Eternal Unity

21 dead in an elementry school shooting

114 posts in this topic

Most Americans are too stupid, apathetic, or dogmatically unwilling to make any meaningful change. This insanity is deeply baked into the culture.

The shootings will stop when they run out of ammo, or you know, kids to shoot.

Guns can't be banned or controlled effectively because Conservatives cry, so the simple solution would be to have 1-2 cops doing some sort of duty shift at schools, which would act as a heavy deterrent for the majority of these shooters. But can't even do that either because having cops at schools is "racist/scary/authoritarian" according to Liberals.

So here we are.


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35 minutes ago, Raze said:

This event is an example of the limitations of security guards and arming teachers, even police may not act effectively 

Arming teachers is insane unless you're willing to provide quality training and high compensation for that extra responsibility. People become teachers to teach not to stop crimes.

I think we need a combination of policies to help stop mass violence like this. A combination of:

background checks (red flag laws)  & rigorous steps needed to become a gun owner

Investment in social structures for mentally ill or broken families & investment in mental health in general especially teenagers.

Raise the age necessary to buy a gun like 26 or at least 21. 

Hold parents responsible and have armed security in schools.

I am pro 2nd amendment, but the second amendment is about the state's rights to secure freedom in their state from Federal government tyranny. It's right of the people of let's say California, to stand up against the federal government with a well-regulated militia. It's not about allowing random individuals to carry a gun & if you want one, you should have to prove you are competent enough to carry.

Edited by SgtPepper

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The suffering that is caused by school shooters probably is miniscule compared to the suffering the very school systems and the society we live in causes to individuals who are pushed to commit such crimes. That is the true, unspoken reality of this issue. The root cause are not guns, and even if you get rid of all guns, and all school shootings, you will have barely removed a droplet from an ocean of suffering that your value-systems perpetuate.

In a society in which compassion is no a core value, in which people are neglected, in which convenience and pleasure is deemed as more important as a life free of torture, enslavement, rape and death, there really is no other way but to wake you up to your ignorance and lack of empathy.


Most of you, even in this forum, perpetuate the very system and consequences you are outraged by, and of course you will do nothing but point fingers at others. "It's the republicans, it's the guns, it's anyone but me!"

It's me, because I am too selfish to see the suffering of my fellow human. I am  too selfish to give up some of my convenience to help someone in need. I am too selfish to truly advocate for those in need. And so, the death of these children is my fault, and it is your fault. That's the truth we cannot face.


Everyone in here carries the solution in their heart. You cannot change the ignorant, but you can help those who suffer. If you wanted to, you could prevent more suffering than this school shooter has caused, if you just did what you know you have to do. To reach out and open your heart to those nobody is willing to do so.



It our weakness, our selfishness, our cowardice. It is not the republican's, because they do not know what they are doing. It is not the school shooter, because he did not know what he was doing. It is you and me, because we do know what we are doing.

The world will only change if you start carrying your weight, instead of pointing fingers at those who do not carry their weight. Carry as much weight as you can, everything else is a distraction.

Edited by Scholar

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These are some of the victims that were murdered, I couldn't find a picture of them all.  Rest in peace.


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I can't wait for the older conservatives to die off. That will help society progress more from the archaic dogma on absolute gun rights.

I mentioned earlier that millions upon millions of conservatives all throughout the entire country may need to suffer and die themselves from some kind of numerous series of mass shootings in order to finally see that the idea of gun rights for all American citizens has been a grave mistake. 

Another idea is to have some kind of incredibly powerful nation-wide movement against guns rights for all on the level of the civil rights movement or some other kind of historic revolutionary movement. We would need some anti-gun right leaders all over the country who have exceptional charisma and would devote to fighting like hell for nationwide major gun reform for as many years as it takes to finally achieve success.

Edited by Hardkill

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5 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Does anyone on this forum actually own a firearm?

Personally I do intend to own a small pocket pistol on the future for conceal carry purpose.

@Husseinisdoingfine As a texas resident, yes. I keep one in my car and one in my apartment. Everyone has one here.

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20 minutes ago, nightrider1435 said:

@Husseinisdoingfine As a texas resident, yes. I keep one in my car and one in my apartment. Everyone has one here.

If you’re a Texas resident, then mark on your calendar to vote for Beto O’Rourke.

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On 25/05/2022 at 1:11 AM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

The Conservatives in America are very concerned with protecting kids from LGBT infiltration, yet do nothing about and actively actively worsen the firearm situation. 
There was just a shooting a week ago in Buffalo, New York.

Don't mix things up to get the approval 

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So as far as I know, the right to bear arms has been put into the constitution for the people to be able to protect themselves from tyrannical governments, which to me is a very good thing. If you take the guns from everyone, then good luck.

That's why I think the problem aren't the guns but the people.

Especially because there are other nations who also have a lot of guns per capita (someone mentioned Switzerland, for example) where things like these just don't happen, compared to the US.


USA just has a lot of other problems going for it.

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As an American, yes, I keep a rocket launcher in my car.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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These people have no heart or what?




Edited by Bobby_2021

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Edited by Raze

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In europe regular police dont carry guns, because since the population is armed they dont have the intense trigger happy fear where they shoot a guy at a traffic stop. Theres always armed police at large events with thousands of people but, thats necessary security. I would rather my gun rights be taken away than have the opportunity to choose one on someone as dont forget they can always carry a gun as well if you feel threaten. Guns should just be for shooting game or dangerous wildlife .

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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Warren Farrell doesn’t even mention the bullying issue, and is using the incident to promote his Father’s rights stuff.   In the second video he said all boys should be required to take team sports – which would subject weaker boys to even more bullying.   According to new reports coming out this kid was severely bullied.  It’s amazing how stupid people are that the elephant in the room is virtually invisible.  Children should be able to learn without being trapped in a living hell.  By the way, I do believe in passing gun control laws.  But the laws still don’t solve the underlying problem.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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They tried passing a law right after this and they needed support from 10 republicans and they didn't get it. 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

As an American, yes, I keep a rocket launcher in my car.

@Leo Gura It’s the Wild West out here man. 

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Voters are too ignorant to ever vote on policy, votes never vote on policy. This is not going to be fixed through elections.

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Why didnt he just kill the bullies? 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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15 hours ago, Roy said:

Most Americans are too stupid, apathetic, or dogmatically unwilling to make any meaningful change. This insanity is deeply baked into the culture.

The shootings will stop when they run out of ammo, or you know, kids to shoot.

Guns can't be banned or controlled effectively because Conservatives cry, so the simple solution would be to have 1-2 cops doing some sort of duty shift at schools, which would act as a heavy deterrent for the majority of these shooters. But can't even do that either because having cops at schools is "racist/scary/authoritarian" according to Liberals.

So here we are.

What about an armed security guard rather than police? Not quite the same. 

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12 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

Warren Farrell doesn’t even mention the bullying issue, and is using the incident to promote his Father’s rights stuff.   In the second video he said all boys should be required to take team sports – which would subject weaker boys to even more bullying.   According to new reports coming out this kid was severely bullied.  It’s amazing how stupid people are that the elephant in the room is virtually invisible.  Children should be able to learn without being trapped in a living hell.  By the way, I do believe in passing gun control laws.  But the laws still don’t solve the underlying problem.

1. News reports also show his mother was on drugs and his father wasn’t around, how do you know that wasn’t a bigger factor than bullying?

2. Fatherless children are significantly more likely to be bullied or too bully.


Although research does indicate bullying in the
background of many school shoot- ers (Vossekuil et al., 2002), some commentators unfortunately have focused on bullying as a primary cause of school shootings. Many people believe the stereotype that the shoot- ers are outcasts who are bullied into retaliation against their tormentors. But this characterization of shooters is rarely accurate. Langman’s research, for example, found that many of the shooters were not bullied, and those who were bullied rarely aimed their attacks at the particular students who had picked on them (Langman, 2015, 2017).


Edited by Raze

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