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Study describing the content of almost 4000 NNDMT trips

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Perhaps one of the most fascinating studies for psychonauts to read - basically giving one of the best descriptions of what the inhaled NNDMT trip can be like. It is open access, so you can download and read through it for free :)

This is a phenomenological analysis of around 3800 trip reports from inhaled NNDMT that were posted on reddit subforum over the last 10 years. This is a big study! It had to take at least several months to do this. Maybe even a couple of years.

Phenomenological methods are very interesting... the person using them is to try to (re)interpret as little as possible, staying as close as they can to the actual data under study. The person's goal is to capture the essence of the data/experience - these generalized essences are then results of the study that you read in the abstract. This way, the results stay grounded in data... creation of new (grounded) theories can also be done this way.

The journal it is published in also has high science cred, if anyone needs appeals to authority, hehe

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