
Why am I always attracted to cocky dominating guys?

55 posts in this topic

13 hours ago, ZenAlex said:

Not everyone who is attractive is good or even strong. Some people are delusional and that leads to a form of shallow confidence.

Both disagree and agree at the same time. 

  1. The permantly delusional type is weak & constnantly living in denial of his weakness & the lack of congruence to his actions/results is arguably creepy. 
  2. The other type exudes "delusional confidence" but uses that to take action maintain morale & reprogram his subconscious which via law of attraction actually leads to him obtaining & becoming that which he always saw himself as... this is the path I have chose to take, but not regrets because I'll back it up eventually, but there is of course a lagging measure between my actual value vs the value Imagine & exude, but eventually there will be congruence. 
Edited by Striving for more

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It's normal to be attracted to cocky confident guy. It's not normal to be attracted to needy guys with low self esteem.

What you need to ask is perhaps can you see past the surface layer and know what is the guy really thinking. What are your core desires? What are the things you really want? 

Edited by hyruga

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22 minutes ago, Raze said:

Great video, so codependent people are going to be attracted to the opposite narcissistic people, to complete themselves. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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10 minutes ago, integral said:

Great video, so codependent people are going to be attracted to the opposite narcissistic people, to complete themselves.

Yes I agree this. But I don't think I'm attracted to cocky guys for that reason 

I think a ton of women are attracted to cocky guys because it tends to register as confidences in the human brain. 

Not everyone is codependent 


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On 24/05/2022 at 1:33 AM, Preety_India said:

Yes I agree this. But I don't think I'm attracted to cocky guys for that reason 

I think a ton of women are attracted to cocky guys because it tends to register as confidences in the human brain. 

Not everyone is codependent 


Probably true, but it's an unwise decision. The only wise decision is to know the person inside and out because humans have become masters at appearances and pretending to be something they're not. 


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i think it has to do with giving up control / surrender

Edited by Jacob Morres

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2 hours ago, Tortured Soul said:

@integral no they won't be repulsed. They always come back

if you mean for Revenge, then we are in agreement lol. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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On 5/23/2022 at 3:29 AM, Preety_India said:

If a guy dominates me, he should do this with some grace and substance, something that I can respect. He shouldn't present frivolous challenges. That would make me lose respect. If he does challenge me, it should have some substance to it. I want to be able to admire the guy. I want to look at him in awe and be inspired by him. 

So if he is cocky, it shouldn't be vacuous or shallow or empty cockiness/false pride/ego without character/depth/substance. 

He should be cocky definitely but have some substance to back up his cockiness. 

I want to look at him in awe and I want to admire him enough to feel attracted and fall in love. 

Seeing his confidence should make my knees go weak. 

So cocky is fine as long as it's backed by real  confidence, raw courage, trustworthy behavior and substance to his pride. 

Empty confidence and over confidence appears fake and farcical and suggests over compensation, "wanna be", "trying too hard" and reeks of insecurity and immaturity. 

Why ask the question when you know exactly what the answer is? :D

Can we explore female attraction abit? Im curious of why gurus tend to be attractive? 

Do you find sadguru attractive, if so why or why not? Does he lack forcefulness? Is he cocky? 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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23 minutes ago, integral said:

Why ask the question when you know exactly what the answer is? :D

Can we explore female attraction abit? Im curious of why gurus tend to be attractive? 

Do you find sadguru attractive, if so why or why not? Does he lack forcefulness? Is he cocky? 

Hmm good question. I'm not romantically attracted to Sadhguru. Passive spiritual men don't attract me. It's like you won't be attracted to a catholic nun. I think for romantic attraction, a person needs to possess a romantic face (which is a great fortune) and some romantic qualities. 

This is a messy landscape because attraction can mean different things to different people. Some people are attracted to generally considered "boring folks." how do we account for that? But generally speaking, certain qualities are attractive to both men and women and these qualities are attractive to a majority of people. 

For example I'd describe romantic qualities in men as - cocky, protective, smart, dominant, quick, decisive, moralistic, high integrity, fun, funny, sexy, affectionate, persuasive, witty, loyal, bold, courageous, attentive, active, disciplined, masculine, strong, intelligent, caring, loving, intimate,poetic. 

I'd describe romantic qualities in a woman as - sexy, gentle, sweet, coy, submissive, feminine, loyal, funny, affectionate, clever, sensitive, delicate, fragile, vulnerable, caring, passionate, loving, emotional, free flowing, innocent, beautiful, lively, elegant, soft, nurturing, spicy, spontaneous, cute, messy, fussy, intimate, intricate, mysterious, enticing, stimulating, interesting. 

Non romantic qualities for both - boring, unsexy, uncaring, not loyal, trashy, not funny, lacking in affection, insensitive, unpassionate, fickle, shallow, fake, invulnerable, unemotional, unloving, narcissistic, vain, cunning, ugly, passive, lazy, unable to create intimacy, rigid, stiff, ultra serious, not interesting, not stimulating, dumb, couch potato, monotonous. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 23/05/2022 at 8:57 AM, Gesundheit2 said:

Propaganda of the perverted.


There is no failure, only feedback

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probably goes back to daddy

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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14 hours ago, Tortured Soul said:

Nope. I mean if I have been cocky to some girl and she cut ties she will come back

I feel bad for these woman. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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Just watched a movie called Closer (2004), one of the main character is the perfect representation of cockiness caught in a love triangle. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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1 minute ago, integral said:

Just watched a movie called Closer (2004), one of the main character is the perfect representation of cockiness caught in a love triangle.

You mean Michael Douglas 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

You mean Michael Douglas 

The director was Mike Nichols for this movie. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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17 hours ago, Tortured Soul said:

Nope. I mean if I have been cocky to some girl and she cut ties she will come back

What do you mean by she will come back? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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18 hours ago, Preety_India said:

For example I'd describe romantic qualities in men as - cocky, protective, smart, dominant, quick, decisive, moralistic, high integrity, fun, funny, sexy, affectionate, persuasive, witty, loyal, bold, courageous, attentive, active, disciplined, masculine, strong, intelligent, caring, loving, intimate,poetic. 

I've never seen an example of a guy who was cocky with high integrity. High integrity tends to line up with being humble? 

I get the image here of the man who loves himself and is blowing forward throw life. But isn't that exhausting to deal with at some point? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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Just now, integral said:

I've never seen an example of a guy who was cocky with high integrity. High integrity tends to line up with being humble? 

I get the image here of the man who loves himself and is blowing forward throw life. But isn't that exhausting to deal with at some point?

Why not? 

I don't see why cocky should be associated with integrity. 

I have seen virtuous men being cocky. It's just a superficial trait mostly. 

This is like saying a woman who is too proud has to be a bitch. 

That's judgement 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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