
Tarot Reading

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Would anyone like a free tarot reading? Come on, it'll be fun! Come see what guidance can be revealed! (Just... don't take it too seriously if it seems harmful to your own personal growth)

To request a reading, ask a question. Then I'll ask the cards. No "yes or no" questions, be more specific! Serious inquiries will only be accepted.
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This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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What is an archetype or concept that I need to integrate into this moment? What types of energy’s are neccisary to integrate into my aura to enhance my personality and presence to emit more loving energy?

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Question: which archetype or concept can @Egodeathrowintegrate into this moment?

1. (What to integrate) Pulled: 3 of Pentacles

Stepping up in religious or philosophical work. Someone must speak, but it is important to do so without a pompous megaphone. A stool should be a ladder, not a soap box. You are ready to let your talents shine in public. Time to sell the house and become the temple. 

A hint: find the task which develops and sculpts your abilities best. Don't let creative block rear its ugly head. Keep it at bay with innovation. Keep your finances in balance to avoid unnecessary set backs and distractions. Cut out what you don't need.

2. (How to integrate) Pulled: Knight of Cups. 

With confidence you ride to victory. You provide your cup, full of love, the elixir of lucid living, to all strange and new lands you will encounter. The knight knows the value of balancing full protection and open vulnerability, and is a master of both. Master communication. 

3. (Caution, what to look out for.) Pulled: 3 of Cups

There is nothing wrong with intoxication, yet its lulling pull is naught but a cheap distraction. Enjoy the parties when they come, but seek your goals, not the fun. The fun will fall around, seeking it is a cheap distraction. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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First of all thank you a lot for this opportunity ?. 

I have soemtyhjng on my mind these days I would very thankful to get some hint as to what to do it with.

Basically, I want to ask, whether, I should be pursuing the project which is on the back of my mind, but I still don't start it, because I'll be honest it's ambitious and it is quite difficult for me to know what to expect, if it will benefit in some way or etc...


Like I would like to know what the cards would show regards this, should I pursue it, and if yes, how in what way etc...?


Thank you very much bro ? 

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Question: should seeker pursue this mysterious project? and how?

1. (The benefits of this project) pulled: 8 of swords

Although this project will help others, it is mainly a self discipline course of mastery. When mastered, you will be gifted another chance to see what you've been walking away from your entire life, and toward. You will go into this project a little blind, but you should trust yourself enough to avoid the knives.

2. (The obstacles to mastering this project) Pulled: Ace of Wands

You tend to get a bit too dreamy. You are a conscious magician but tend to get side-tracked with multiple dreams competing for attention. When you choose to begin this project, stay focused! Don't wander off. You know it's good or you wouldn't have asked about it. 

3. (How to execute this project) Pulled: Ten of Cups

Keep your eye on the prize. Create clear goals, including a top goal and set to it, at all cost. If you can not think of this ultimate goal, ask meditation to show you. Meditation is a friend, and they are very generous. Surround yourself with anything that can raise vibrations, and don't let self-doubt creep in. Doubt must be cast out from the moment of choice to begin. When doubt creeps in, wave "aloha", which is hello and goodbye in one word, and send it on its way. (another lesser known meaning of aloha is "presence of breath.") When self doubt creeps in, become present with breath. How can you doubt the present? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Thanks, I read lately about Tarot, found it interesting, wanna give it a try :).

How to properly get over my future wife that i loved unconditionally until she left me yesterday?

I had to set some boundarys in terms of time for my mental health and healing journey

Why wasnt she able to cope with her childhood trauma and why did she took the "easy" path? :(

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What should I make of doubts, repetitive thoughts and actions, and things that have built themselves up inside my mind?

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What should I be working on right now? Am I making the right decisions? How do I make it so the future I want becomes a reality?

Describe a thought.

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19 minutes ago, DanielS said:

Thanks, I read lately about Tarot, found it interesting, wanna give it a try :).

How to properly get over my future wife that i loved unconditionally until she left me yesterday?

I had to set some boundarys in terms of time for my mental health and healing journey

Why wasnt she able to cope with her childhood trauma and why did she took the "easy" path? :(

I'm sorry, DanielS, I feel you are too early in your mourning process to be influenced by a tarot reading, especially one from a novice as myself. Do you have any other questions which aren't related to this relationship? I feel this is too fresh and you are still confused, which can confuse the reading. For example, she left you yesterday but you still see her as your future wife. I'm terribly sorry to hear about this, by the way. 

A better question could be: what can help me along in my healing and mental health journey?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 25.5.2022 at 10:27 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

I'm sorry, DanielS, I feel you are too early in your mourning process to be influenced by a tarot reading, especially one from a novice as myself. Do you have any other questions which aren't related to this relationship? I feel this is too fresh and you are still confused, which can confuse the reading. For example, she left you yesterday but you still see her as your future wife. I'm terribly sorry to hear about this, by the way. 

A better question could be: what can help me along in my healing and mental health journey?

hehe sorry for my bad english :D In Germany we say "der Zug ist abgefahren" Its over and we both know it. Im really clear what i do not want to tolerate anymore and stuff. I trust your advice my friend! 

Edited by DanielS

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Thank you sincerely friend

For the tarot reading, it is very insightful for me.

I am very grateful and wish you in return increasing selfmastery and realization and ever more increasing to God and everything beutiful.

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What should I be focusing my life toward at this point? What is the best area of my life to develop right now? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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In the next year should I focus more on the material, survival side of things and let go the pull towards spiritual or should I focus on spiritual practives more and let go of fear of material survival side of things?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Well thanks for pointing out that toxic "purpose" of a thing called "twin-flame".

Solid advice i can give you back is to stop sharing this tarot shit if you dont know what you are doing.


Edited by DanielS

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1 hour ago, DanielS said:

Well thanks for pointing out that toxic "purpose" of a thing called "twin-flame".

Solid advice i can give you back is to stop sharing this tarot shit if you dont know what you are doing.


One thing to add. No it did not help to prevent me from seeing "this information" because "u feel like it"!

"this information" btw was the missing puzzle to show me the full picture and truth. 

This was the resolution of my "human path" and the direct pointer to zen and my next chapter in life.

Edited by DanielS

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On 5/25/2022 at 11:20 AM, Egodeathrow said:

What is an archetype or concept that I need to integrate into this moment? What types of energy’s are neccisary to integrate into my aura to enhance my personality and presence to emit more loving energy?

It's not a good question, because abstraction is a way of avoiding the concrete, specific things one needs to be doing because they are too painful or scary.

You have to get to the level of the specific so that it hurts or is uncomfortable.

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I’m always going from one thing to another. Sometimes it feels guided, other times it’s impulsive trying to get quick wins. 

Two paths right now, both areas that I wanna master, but realise focusing on one thing is better. 

One path is e-commerce/business where I’ll get to practically learn business fundamentals, and the opportunity to learn from expert mentors. 

The other is tarot/astrology (hi) that I love. Thinking I can combine both but if you could give some insight to both paths I’d really appreciate it. Only seen a bit and like the way you read. I could pull some cards myself but I still feel incompetent with my interpretations atm.


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If there is really "any" ego involved in reading its mostly not accurate, because that already is a interpretation, from my current understanding.

Edited by DanielS

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On 5/25/2022 at 4:15 PM, AtheisticNonduality said:

What should I make of doubts, repetitive thoughts and actions, and things that have built themselves up inside my mind?

Question: How can AtheisticNonduality stop believing doubts, repetitive thoughts, and that these things are built up in their mind?

1. (an unconscious tendency to point out) Pulled: 6 of Wands

Don't doubt! All the hard work will pay off! You are already at the finish line. When you try to see yourself there, doubt creeps in. Relax into it, you are already there. Any special projects you are working on may seem endless, but the rewards of victory are already present. Reach out. Or telepathically draw them in, whichever your style. 

 Careful of believing self-importance and arrogance. These are not friends. They and their comrade "Doubt" can go to hell. 

2. (What these tendencies are pointing to) Pulled: Five of wands

Clashes of ego. When friends or foes fight, they really just want to be heard. Imagine these tendencies as the four men clashing their poles together in the picture--- once is doubt, one is repetitive thoughts, and so on. There is a fifth man, parading around because he is free, not fighting, not entangled in the  unnecessary clash. And where are you in this situation?

3. (What you truly want to ask) Pulled: Ten of swords)

What am I lying to myself concerning endings?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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