Someone here

The truth

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enlightenment is simply you becoming directly conscious of the absolute Truth of existence. 

Absolute clarity about what is Truth and what isn't. 

Do you want to become enlightened??? 

Take out your hand and look at it.. And recognize that your hands are actual. They are Real. They are the absolute Truth. 

And recognize that all your concepts about Truth in your minds(thoughts) are not the Truth.  

Compare all your thoughts and concepts with the sensation of your hands.. Notice that your hands are Truth. While all your thoughts (without exception) are bla bla bla. 

That's it. 

Its really that simple .stop making it complicated. 

All religions..all science..all spiritual teachings are not the Truth. 

The truth is the entirety of your direct experience right now . And that's all that exists. 

What is the context of this experience you might ask ? Of course the answer is nowhere.  Reality is just your field of consciousness right now floating in nothingness. 


Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I am still a bit confused. Do you see enlightenment as being fully conscious of the content of experience with the concepts removed?

It is a little confusing because concepts can be seen as made up of truth. (The concept of a house is made up of the shapes, feelings and sounds of a house in your mind) How do you tell if your concepts exist? If you are aware of them then I guess it is considered truth as well right? People already differentiate your current perceptions and concepts. I guess differentiating itself is a concept. You see it is a bit tricky to wrap your mind around it with concepts. You can see making it infinitely complicated does not help to understand because there is a self referential  problem. How do you understand anything without concepts? You can know the truth but not understand the truth without concepts.

If someone was enlightened which makes them fully conscious of truth, how would they understand what someone says to them unless they go back to using concepts? 


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10 minutes ago, Jordan said:

I am still a bit confused. Do you see enlightenment as being fully conscious of the content of experience with the concepts removed?

It is a little confusing because concepts can be seen as made up of truth. (The concept of a house is made up of the shapes, feelings and sounds of a house in your mind) How do you tell if your concepts exist? If you are aware of them then I guess it is considered truth as well right? People already differentiate your current perceptions and concepts. I guess differentiating itself is a concept. You see it is a bit tricky to wrap your mind around it with concepts. You can see making it infinitely complicated does not help to understand because there is a self referential  problem. How do you understand anything without concepts? You can know the truth but not understand the truth without concepts.

If someone was enlightened which makes them fully conscious of truth, how would they understand what someone says to them unless they go back to using concepts? 


Actual reality only comes to you through direct experience.  An image is real but it is not the thing that it represents.  Looking at your hand and thinking about your hand are two different things.  One is sense.. one is image. 

What we gotta get clear about is what is real and what is belief.  If you close your eyelids.. your house disappears from your senses right?  But you still believe the house exists.  But see.. your belief at that point is a concept.. not sensed ..right? That's what it means that your house disappears when you are not conscious of it .  Technically what disappeared is your visuals of the house.  Your belief that the house is more than that is not in the house but in your head.  And those beliefs may persist when you close your eyes.. but your reality of the house.. The visuals have vanished.  See the difference here?  What  I'm trying to show to you is how much of your reality is actually conceptual instead of literal.  When you become more mindful of this.. You can start to see that many beliefs you have about what is real and true are in fact false beliefs.  Your visual of your house is not your concept of your house.  Often times we take the conceptual house and think that that is what is real.  No.. technically what is real is your thought as something sensed and the visuals of the house.  The thought-story (the meaning of the thought sensed) is not real.. Yet that is what unenlightened people take to be most real.  

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So I guess the images of a concept are real but the meaning behind them is not true. I guess developing focus and consciousness of this beliefs / meanings vs the direct experience can help you develop an understanding that is more closely aligned with the truth. Maybe this way you can slowly move closer to being enlightened. Does this make sense to you or am I off?

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6 minutes ago, Jordan said:

So I guess the images of a concept are real but the meaning behind them is not true. I guess developing focus and consciousness of this beliefs / meanings vs the direct experience can help you develop an understanding that is more closely aligned with the truth. Maybe this way you can slowly move closer to being enlightened. Does this make sense to you or am I off?

Yup you got it except right. 

Anything that you are not directly conscious of right now doesn't exist from your POV. It's imagining. The imagining itself is real but the content of the imagination isn't. 

Your head and brain are  imagination. Other minds and brains are also imagined. You break down your entire reality until you realize that Direct Experience is the only thing that exists. Any thoughts or beliefs about reality are false because reality itself is prior to all of that. Thoughts are just more waves in the water. When you connect with direct experience you are able to see the reflection of the truth.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

enlightenment is simply you becoming directly conscious of the absolute Truth of existence. 

Absolute clarity about what is Truth and what isn't. 

Do you want to become enlightened??? 

Take out your hand and look at it.. And recognize that your hands are actual. They are Real. They are the absolute Truth. 

And recognize that all your concepts about Truth in your minds(thoughts) are not the Truth.  

Compare all your thoughts and concepts with the sensation of your hands.. Notice that your hands are Truth. While all your thoughts (without exception) are bla bla bla. 

That's it. 

Its really that simple .stop making it complicated. 

All religions..all science..all spiritual teachings are not the Truth. 

The truth is the entirety of your direct experience right now . And that's all that exists. 

What is the context of this experience you might ask ? Of course the answer is nowhere.  Reality is just your field of consciousness right now floating in nothingness. 


Is this True for you?

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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1 minute ago, Realms of Wonder said:

Is this True for you?


Do you have any questions or I was clear enough in the message? 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

enlightenment is simply you becoming directly conscious of the absolute Truth of existence. 

Absolute clarity about what is Truth and what isn't. 

Do you want to become enlightened??? 

Take out your hand and look at it.. And recognize that your hands are actual. They are Real. They are the absolute Truth. 

And recognize that all your concepts about Truth in your minds(thoughts) are not the Truth.  

Compare all your thoughts and concepts with the sensation of your hands.. Notice that your hands are Truth. While all your thoughts (without exception) are bla bla bla. 

That's it. 

Its really that simple .stop making it complicated. 

All religions..all science..all spiritual teachings are not the Truth. 

The truth is the entirety of your direct experience right now . And that's all that exists. 

What is the context of this experience you might ask ? Of course the answer is nowhere.  Reality is just your field of consciousness right now floating in nothingness. 


Even your actual experience of the hand is still a finite state of Consciousness and not God Consciousness- so no, it's not enlightenment.  But its where to start if you want to have an experience of God or become God Consciousness.  It starts with actuality or Being.  Not the chatterbox that is the ego mind



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Even your actual experience of the hand is still a finite state of Consciousness and not God Consciousness- so no, it's not enlightenment.  But its where to start if you want to have an experience of God or become God Consciousness.  It starts with actuality or Being.  Not the chatterbox that is the ego mind


What do you mean exactly by "god consciousness "?

Isn't God all states simultaneously?  Why pick one state over another and call it "god consciousness "? That's a duality that must collapse . 

Even if you've experienced this "god consciousness "in the past ,it is still just a memory right now ..and your experience of your hands are more real than any outlandish awakenings you've experienced in the past .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

What do you mean exactly by "god consciousness "?

it is enlightenment. it is a door that opens, the infinity that it is, the total love that flows totally. the bottomless divine void that shines. you, that is, god. Even if it's just a memory, erase your sadness

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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

it is enlightenment. it is a door that opens, the infinity that it is, the total love that flows totally. the bottomless divine void that shines. you, that is, god. Even if it's just a memory, erase your sadness

Let's talk about it this "God consciousness" more real than this present moment that you are experiencing right now?  Because in my direct experience all I can see is a bunch of colors and sounds and objects etc ..I don't see any ",,God consciousness, " Here. 

Again I'm not denying that such an experience is not possible or that you didn't experience it in the past . But I'm sure you know very well that the entire past is imaginary. The entire past is just a thought.  So are you placing more value on a thought rather than your actual direct experience? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The entire past is just a thought.  So are you placing more value on a thought rather than your actual direct experience? 

It's not a question of which is more valuable. without ego, without memory, what would you be? what would be your experience? absolutely all your current experience is impregnated with memory. without memory your hand is not a hand, it is not different from the empty space that surrounds it. Your direct experience has many layers of ego, to detache them is almost impossible, it's a solid construction. You need chemical help.  

the memory of an enlightenment experience is not the enlightenment itself but is something that leaves a mark on the psyche, an opening to the void.

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's not a question of which is more valuable. without ego, without memory, what would you be? what would be your experience? absolutely all your current experience is impregnated with memory. without memory your hand is not a hand, it is not different from the empty space that surrounds it. Your direct experience has many layers of ego, to detache them is almost impossible, it's a solid construction. You need chemical help.  

the memory of an enlightenment experience is not the enlightenment itself but is something that leaves a mark on the psyche, an opening to the void.

Without memory you can see reality clearly for the first time unfiltered by the clouds of the mind .

Any kind of memories is an attempt to create continuity and consistance within you.

Think about what happened 1h ago, 1 day ago, 1 month, 1 year etc.

It feels as if it happened for mostly one reason, consistance with the present narrative of your experience.

If you put the consistance on the side, your past memories are equal to those of your dreams, of the movies you watched, of a book you read, of something someone told you, of what you daydream about your future.

Try to see that all those memories are one of the same, just with different stories and characters.

If you ignore all memory including your past breakthroughs God realization on psychedelics..and just be present you have actually gone deeper and closer to truth . And you don't need "chemical help "to get there. Since truth is omnipresent. 

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@Breakingthewall and no you won't go nuts if you lose your memory. Ask people who have Alzheimer's disease. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Yup you got it except right. 

Anything that you are not directly conscious of right now esn't exist from your POV. It's imagining. The imagining itself is real but the content of the imagination isn't. 

Your head and brain are  imagination. Other minds and brains are also imagined. You break down your entire reality until you realize that Direct Experience is the only thing that exists. Any thoughts or beliefs about reality are false because reality itself is prior to all of that. Thoughts are just more waves in the water. When you connect with direct experience you are able to see the reflection of the truth.

Ummm your hands are not absolute truth.....they are made up of Absolute Truth (Consciousness). But the reason they are not absolute truth because your hands have a beginning and an end. They can die. Anything that is Absolute....cannot die. The only thing that is absolute is consciousness because it cannot die. 

So when Leo says your hands are Absolute truth...he is saying the building block of that hand is Absolute Truth....not the hand itself. So when the hand dies...what the hand was made of....still persists. So anything in the Dream isn't absolute truth....but the building blocks of the dream itself (consciousness) is absolute truth. 

Absolute = Final, Finished, Infinite. Your hand's TRUE nature is infinite....but that is veiled from you. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

you ignore all memory including your past breakthroughs God realization on psychedelics..and just be present you have actually gone deeper and closer to truth . And you don't need "chemical help "to get there. Since truth is omnipresent. 

Agreed, but still there are layers. You can go into deep meditation in silence, without interference, but still your ego is blocking. the obstacle that you are is a reinforced steel door, it is more than it seems. let's say that you are in the present moment empty of mental content . but there is more. you can't help but differentiate, even if you don't think. you are a software in automatic operation. the narrative can stop but still the mind is differentiating, it goes very deep. chemistry gives the software reboot button.

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@Someone here I thought God consciousness was the Realization that you are God and that nothing has changed really but that you walk around knowing KNOWING you are God in one of its forms.  So yes...that means I am currently in God Consciousness because I realize that.

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7 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Ummm your hands are not absolute truth.....they are made up of Absolute Truth (Consciousness). But the reason they are not absolute truth because your hands have a beginning and an end. They can die. Anything that is Absolute....cannot die. The only thing that is absolute is consciousness because it cannot die. 

Simply false. Your hands are as absolute as absolute can get . Notice that all you have is an experience of a hand . You have no direct experience of "building blocks " whether it be atoms or consciousness or whatever else. 

And no .the infinte and the finite are ONE. The finite can die but the infinte cannot die. And since the infinte is the sum total of the finite .the infinite doesn't die by death of its finite parts .

Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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8 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Agreed, but still there are layers. You can go into deep meditation in silence, without interference, but still your ego is blocking. the obstacle that you are is a reinforced steel door, it is more than it seems. let's say that you are in the present moment empty of mental content . but there is more. you can't help but differentiate, even if you don't think. you are a software in automatic operation. the narrative can stop but still the mind is differentiating, it goes very deep. chemistry gives the software reboot button.

It's possible to achieve what you call full "god realization "by simply sitting alone in a dark empty room For days .and you will start experiencing mystical shit similar to what you experience on psychedelics.  I haven't done psychedelics myself so I feel like I might mislead if I talk about them but I know that mankind have had hundreds of spiritual techniques since the dawn of time .one of which is psychedelics. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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