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How should i convince myself to study in school?

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Im 17. I dont have the motivation to go to university. Im just kinda fine at home. I like to improve myself. I would like trying few jobs or idk. 

I dont have lot of points to go to a good uni. 

Im not depressed. 

My mom says study because if i dont i cant go to gym. But i cant see the consequence of not studying, im kinda apathetic about what she says.

I did a good exam that can get me into good unis this year but other then that i was just going with the flow.

Im making a mistake here.

In the past few months i made a lot of progress in my self improvement but i did not cared about studying 

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Parents have some influence on a person’s decision to take a university course, such as offering financial incentives to study. Of course, a parent can make an offer like, “If you study, you can live at my house for free—and otherwise do what you want (e.g., go to the gym). But if you do not study—you can do whatever you want (e.g., go to the gym) but you cannot live here.” 
If you can’t live at home for free, I assume you will have to take whatever job you can get. Maybe you will love that job, but maybe you will hate it. But you will not have a lot of discretionary spending if you have to pay for food and rent. (Assuming you are not independently wealthy). 

So, your Mom might not kick you out. If you can have free lodging living with your Mom for 10 years, say—that is already a huge incentive NOT to leave home. And if you can get away with free food and doing whatever you want—you can blow 100% of cash from whatever  job on discretionary spending. Buy a cool car, party, and do whatever you want. 

Even if she does not kick you out, if she effectively enforced no gym in some other way, you might regret that lack of exercise enough to outweigh the benefits of  it going to university.

Also, if you test your Mom, and disobey her rules, that deviance might undermine your personal relationship with her, depending on your relationship with her  

A lot of people make a lot of money without going to university. And a lot of people get a good education without paying for degrees. University is not a guarantee of a good job  

University can also be enjoyable and satisfying, in its own weird way. In any case, formal and demanding programs—whether education, work, travel, or even socialization—can give a nice sense of accomplishment and not wasting years of life (in retrospect) because of the intentionality of the program. Good luck!

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Studying is just a means to an end. So if you don't have a life purpose or some goal, it'll indeed seem pretty pointless.

First you have to figure out what you want to do with your life. It's a big decision to have to make at 17.

You mention the gym. Maybe you could see yourself becoming a personal trainer or kinesiologist or a nutritionist? If you can picture yourself being happy and fulfilled with a job you love in the future, it'll make it easier to do the studying right now because you know it'll all be worth it later on.

Just an example, try to think of some other stuff you're passionate enough to study about too.

If you aren't sure, it's probably better to take a year off before going to college. But if you do that, you can't just slack off at home for a year, you gotta actually learn and develop yourself, or try out a couple jobs.

You're fine at home now, but think long term. Your parents are going to die one day and you'll be forced out on your own. Even if it's 40 years from now, it's going to happen eventually. So would you rather try to make it on your own now and you can learn slowly with your parents support? Or do you want to be forced into it suddenly when you're older with no other option?

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You sound like you just don't have a purpose.

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Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

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I messed up my writing

My mom says go study because if i dont i cant go to university. But i dont really care about going to uni. 

I dont know why i wrote gym...

Btw heres what ive wrote in my journal: 

Why should i study?

• Because why not? Its just a little bit pain, its just an emotion. U build discipline with it
• Although u dont care about it it doesnt mean u shouldnt do it.
• Its takes just few years, its not a lot
• If u go to uni maybe you will go through it kinda lazy or whatever but still u get new experiences
• You shouldnt worry because u can skip few years then go to uni

@RobertZ yes i know but still dont have motivation to go study. Im improving myself in areas that will make me happy. Diet, fitness, psychology, socializing, meditation and other goals etc. But im making the mistake that i dont do the stuff that not makes me happy(im thinking about school lets say)

@Yarco i should just think about something that will be worth in the future. Pick something thats worth it. Thank you, thats really important. When i was surfing through the degrees there was few that excited me, but how many are actually worth pursuing it? What do i want? I want a job that is not stressful. 

Lets take example something thats have to do with computers. Building computers or programming. I thought to myself i like to think, solve problems. But i realized its stressful, and even if it pays well,etc. it doesnt worth it for me. Because i would dread going to work everyday

@Husseinisdoingfine not a job related


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3 hours ago, ShardMare said:


@Yarco i should just think about something that will be worth in the future. Pick something thats worth it. Thank you, thats really important. When i was surfing through the degrees there was few that excited me, but how many are actually worth pursuing it? What do i want? I want a job that is not stressful. 

Lets take example something thats have to do with computers. Building computers or programming. I thought to myself i like to think, solve problems. But i realized its stressful, and even if it pays well,etc. it doesnt worth it for me. Because i would dread going to work everyday


Where does your idea that programming or building computers is stressful come from? Are you just imagining it, or have you talked to someone with one of those jobs before to ask them?

If you build computers on your own or for a small company, I imagine it would be pretty relaxed. Come in and work at whatever time you want, no deadlines really, as long as you get the work done. Same with computer repair probably.

Programming could be stressful or not stressful. It depends what kind of company you work for I guess.

I think every job will have at least a little bit of stress, especially when you're just starting. Even a yoga instructor would stress about things like finding enough clients, whether they are good enough to be teaching.

I think you are on the right track by looking for something that excites you and feels worth pursuing, I would keep going down that path and consider more options.

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work for a few months, and after that think what possibilities you have, that it could be a good idea, and go for it, with university or without

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A lot of it is about your personal standards. Why do stuff you completely don't care about, is no it how you wanna live life? 

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