
Tarot Reading

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@28 cm unbuffed

Q: Should unbuffed pursue love or money?

1. ( An unconscious tendency) Pulled: The empress

You tend to hold both (women and money) up as your empress, often disappointed when these expectations aren't met or reciprocated. For love, you want to find an empress, one to worship under her pedestal, but there are many women these days which find this uncomfortable. They already know the are an empress, yet desire to be treated comfortably (notice she is wearing a sort of nightgown) as an equal partner. As with money-- yes money is useful but it won't love you back. Everyone should have a healthy relationship with money, by saving as much as you can on the side. Sometimes there may be something big to save up for, like moving to another country, so we make a mad sprint and work 5 jobs and build a sizeable nest egg to create this idea into reality, but of course doing so leaves no time for romance. So the dilemma, as you may have noticed, is that they are both lofty goals with incredible pros and cons, yet they are near impossible to balance and carry together.

They sort of cancel each other out. Pursuing women can be very expensive, too expensive for saving, yet pursuing lots of money can be very busy, too busy for women.  

So lets see in the next card which to pursue. Be sure to ask yourself if you are in love with the idea of a female relationship, not to be confused with actually needing one. 

2. (Which to pursue) Pulled: Page of Wands

At first thought, i'd say it means to screw both and work on spiritual talents. (by the way, mastering a spiritual talent can bring both the money & women...) Notice this page of wands (I see all the wand card figures as spiritual or astral wizards) he is very well dressed, flamboyantly so. It looks to me like he saved up a bit of money to travel, in order to pursue his mastery. Wand bearers love to travel in these cards. The page of wands is visiting egypt here. Perhaps you should look into egyptian theology and also their views on money and love. 

found this book-- ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ECONOMICS Kemetic Wisdom of Saving and Investing in Wealth of Body, Mind, and Soul for Building True Civilization, Prosperity and Spiritual Enlightenment

So in sum, I'd say its saying to pursue a bit of money to get yourself jump-started, then pursue travel and honing your talents. 


3 (A warning if you pursue this) Pulled: Ace of Cups

The ace of cups can stand for spiritual attainment. By this time, Your talent flows from the palm of your hand. You've mastered and learned to flow with your talent, and to let if flow from you. Be careful of what others add to your talent. Many will offer advice, thinking they are gifts or tokens, but some of this will tip over the cup. Stay true to yourself while considering all advice with an intuitive grain of salt. Trust your gut. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Thank you, handsome.

When it comes to money, spiritual gifts and all of these, I think my intuition told me to do exactly this, meaning - balance it all out and try out things, (which I'm currently doing).

Still not sure about women lol, the thing you told about "empress" is totally not accurate, on the contrary - I can behave like an egotistic dick sometimes rather than looking at a chick like a queen or something like that, so I don't know about that.

Other than that, I need some more freedom and money to really be able to travel and maintain a lifestyle that in some time could help me find a girl.

Thank you for the reading :* 

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I would very much like a reading on the question of : What do I need to know in order to overcome the obstacles to giving my greatest gifts?

Edited by Kshantivadin

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5 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:


Thank you, handsome.

When it comes to money, spiritual gifts and all of these, I think my intuition told me to do exactly this, meaning - balance it all out and try out things, (which I'm currently doing).

Still not sure about women lol, the thing you told about "empress" is totally not accurate, on the contrary - I can behave like an egotistic dick sometimes rather than looking at a chick like a queen or something like that, so I don't know about that.

Other than that, I need some more freedom and money to really be able to travel and maintain a lifestyle that in some time could help me find a girl.

Thank you for the reading :* 

Ah I keep getting some things backwards... No worries, sounds like you've got the women figured out ?

On 6/14/2022 at 8:19 AM, 28 cm unbuffed said:

@soos_mite_ah @soos_mite_ah 

On 6/12/2022 at 9:09 PM, soos_mite_ah said:




This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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33 minutes ago, soos_mite_ah said:

@seeking_brilliance were you trying to say something or is the site acting weird again? 

No it's the site mobile bug, sorry about that

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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I likely know the answer to this question already, but I'll ask out of curiosity. What do the cards have to say about the relationship between me and the being I'm considering taking as a benefactor?

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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On 5/29/2022 at 5:13 PM, Realms of Wonder said:

How do I deepen my connection with Music?

Q: How does realms deepen their connection with music?

1. (What music means to you) Pulled: 5 of pentacles

A lighted window in the dreary snow. Going through life we often feel like these beggars hobbling through a cold evening, humanly blind to the fact that there is always something above us, beaming with warm restorative light. In other words, music as a vibrational transmuter is always available, always reaching out. Even just humming or whistling when there's no other source of music will do wonders for the mood and focus. Whoever wrote "whistle while you work" was a genius. If you are creating music, or even just remixing or making playlist albums, I suggest something geared toward "working music" something for the millenials as they age into the working environment. Pre-millenials are a huge market as well, with 80's, 90's, and early 00's music combined with powerful nostalgia. Play to these strengths. 

2. (What music can teach you) Pulled: The Tower card

If you think of the tower as yourself, then the lightning bolt is music. Notice that there was a giant crown atop the tower, so we'll say that's the head. The bolt (music) enters right at the ear point. It sets the whole tower (body) on fire, driving out the ugly hag and the handsome prince. The fire will not harm you (you are the tower) yet it brings about change as your innards must be rebuilt. Music builds and reshapes neuropathways. Think of fire as a vibrational charge. It is easy to lose yourself in music and meld with it. Great for trance, as our most ancient of ancients can tell you. I would love to see some kind of mainstream music made for inducing trance (besides the trance genre already existent) 

3. (How to connect better with music) Pulled: The Page of cups

This person has used their cup to scoop a fish from the sea. Listen for music in your dreams. Listen to music that moves you and try to see music as an entity to communicate with. (I'm reminded of close encounters of the third kind when they used colored tones to communicate with the E.T.s, except music is the very entity to build a relationship with, not just the communication tool.

The page scooped up a part of the sea (music,) and is communicating with this very sea by means of a localized entity (the fish who is also the sea.) Treat music this way, even if it seems silly at first, and it will flourish with you as a type of musical tulpa. And when tulpas garner so-called autonomy, something magical may happen. Talk to music (not to the song you are listening to, but music itself. The intelligence behind the song), listen. Co-create. Again I say seek it in dreams. 


4. (Something holding you back) Pulled: Judgement card

From one of my translation books: 

Today is the day! Each and every day the task is the same: to wake up and mobilize all our energies. And that means burying what is dead properly-- and being open to receive the dawn of what is to come. 

Do you blame yourself often for your shortcomings? Don't! Always practice self forgiveness, because self blame is one of the worst creative killers. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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