
Awakening and maturity

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For y'all awakened folk. What age did you have your first awakening? I.e the first time you realized that God actually exists or your first mystical experience. 

Also, for those who have realized they are God. What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening. My opinion is 28-35 from my own experience.

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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard wow man. Did you have much knowledge of what was happening to you at the time? Was it a spontaneous kind of thing, or purposely induced e.g meditation/psychedelics?

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27 minutes ago, Godishere said:

What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening

It's gonna vary too much. Why do you need some average? It's just going to create distortions in your mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@Carl-Richard wow man. Did you have much knowledge of what was happening to you at the time? Was it a spontaneous kind of thing, or purposely induced e.g meditation/psychedelics?

Meditation. I was completely taken off guard because Leo said that everybody sucks at meditation in the beginning ? My notion of awakening was pretty shallow, so I thought it was some other thing. It felt like I was going to disappear forever and never come back, so I jumped up in fear and stopped the meditation.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard haha sounds similar to one of mine. I thought I would be stuck in a non-dual state for infinity.

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@Leo Gura curiosity I suppose. It seems like God has a will to awaken when it wants and many are quick to rush the awakening process without proper integration. On the other hand, from the egos perspective it takes a level of maturity to actually accept the truth and open yourself up to the Solipsistic nature of reality.

Edited by Godishere

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5 hours ago, Godishere said:

It seems like God has a will to awaken when it wants and many are quick to rush the awakening process without proper integration.

This will greatly vary from person to person.

Many are doing everything possible to avoid and delay the awakening process.

A serious awakening is necessary before there is even something worth integrating.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I too had my first major awakening at 19 lol.

I was in deep existential crisis then and thanks to huge psychological suffering and victimhood I had this one year of strong motivation of digging and digging.
Then synchronistically "Power of Now" by Eckhart showed up and half year later Jed Mckenna. And of course daily meditation before and after high school. And then one day the universe went silent for 5 minutes and disappeared.

But I still had rigid atheistic, logical, materialist mind so after that began the Spiritual transformation of the character that is taking place to this date. Really only after 2 years after that glimpse and after taking 5g of shrooms I really viscerally believed in God (as I).

6 hours ago, Godishere said:

What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening. My opinion is 28-35 from my own experience.

So I would say that this existential dread comes in waves, and it is different for each person. But the end of high school, end of your twenties, mid-life crisis all seem potent to create suffering deep enough to have the motivation to strip away the ego.

Edited by Arthogaan

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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I took acid late 2019, age 27 I think. Then DMT. I combined high doses of both acid and DMT together around mid May 2020, and there was no way to come back from that. I have been stuck thinking about and trying to understand what happened to me since then, essentially... I became "religious" in that moment. I don't think God exists though, as in an entity purposefully creating anything. But more like the idea of Brahman.

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7 hours ago, Godishere said:

For y'all awakened folk. What age did you have your first awakening? I.e the first time you realized that God actually exists or your first mystical experience. 

Also, for those who have realized they are God. What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening. My opinion is 28-35 from my own experience.

I'm not interested in answering based on the qualifications, I'm not awake or self realised or any of that, and neither are the ones who replied to you here.

As soon as possible. NOW. Always. 

There's nothing to loose with awakening, and everything to gain. There's distortions out there that awakening is hard work, requires sacrifices, lots of boring practice... those are distortions from deluded people. What you need to awaken is a Will to be truly happy and an assertiveness to say NO to all, every one of the temptations. For real. Say NO. Especially to the temptation that awakening should, needs or its best to awaken at some age. 

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10 hours ago, electroBeam said:

I'm not interested in answering based on the qualifications, I'm not awake or self realised or any of that, and neither are the ones who replied to you here.

As soon as possible. NOW. Always. 

There's nothing to loose with awakening, and everything to gain. There's distortions out there that awakening is hard work, requires sacrifices, lots of boring practice... those are distortions from deluded people. What you need to awaken is a Will to be truly happy and an assertiveness to say NO to all, every one of the temptations. For real. Say NO. Especially to the temptation that awakening should, needs or its best to awaken at some age. 

There is what we might call a teleology of awakening where the time, the when, of the event becomes important. For example, we might allude to an "end of history" that would consist of mass scale awakening with all of past human history as a building story that led to it, that grew it from space out of infinities of temporal work and story. This also applies on an individual level: certain people may have timelines of life where their consciousness undergoes certain experiences that only make sense in the context of something unfolding as an arc. So this means that not everything happens right now, even if everything happens Now. This sort of line of events that seem to synchronize into something otherworldly and imbued with hints of Truth may only happen when there are hits going on at certain points on a time graph, one hit here and another there and so on. And then hits of greater awakening exist as contextualized by time; there's no getting around time because awakening as a phenomenon cannot escape from it. Even if time becomes an illusion to an illuminated perception, it is still there governing events, awakening being an event and a powerful one.

This just means that awakenings have an order to them and around them, not necessarily that the incapacity or inoppurtunity to awaken now is just a result of distortion or imprisonment of the Will.

My first experience was when I was fourteen and woke up and everything felt different, like my consciousness was disincarnate from any physical grounding or "real" existence under the rule of a nervous system experiencing other material objects in a world of pure physicality. There was an intuition of a lonely God there. This caused a massive cascade of events to follow in its wake, and it needed to happen at that specific point for it to make sense teleologically, as something leading to something else.

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18 hours ago, Godishere said:

Also, for those who have realized they are God. What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening. My opinion is 28-35 from my own experience.

That's not a bad range, I would say 30-36.

Of course, there are some very mature kids.  I was a camp counselor once and one of my kids was an extremely mature 9 year old.  I think he went on to be very successful on Wall Street.  That's rare, of course, but there are people like that of all ages.

The problem with being too young and immature and becoming awakened is that...you're still young and immature...and now you may think you're somehow more advanced or better than your elders.  But you're still young and immature.  Being spiritually awakened hasn't granted you life experience/wisdom or domain knowledge of all kinds.  So it's possible for the prematurely awakened to be super-obnoxious, or maybe more socially isolated than they would have been otherwise.

The no-self awakening is just the first step on the road to Self Realization, and it's a particularly tricky stage to navigate (it's where a lot of Zen Devils are.)   Mix that with youth and you could easily have a juvenile delinquent if the personality is otherwise disordered.

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Awakening can vary from a completely terrifying and shocking/life shattering experience to a completely ordinary and simple realization.

& It usually has something to do with how strong the attachment is to being this important separate individual.

It's seems it can be realized at any age though, but also does seem more common with meditation & inquiry 

Here it was 35 - 37 yrs old.



Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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On 24.5.2022 at 5:47 AM, Godishere said:

For y'all awakened folk. What age did you have your first awakening? I.e the first time you realized that God actually exists or your first mystical experience. 

Also, for those who have realized they are God. What age would you recommend awakening for the general consensus? As in God Realization or the no self awakening. My opinion is 28-35 from my own experience.

First mystical experience: 17, sober, watching a mooji video. I came into a state where past and future didn't exist anymore. I didn't know what I am anymore. I felt like I was dying. I lost touch with all conceptualizations of reality and the remaining thing (present moment) felt completely groundless.

After that I was so terrified that I stopped meditating although I had been consistently meditating 20min daily for 2 years. I didn't meditate or engage in spirituality for 2 years after that experience.

With 21 I tried out psychedelics for the first time.

In my third session I discovered that God exists (was an atheist before), and realized what God is: My own true Nature, identical to infinte Love - the best thing that could ever exist.

I think age doesn't matter. Awakening will happen when you are ready. No need to force anything or tryhard to get it.

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I had my first awakening when I was 16 and my first full God realization / I am God experience when I was 18.

I don't think there is a right time for awakening.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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The first mystical experience was somewhere around 5-7 years old. I know it was before age 8 because my family moved to a new house when I was 8. It probably only lasted somewhere between 30 seconds and a few minutes. The next notable mystical experience was at age 18. The first experience of God Consciousness was around 22-23. 

I’ve seen several people in their early 20s who have had their daily lives and survival essentially put on halt due to spiritual practice and insights. I think it would be optimal for people, generally speaking, to have quite solid financial stability and independence before getting into awakening, whatever age that happens to be for the person. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Awakenings: Age 7, age 15, age 25, age 26, age 28, age 30

They get closer together and longer the older I get.  In the beginning they were brief glimpses, now they last months.  Doesn't mean I'm 'awake' or anything but I can relate to many people's experiences of Beauty and God. 



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