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Turkey announces "military operation" in Syria to secure a 480 km "peace" corridor.

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This happens right after Turkey, as a NATO member, refuses to unanimously approve Finland and Swedens NATO membership bid unless they extradite all active members of the PKK (Kurdish Communist Party) (branded as an illegal terrorist organization by the Turkish government) and YPG (People's Defense Units) (militia members of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria composed mainly of Kurds but also other nationalties) that have supposedly immigrated to Sweden and Finland and are now present and operating there and some are supposedly even members of parliament in those countries. 

Turkey, since their demand will most likely not be fulfilled by the Swedish and Finnish governments, is now resolved to pre-emptively establish a 30 km wide and 480 km long "peace corridor" in Syria, to establish a buffer zone between itself and the the northern regions in Syria occupied mainly by the Kurdish led SDF, by invading that part of the country with it's military forces and occupying it. 

A remainder that Turkish military to this day since 1970 occupies the northern part of Cyprus, mainly populated by the Turkish population of the country, though it still has some Greek minority population present there, and declares it an independent state entity and republic which is only recognized by Turkey (as far as I know) and effectively serves as a part of Turkey because of it's EEZ (exclusive economic zone) claims in the Mediterranean sea around the island. 

Greek Cypriots and Greece doesn't recognize this para-state entity and quasi-republic (The Republic of North Cyprus) in the north of Cyprus and want effectively the Republic of Cyprus to become one, territorially whole, independent country and state entity again through a one-state solution, as it once was. 

Note in advance: This is a 44 minute long video trying to explain (from a Syrians perspective) the motivations, strategy, self-interests and logic of this announcement and move by Erdogan, the current Turkish government and military. 

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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This is actually a policy boil over from Trump, as Trump ordered the removal of the 1,000 U.S. peace keeping personnel.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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4 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

This is actually a policy boil over from Trump, as Trump ordered the removal of the 1,000 U.S. peace keeping personnel.

Aren't there still some U.S. troops present in SDF controlled Raqqa to "secure" the oil? 

From what I see this military invasion plan of SDF controlled northern Syria won't go deep into and encompass areas more to the south detected rich in oil reserves where there supposedly still U.S. military forces present, patrolling and guarding those oil fields. And also areas to the lake basins in the south and east also supposedly rich in crop fields and fertile land controlled by the YPG, but it aims to target and seize those several northern city communities in the north indicated on the map still controlled by SDF  Kurdish militia YPG forces. 

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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1 hour ago, Fleetinglife said:

Aren't there still some U.S. troops present in SDF controlled Raqqa to "secure" the oil? 

Those soldiers were originally stationed on the Syria Turkish border as to prevent an invasion, then were moved to secure the oil.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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And rightfully so.. US forces need to move out of the region. They are playing a dangerous game by supporting YPG terrorists to destabilize the region.

Edited by StarStruck

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3 hours ago, StarStruck said:

And rightfully so... US forces need to move out of the region. They are playing a dangerous game by supporting YPG terrorists to destabilize the region.

By which privilege does Turkey have a special right, from all other countries in the region, to invade and annex a part of another country's region, citing faux claims of Article 51 of the UN charter for countries' collective right to self-defense against a non-state actor.

It's almost no different from Russia's invasion of Ukraine using the excuse of the several thousand recruits of the Azov battalion in the Ukrainian National Guard and its other affiliates in Ukraine, to invade and annex entire parts of its country - it's cynical and it almost always doesn't have anything to do with that own state's domestic, national security reasons or political stability but for the sake of survivability, popularization, and stabilization of an authoritarian regime in a country with the launching a glorious military campaign to pander to the jingoism of its nationalist base on the basis of contemporary ideological irredentist fantasies of strengths, powers and glories of empire past in order to retain their needed support in order to prolong their regime in the country.

It's the epitome equivalent of the contemporary version of toxic stage blue consciousness beliefs, values, and thinking using the past as its useful revisionist tool to achieve its cynical short-term regime survivability goals at the cost of the lives of other nationalities and minorities in the surrounding region.

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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@Fleetinglife Adana agreement. Look it up. Stop watching stupid far right videos. They are not giving you an accurate view of the situation. I know you are Serbian and shit but that doesn’t change anything. These far right politicians only care about themselves. Try looking into stage green sources to understand geopolitics. 

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40 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Adana agreement.

Looked it up. It's from 1997 after the Syrian government agreed to put a ban on PKK political operations and activities as legitimate and legal in its own country (btw even the broken agreement only says reserving the right of Turkish military force and operations activities only 5 kilometers deep into the country and not 30 km deep, and it says nothing about occupying indefinitely it as a ''peace corridor''). But since the onset of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, neither Turkey nor the current Syrian central authorities in power abide by it, respect and no longer uphold it, since Turkey and the Turkish military effectively violated Syria's sovereignty in the north by occupying the portion of the country and also logistically and strategically helped, armed and supplied some of the Islamist jihadist portions of the rebels of the ''Free Syrian Army'' also in the north stationed in their stronghold in Idlib, that has now effectively dropped and renounced the Syrian currency in their enclaves and now use Turkish lira - effectively setting up a para-state government entity (''Syrian Salvation Government'') there backed by the current Turkish authorities and government and whose rebel Islamist jihadist fighters are also used by Turkish authorities and military to attack the Kurds and the Kurdish militia in the north of Syria.

However, nothing of this excuses military invasion and violence against Kurds in the north who are effectively running their own self-governing autonomous region in Syria.

Btw, how is this breaking news video far-right in this specific content, apart from this guy as Syrian being biased towards the current authoritarian central government and the regions it administers currently within the internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Syria with Bashar al-Assad at the helm?

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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@Fleetinglife Serbia lost Kosovo with having that mindset. And you have learned nothing. I hope Serbian government is smarter because playing with borders is playing with fire.  

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Turkey began this military operation around a month ago and anyone has barely noticied it. Doesn't that add up to hypocrasy of the Western and USA media that's been critisizing the situation in Ukraine?

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Russia has paved the way for military operations that are no longer called wars. Over the entire globe. The international order is done. The US tried this years ago but never spun the lie so well as it's been done by Russia.

I said at the time expect this to happen elsewhere and it will, doubly so if Russia takes land.

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8 hours ago, rnd said:

Turkey began this military operation around a month ago and anyone has barely noticied it. Doesn't that add up to hypocrasy of the Western and USA media that's been critisizing the situation in Ukraine?

Unhelpful Generalizations: One day you all criticize America or Europe for doing something and the next for not doing something. People cheer on Russia for doing a military operation, then complain when Turkey does one.

If you can instead understand that geopolitics are much more complicated than a generalization. In Ukraine's case, it was in the process of NATO negotiations, reforming its government to be more pro-west to hopefully one day join the EU. It had guarantees by USA, UK and Russia. Syria's government is openly unfriendly to the west and has a pro-Russian government, which is also a concern for Turkey and any NATO member right now to have on its border.

By people wanting the world divided up into two powerblocks, and there are a lot of people that seem to think this is a good idea, this kind of thing is bound to happen. There will be competition, war, friction, and an increase in hostilities naturally over the next decades. People will use it as an excuse to take territory. This is obviously the outcome from two large nation-state groups competing with one another and in this case a knock-on effect from the war(s)

Before anyone thinks this just anti-Russian bias talking, I would rather the Kurds had a nation-state of their own, which is obviously weighing into this move by Turkey as well to try to stop, but as has been told to us many times I am a foreigner, and what I want for a foreign nation is of little consequence to it.

All I can do is observe the obvious outcome of the trajectory the world is choosing.

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21 hours ago, StarStruck said:

@Fleetinglife Serbia lost Kosovo with having that mindset. 

I think you got your understanding of that situation in reverse, with what mindset exactly?

The rogue regime in Serbia, internationally a pariah at that point because of the consequences of the Bosnian war, not agreeing to any prior urgently urged internationally diplomatically mediated accords and settlement agreements that would give some concessions, autonomy, and the legal possibility of allowing in several years a possible referendum to be held on autonomy and independence by the Muslim Albanian supermajority of that province and instead opting to launch a failed, several phases, ethnic cleansing military operation marked by a plethora of genocides and war crimes against regular Albanian civilians and kids, and not the insurgent KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) militia, threatening to spark one of the biggest refugee crises at that time in Europe since the end of the Cold War, with the risk of almost one million Albanian refugees from Kosovo pouring and dispersed into Albania and southern European Adriatic and Mediterranean countries like Greece, Croatia and Italy respectively seeking asylum, and ending of course in Serbia's famous second late 90's debut worldwide media spectacle of a 78 day NATO military intervention countrywide bombardment right in the middle of Europe, with the country suffering the reported total economic cost (reported by the private Serbian G17 group of economists and economists of the Serbian Economic Forum) because of the total damages (infrastructural and halting of GDP growth wise) caused solely during the duration of the bombardment of up to an estimated 30-50 billion dollars in economic damages for a small European country of about 6-7 million people then and effectively freezing and halting the countries yearly GDP growth and economic development in catching up to other countries in the region (in contrast to it's past size of it's total economy as a sole republic) for several years and decades.

What a smart trade-off and win-win decision by the government in deciding to commit a lot of resources and launch that soaring success of a full-scale military operation intended from the very start, with using the cloak of putting down and fighting Albanian KLA militant insurgents, to be ethnic cleansing in character. Truly any other way of resolving and doing that, apart from launching an international political and economic kamikaze equivalent of a military invasion and the central government in Serbia would surely have lost Kosovo out of its grasp certainly as if it already hadn't already effectively decades before that.

21 hours ago, StarStruck said:

And you have learned nothing.

I have at least learned as much what are the moral, psychological, political, economic, and existential costs of irredentism, revanchism, xenophobia, and jingoism carried out against hated different religious, cultural and ethnic-lingual minority groups in the country in the above-mentioned detailed historical chronological description of the causality behind those sequence of events.

But I fear most of the Serbian people and the current government in charge haven't and are still effectively in denial of what above I have mentioned, and are now, based on gauging and assessing some stats the public opinion here and the mentality towards political issues, ready to walk right in and repeat the same mistakes with only a difference in veneer and semantics to them.


21 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I hope Serbian government is smarter

Kosovo was effectively no longer a Serbian province or a province in Serbia, demographically wise, in the 1980s. 

The total population census in 1934 - In the political unitary Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the ratio between ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanians in Kosovo was about 60-65 to 30-35 percent.

The total population census in 1960 - In the federated Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the ratio between ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanians in Kosovo is 30-35 to 60-65 percent.

The total population census in 1980 - ethnic Albanians compromise over 80 close to 90 percent of the total population in Kosovo.

Today, there are almost 2 million Albanians in Kosovo, while there are barely around one hundred thousand ethnic Serbs there. In fact, there are fewer Serbs in Kosovo now, than there are Serbs in Croatia (about one hundred and fifty thousand Serbs are registered there as an official national minority) that supposedly orchestrated a widespread ethnic cleansing campaign of some few hundred thousand Serbs in order to completely clear them from its territories, and yet there is still almost one hundred and fifty thousand of Serbs there, in a country that has a total population now of barely three million on all its internationally recognised territorial encompassing reach.

What had happened in Kosovo for this apparent several decades only lasting seeming sudden demographic shift? Well, simple, Muslim Albanians in accordance with their religion and Albanian traditional tribal and ethnic customs had a fertility rate in each Albanian family on the average of at least 4.5 (or one woman giving birth to 4 to 5 kids) up to 6.5 (that means 6 to 7 kids in one family) - add to that an extended family living accommodation to that and you have cases then Albanian family compromising almost 40-50 family members under one roof, while Serbian families on Kosovo were having almost a middle class developed Western nuclear family life accommodation style and fertility rate of 1.5 to 2.5 to 3 something at max (an average Serbian agrarian or even working-class of that time family would still have on average up to 2 kids most of the time, rarely 3 or 4) and were also selling their properties by the dozens in order to immigrate north in the country to Albanians who needed it house members of their large extended families working abroad as Gastarbeiter's (''guest workers'') in Germany and Switzerland and wanting to have and return to a property and start a family of their own on Kosovo.

So yes, these are the facts, that the current Serbian government won't acknowledge or tell its population, with a part of them being overly and obsessively fixated on some left-over Serbian Christian cultural heritage monasteries and churches from the Middle Ages in Kosovo, which many of them visit anyway annually on pilgrimage tours and that is protected and guarded as UNSECO cultural heritage sites and that can be easily granted special extra-territorial statuses in Kosovo with constructive negotiations with the Kosovars and not aimed just to obstruct or sabotage the reality of Kosovo statehood functioning, and not willing to deal and accept this demographic issue and reality which was present from the start.

I mean what kind of country composition in the world would that be that has an almost 30% non-national majority foreign population in its total population, with its majority only speaking a thoroughly and totally incomprehensible different language family than one spoken by native, domestic population - that is not some large territorially encompassing state federation and not a speck, tiny, minuscule country and people in the back of Europe. Serbia would have to become a truly bilingual country in its political and public sector and domain like Canada then, lol, if there were ever a chance, and there is of course not, for that to ever even have a slight chance to have an appearance of political and cultural functionality.

21 hours ago, StarStruck said:

because playing with borders is playing with fire.  

I agree, that Turkey should no longer mess unilaterally as a country with the internationally recognized northern borders of Syria, its cities and provinces, and the effectively autonomous province of Kurds there and in Cyprus with the Greeks if it doesn't want to test the supposed boundaries of its NATO membership immunity, based solely now on them being the second-largest military in the alliance after the U.S. 

NATO membership effectiveness and usefulness of a country in realpolitik do not automatically follow to grant it a feeling of omnipotence, invulnerability, and a sense of prideful arrogance and feeling of being allowed as a country to do anything with impunity that it wants and believes and feels in its self-interest to be good for it solely and necessary and undermining in the process the shared values, integrity, and principles of the military alliance that itself it purports to be founded upon and based upon, without a risk to be kicked out eventually, when the tables are turned enough and in time when an opportune geopolitical moment or replacement is found for that specific role, if it's abusing it in such a manner for its own narrow, selfish self-interest, dragging with it the rest of the alliance unity and agreements in danger.




Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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I think next target of Russia is to create upheaval in former Yugoslavia. Serbia is a time bomb filled with extremists that are waiting for their opportunity. It doesn’t matter if Serbia is a sovereign state. Extremism like Serbian extermism or Kurdish extremism is difficult to be dealt with because they are not a state actor. That is what you don’t understand. YPG PYD is not a state but a terrorist organization so there is no threspassing. NATO is allowed to create buffer zone in north Syria. That is why nobody is making a fuss about it other than far right extemists. Serbia should tread softly because Russia will soon be poking the Balkan and I believe Turkey should move its army to Bosnia and Albania to make preparations. 

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I think you guys assume, having read and watched the Western and US' propaganda, that Russia and Putin, out the blue, one day decided:

"Good weather outside. Why won't we try to invade Ukraine? It won't be able to defend itselt anyway. Right! Good idea! And this way we'll conquer the whole Europe! Ahaahahahaaha!!!"




Watch less of the Western and US mainstream TV and news. And

  * read the history of Donbass region - what's been happening in it since 2012(14) - 2022;

  * read about the Azov nazis

  * read about the provocations of NATO, and its expansion

... from the sources other than the mainstream media. Better in russian.


Apart from those, could there be any selfish, bad, motives too? There could be - I guess.
Is there a propaganda on the russian side too? Of course; which is to offset the western and US ones.

Edited by rnd

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  • Read about the history of Russia invading Eastern Europe repeatedly.
  • Understand Putin's comments when he says he believes many of those countries on its border belong to Russia, and how that makes them react.
  • Put aside the US boogieman and ask yourself why all of their neighbors want to join NATO.
  • Consider why Russia has the right to tell anyone how to run their own country.
  • Look at how Russia went from a country trying to democratic reform and looking to join the EU, into first an autocracy and now a fascist state.
  • Look at how every time Russia threatens a country all countries pull closer together defensively.
  • Read about the REAL Azov which were several hundred strong. They reformed to become part of the national guard, their leader left to try and get elected, he got 2% of the vote. They became 3,000 strong, people taken from all walks of life, regular people.
  • 2% of the popular vote went to the far right, this has been on a decline in every Ukrainian election. With all the Russian fascist internal groups and its Russian Imperial Movement exporting Nazi's overseas who is the real fascist state? Want the answer, everyone has a far-right.
  • Consider if scapegoating the extremists to attack the other 98% is pure propaganda and if it makes sense? If so, attack yourselves next.
  • Read about the real history of the Donbass, the Russian-backed separatist movement, the trouble they started. The forces they put into the DPR which caused a rebellion there. Understand they did this because democratic forces overthrew the Russia puppet government.
  • Understand all the gas that is under that part of the country, and that almost all wars are fought over resources.
  • Understand why the Azov made their stand at the steel plant, which robbed Russia of part of what they wanted.
  • Understand why Russia are going after all the port cities. It's not a coincidence that this area is used for trade. Money. Money. Money. That's all men ever fight over.


Edited by BlueOak

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On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

I think next target of Russia is to create upheaval in former Yugoslavia.

Possibly. There is plenty of tension in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially around the Republic of Srpska entity and the two Croatian and Bosnian federal units, and now around that possibility. Though there are no official Russian military forces yet stationed there, as far as I know, there are supposed Russian para-militaries there disguised as private civilian orgs there that came on official ''statehood'' holiday visitations in the entity.

Kosovo would be a different matter, if there is a conflict there leading up to a full-scale exchange of hostilities and war it would probably be caused or triggered by the official Serbian Army rushing and invading one of the Serbian enclaves in the north of the region or conducting artillery or multiple rocket launcher strikes, for whatever reason, on the Kosovar Army positions around it to secure it as a buffer zone and trying to effectively secede it from the country, well that's my layman's theory of how at most it might go down anyway.

While in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the worst possible scenario, there are risks of igniting a full-scale civil war in the country again, raging and acting effectively as another proxy war zone between NATO and Russia, with both sides supplying each of the warring sides engaged in fratricide again, well at least those are my personal imagined worst cases scenario at how at worst if it all internationally and politically breaks down and comes to it, it might go down again.

On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

Serbia is a time bomb filled with extremists that are waiting for their opportunity.

Yes, there are plenty of far-right fascist nationalist extremists here with a revisionist justifying outlook on their own past recent history, genocides, and war crimes.

On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

It doesn’t matter if Serbia is a sovereign state.

Ohh but it does matter since if you effectively seize the state here you can almost effectively conduct your inner and foreign policy as you please and see fit. The example of Serbian Democrats here briefly holding onto power with a marked shift in the countries policy towards rapid pace EU integration and concession pleasing - even though the polls or that were markedly better than they are today due to the countries economic state than compared to now, marked with boisterousness, overconfidence, and pride for some small scale gains in progress that would have eventually had to occur and happen anyway - but still one can play around and obfuscate around the majority of the easily influenced public opinion with the offering of juicy, lucrative and attractive enough things in return.

On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

Extremism like Serbian extremism or Kurdish extremism is difficult to be dealt with because they are not a state actor. That is what you don’t understand. YPG PYD is not a state but a terrorist organization so there is no trespassing.

Lol, Serbian extremism is state-backed, so if you seize the state you can easily, slowly but surely, with effective policy and economic decisions, marginalize it into political irrelevance.

I see you are attempting sneakily and egoically to make a false equivalence attempt here with Serbian and Kurdish nationalists, in order to demonize, justify and legitimize decades-long Turkish oppression, war crimes, and genocides over the Kurds. Kurdish nationalism is born out of the desire to stop being the victim and to be completely free of centuries and decades-long Turkish oppression and attempt at eliminating and crushing the Kurd's desire for a separate national and cultural identity, self-governance, and territorial autonomy, while contemporary Serbian nationalism is born out of the desire to hegemonically dominate and rule over (infantile imperialism) and exact vengeance and revenge on those people around surrounding it whom it arrogantly deems lesser and inferior to itself, while not being much more developed and conscious itself in reality.

Stop hunting down the Kurds like rabid dogs, apologize, make amends and repatriate them for your past war crimes over them and give them some guarantees on territorial autonomy, self-sufficiency, and self-governance, and they won't be difficult to deal with.

You are not fundamentally any better with that belief system, or even worse in some aspects, than the Israelis who call the Palestinians they routinely kill, abuse, and oppress all terrorists while they lord over them internationally unchecked, denying the right to the Palestinians to even resist or have any say on their own land in the apartheid state prison they have constructed for them.

If your current country pretends to care what Israelis do to Muslims there and pay lip service to the Palestinian cause and their right to be free of oppression and degradation to second-grade citizens on their own land, then don't just cynically rhetorically say it to get some brownie points with other Muslims in the world to make a false PR Muslim country image of what your own country is actually doing regarding that (jack sh#t together with the Gulf States), while you hypocritically do the almost exact same thing with another nationality and ethnic group at home, denying them to right to exist as separate people on their own land.

In short, of course, it's illegal trespassing into another country's territory, since it's the internationally recognized borders of another country, your country hasn't declared war on that country, since, in contrast to what you asserted falsely and deceptively,

On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

NATO is allowed to create a buffer zone in northern Syria.

Turkey is not doing this as a member of NATO (lol why were there then soldiers of NATO member the U.S. then stationed there to prevent and deter a military invasion, if it is a NATO op, your own narrative and justification doesn't itself add up and make cohesive sense), and this is not a member state unanimously sanctioned and voted upon military operation, it's doing this on its own as a state (there is no agreed coalition of member states behind it backing to launch a ''war on terror'' or ''anti-terrorist operation'' by invading another country), and henceforth what it is planning to do is an internationally illegal act of war upon a minority nationality it has no administrative governance or reaches over.

On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

That is why nobody is making a fuss about it other than far-right extremists.

Lol again with the deceptive, demonization falsehoods and straw-man arguments.

The only ''far-right extremists'' who are maybe upset about this are those in the south of Syria.

Other than that the real ones who are upset and will be hurt and maybe even killed by this are the minority Kurds, whom your country's government constantly illegally persecutes at every step, who are for all intents and purposes in this specific political context they find themselves in and in contrast to greater Turkish imperialism, nationalism, revanchism and chauvinism, a left-wing anti-colonial oppressed minority self-determination and independence movement. Lol, they even use the socialist red star ffs in all their organization logos and identify the main ideology they espouse as federated democratic worker's self-governance socialism, and there is only one explicit Kurdish nationalist org and party out of all of them and it's in the Iraq region/area of Kurdistan.

And nobody is also making a large enough international fuss about it yet is because NATO is a self-interested cuck org in regards to Turkey as shown by various examples over the decades, the US itself militarily aided and backed Turkey's state-sanctioned genociding, persecution, and oppression of the Kurds during the late Cold War years on its own territory, and now, of course, they won't probably cause they would goodly use and need Finland and Sweden in, need Turkey to act as a constant present threat of a militarily balancing force with Ukraine and Russia and of course need another state in the Middle East to present a veneer of a balancing force, back and legitimize and align with Israels hawkish foreign policy and domestic abuse of Palestinians - with empty rhetoric veiled threats, and also to have a militarily strong allied Muslim state-actor to have control over Idlib to keep in check and control over the new international jihadists and Islamists gathering hub there escaped from their ''adversarial countries'' - lol I seriously hope in the near future Idlib doesn't turn out to become a new Afghanistan Peshawar equivalent safe-haven now gathering spot in Syria for the international jihadist or Islamist movement.

On 5/26/2022 at 9:53 PM, StarStruck said:

Serbia should tread softly because Russia will soon be poking the Balkan and I believe Turkey should move its army to Bosnia and Albania to make preparations. 

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop a possibility or potential near-future conflict or war from effectively breaking out because the current government has effectively, with its useful idiot backers, wrestled any oversight, input, or control of it from the majority (though still in the minority here effectively when taken from the percentage of the total population) of the oppositional public to it, it effectively can do over the next 4 years whatever it pleases, of course, if people rally up and go out in critical en masse and protest forcefully enough and attempt a general strike at some decision in enough of quantity then that's a different matter since it has, over the last couple of years while in power, concentrated and centralized all power steadily around authoritarian functioning of the state and it's internal policing organs.

As for the Turkish forces NATO detachment here? Maybe, but I highly doubt it. I mean is Turkey really going to fight Russia after it can't even impose as an 'independent' sovereign state any sanctions on it out of natural gas and heating insecurities over a much larger and important proxy war lol, and also in the 90s of why there were only a few if any Turkish NATO detachments here, apart from some in Bosnia, the reason why is that other NATO European powers didn't want to have the bad optics of a former 'hated' imperial power military forces arriving again here, having too much military presence and ruling on the Balkans, under the veil of any military alliance that effectively controls them or otherwise or any cause, coming in again to fight the Christian populations, and establish and assert some illusion of concrete 'influence' over the Muslim populations here, other than ideological moderation and moderatism, so they don't revert back to some abnormalities of extremist fundamentalism coming from some jihadi Islamist mujahadeen fighters and their ideological influence that arrived there for a brief moment during the Civil War.








Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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