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No matter what you think someone thinks of you are doing is injecting yourself.

The closest you will ever get to what someone thinks is when they explicitely tell you.but even then you cant be sure

Eg- when a is told ily or D is told to visist often

Or when i try to show im interested when there are other things i would like to do.

Eg- i tell skeptic that i admire his framework and then he thinks im smart

-how do i know for sure? What if hes thinking - is this cambridge grad really suprised by such a simple connection? Man cambridges standard has gone down 

-never know for sure

And nothing is gained from knowing either way just a temporary injection.




Summary-just watch out for failings. Ie-if peeps tell you you are causing suffering etc

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When um pats self on the back for believing in allah its the exact samething.

When t.hardy,jquin thinks hes cool its the same thing.

Injecting self. 

Beliefs that are not verifiable.

Moral purpose of injection?

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If you inject while learning/listening to skeptic etc then you arent learning. 

You are engaging in leisure.

Injecting makes learning ineffective

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