
Living In Iraq Is Like Living In A Giant Human Zoo

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Back to the topic of complaining about Iraq. And I am feeling like life here is artificial, it is like living in a human zoo, and also bizarre. The oil money have turned the society into a giant monster that has no mercy upon itself nor its own individuals. 

Here's one thing I miss while living here, and it is the craftsmanship, the ability to revive old stuff and using them, or even to take care of new stuff.

People here don't find value in repairing old stuff, and they constantly buy new stuff, and in this way they are doing the following harms for me and people alike:

1- They are not creating any sort of jobs that depends on maintaining things/devices..etc. If they have air conditioning for a hotel for example, they wouldn't take care of the appliances, and when they broke, they just replace them. But with the money of that, they could've hired someone to simply take care of things. For a price of two AC units, they could pay someone to maintain them around the year.

2-They think that money is unlimited resource, that's why they are engaging in purchasing, and the other nations are encouraging this, they think they have nothing to lose when selling Iraqis loads of goods.

3- The inequality that this situation creates, where poor people have to live with little money, and there's no community that's based on restoring things, so they have to individually try to restore the old things that they can get their hands upon with little to no skills, while the rich always purchasing new things.

4- There are no communities that are based around restoring things, and that's because the rich people are the landlords, and they are hording majority of real estates and capitol. They themselves can't find value in restoring things, so the craftsmen should follow and try to adapt by directing their skills to serve the rich people.

Can you live in a place where you have to trhow something in the trash just because there's no one to fix it for you unless there's big amount of money involved?

Edited by Mesopotamian

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Your reports on life in Iraq are always so interesting. I always learn something new i didn't know before.

A life there is certainly very difficult for many people, including you...

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It worries me that in the future some areas in the world will be literally left behind developmentally, which might create a huge gap and a certain kind of developmental polarity. The west started advancing a few hundreds years ago, and they're still going on with that project. While some areas do import the knowledge, others like the middle-east mostly import the already-made gadgets. So not only did they not start with the developmental process, but that the train is still moving and they will never catch it. And even though the internet certainly helped in decreasing the symptoms, the underlying issues are still there. I like the description of the zoo, and I think it's accurate. I imagine soon enough, humanity will be split into humans and animals. I think that's already the case to some degree, but it's still increasing. With the constant advancement in the more stable areas and the constant conflicts in the least advanced areas, there's more and more deceleration of progress in comparison. Let's say that medieval Europe = the middle-east in year 1950. So much development has happened since then. Europe now is in 2022, while the middle-east is still around 1700s, but with technology. And even that might be an optimistic overestimation.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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everywhere is becoming like this ... planned obsolescence is built into all new products and the lifespan of said products is going down down down

technology is what drives this ... all products can therefore say we create short product life since technology will be better next year

this is unstoppable ... i have given up fighting this ... if you can't beat them join them

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@Gesundheit2 The Middle East is not that bad since they are at Red/Blue by SD terms. But really primitive holdouts like North Sentinel Island are interesting and make room for the idea of in the future there being areas with current Western technology and ethics as really outdated, outclassed tribal lands or ghettos. If we think about Spiral development, with the US currently at Blue/Orange and heading into Orange/Green and the Middle East at Red/Blue heading into Blue/Orange, you could get a Turquoise West emerging at the same time as a Green Middle East, although it seems the West is developing faster rather than just having had a head start. And then what would be thought of the 2020s?

6 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Europe now is in 2022, while the middle-east is still around 1700s, but with technology. And even that might be an optimistic overestimation.

So you claim the Middle East is still in the 1700s technologically. If that was true, it would make sense for them to also be ideologically in the 1700s, and the 1700s were when the Age of Enlightenment happened and Europe began really moving into Orange. I think examples of Orange there would be people in the wealthier and more advanced cities like Dubai.

Edited by AtheisticNonduality

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7 hours ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

@Gesundheit2 The Middle East is not that bad


Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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11 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Compared to North Sentinel Island, I mean.

What are you comparing? A few dozens of people to over 400 millions?

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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17 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

It worries me that in the future some areas in the world will be literally left behind developmentally, which might create a huge gap and a certain kind of developmental polarity. The west started advancing a few hundreds years ago, and they're still going on with that project. While some areas do import the knowledge, others like the middle-east mostly import the already-made gadgets. So not only did they not start with the developmental process, but that the train is still moving and they will never catch it. And even though the internet certainly helped in decreasing the symptoms, the underlying issues are still there. I like the description of the zoo, and I think it's accurate. I imagine soon enough, humanity will be split into humans and animals. I think that's already the case to some degree, but it's still increasing. With the constant advancement in the more stable areas and the constant conflicts in the least advanced areas, there's more and more deceleration of progress in comparison. Let's say that medieval Europe = the middle-east in year 1950. So much development has happened since then. Europe now is in 2022, while the middle-east is still around 1700s, but with technology. And even that might be an optimistic overestimation.

I feel that this is true. people here are hypnotized by the cars and gadgets. They think that they should get them and create a life of comfort for them and their children, each family is a unit by itself, and no one can see that the society as a whole should be seen as the unit, the bigger family. With notion that money come through God's will and according to someone's deeds, they think that no one is responsible to reform the corruption. If the government is corrupt then the only way is to protest and probable topple it until a new one installed, and that for them might help to provide jobs and alleviate poverty.

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@Gesundheit2 We have the economy of the middle man. I just found out that why my family despise me and look up for my brother. the "successful" one. He's a middle man who imports goods from China, while me, I am trying to do creative works, design an app, or a website, or try to come up with a new service idea, but no, nothing is going to work. These people don't respect anything but a middle man who earn lots of money easily! they look up to them!

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23 hours ago, Mesopotamian said:

Back to the topic of complaining about Iraq. And I am feeling like life here is artificial, it is like living in a human zoo, and also bizarre. The oil money have turned the society into a giant monster that has no mercy upon itself nor its own individuals. 

Here's one thing I miss while living here, and it is the craftsmanship, the ability to revive old stuff and using them, or even to take care of new stuff.

People here don't find value in repairing old stuff, and they constantly buy new stuff, and in this way they are doing the following harms for me and people alike:

1- They are not creating any sort of jobs that depends on maintaining things/devices..etc. If they have air conditioning for a hotel for example, they wouldn't take care of the appliances, and when they broke, they just replace them. But with the money of that, they could've hired someone to simply take care of things. For a price of two AC units, they could pay someone to maintain them around the year.

2-They think that money is unlimited resource, that's why they are engaging in purchasing, and the other nations are encouraging this, they think they have nothing to lose when selling Iraqis loads of goods.

3- The inequality that this situation creates, where poor people have to live with little money, and there's no community that's based on restoring things, so they have to individually try to restore the old things that they can get their hands upon with little to no skills, while the rich always purchasing new things.

4- There are no communities that are based around restoring things, and that's because the rich people are the landlords, and they are hording majority of real estates and capitol. They themselves can't find value in restoring things, so the craftsmen should follow and try to adapt by directing their skills to serve the rich people.

Can you live in a place where you have to trhow something in the trash just because there's no one to fix it for you unless there's big amount of money involved?

Are you worried about being murdered for saying the wrong thing while in Iraq?

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2 hours ago, ZenAlex said:

Are you worried about being murdered for saying the wrong thing while in Iraq?

I have received death threats in the past. For now I prefer to stay silent and try to understand why things can't advance or change

Edited by Mesopotamian

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