisation.

Therefore it is wise to always stay open and receptive in order to at least notice the energetic resonance, synchronicities, intuitive messages and new inspiration that might currently be much more valuable and relevant than all previously believed in or identified with forms, ideas, substances, tools, methodologies, philosophies etc.

Everything is always changing, you are always changing, always discovering, exploring, deciding, giving meaning to, creating, but also supporting, guiding, inviting and enlightening yourself from a higher or different point of view. The actual creative challenge you have given yourself with this current incarnation could for example be expressed as:
How can I allow myself to be more fully enjoying this apparent contrast and my life experience? What does speak to my imagination or inspires me the most? Who do I truly wish to be or what type of energy do I want to radiate? To which topic or perspective do I wish to contribute? What do I regard as valuable and wish to represent or share with other selves? 

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On 27/05/2022 at 4:50 PM, bambi said:

And is DMT the only way? Ive done ketamine 1000 times and had crazy experiences, but nothng that is giving me anything conclusive... does DMT give more answers??

I've used Ketamine, it's a weird raver drug. If it was that insightful, all the party animals would be "enlightened".

What DMT will do is take you out of body (accurately: take your body out of you) and disrupt your sense of self/identity. However, it can twist reality in exceptionally incomprehensible and frightening ways. Even literally traumatic where you may have flashbacks when trying to sleep and have a panic attack... So that is a risk.

I do know that the sole reason I am here is because I had an extreme breakthrough on 5 hits of acid with DMT vaped at the peak. It was so strong I searched for monistic religions... But now I can't really recall what that experience was like at all, save for nanoseconds of rough visual recollection...

It should be explainable to people without them having to take drugs. Leo says: he can tell you all about an African safari, but his explanation won't be the African safari itself. Well, telling ought to be enough to quench curiosity if someone is able to convey it well enough.

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

Well, telling ought to be enough to quench curiosity if someone is able to convey it well enough.

It has nothing to do with quenching curiosity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It has nothing to do with quenching curiosity.

What would you say it achieves beyond that? Higher comfort surrounding life and death I suppose.

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