
Texting girls

29 posts in this topic

Is there something wrong with my texting or are they just not interested?

i’ve put down photos of my texting where girls ghosted me 

yi hi= oh hi 

eza ederet akid= if i can of course 




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Learn to make closing a smooth sequence (see some youtube videos on this topic). Learn about the 3 types of text from 'Todd V Dating' and learn about setting and keeping frame. Don't give generic compliments about her looks.

If you had a short live interaction with a girl, some more (light and witty) texting is required to build comfort. 
Ideally, you would have at least tried to plan a date in your live interaction, this gives you an excuse to go straight to the point fast in texting.

The last girl is definitely interested but the sudden close makes girls defensive (they want to feel somewhat in control, safe and not slutty/easy). Also keep it lighter and playful. make  "you're coming?" into just "??", also the very sort time notice is putting the girl under a lot of pressure. Learn to give space and be witty, teasing, and non-serious without looking try-hard. But ultimately it takes two to Tango, if the girl is cold don't even bother closing. 


Edited by Vrubel

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Thanks man, just wanted to know are you a pua with a lot of experience or is it not the case ? 

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All is see is no interes from them...

And you showing them you dont know what you doing

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1) The way you're asking for the date is not optimal.

First of all, never call it a "date".

Next, you should build a bit of connection before you ask her out. Not too much connection, but something a bit clever and funny is nice. Get her used to responding to you and interested in you.

Next, you should make the request as low-compliance as possible. "Let's grab a coffee sometime this week." Don't mention a specific date/time. Wait til she responds before specifying that.

Next, it is crucial that you discuss and seed the coffee date when you are getting her phone number in-person. You must tell her that you two will get a coffee together later that week and ask her what her schedule is like, when she's busy and when she's free. Get her to agree in-person. This increase your date rate a lot. All the work is done in-person, not via text.

2) Even if you ask for the date optimally, many girls will just ignore (which means decline). Don't take is personally. Most girls will decline.

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@Leo Gura thanks for your advice leo, btw is it okay if i text them only on instagram ? cuz i don’t have a phone number 

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1 hour ago, Majed said:

Thanks man, just wanted to know are you a pua with a lot of experience or is it not the case ? 

Haha I am not a PUA, just check out 'Todd V Dating' on texting. He got all the basics you need. 

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1 hour ago, Majed said:

Thanks man, just wanted to know are you a pua with a lot of experience or is it not the case ? 

Haha I am not a PUA, just on my own journey. Check out 'Todd V Dating' on texting. He got all the basics you need. 


40 minutes ago, Majed said:

is it okay if i text them only on instagram ? cuz i don’t have a phone number 

On Insta you're just one in many. If she is a hot girl she will have a ton of random dudes hitting her up there all the time. 

Whatsapp is the way to go

Edited by Vrubel

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10 minutes ago, Aleister Crowleyy said:

Makes you wanna fucking commit MahaSamadhi. 

lmao "commit mahasamadhi"

Describe a thought.

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@Majed the closing needs some work js. It feels a bit quick 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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On 5/22/2022 at 11:31 PM, Aleister Crowleyy said:

Haha I've had much smoother messages than this and they still fucking decline and ignore. That shit hurts. Makes you wanna fucking commit MahaSamadhi. 


Ohh so what... 

I was rejected as well, big deal. Of course it hurts but come on, let's not lose hope immediately. ? 

One does not lose hope in the face of couple of failures.

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15 minutes ago, somegirl said:

Ohh so what... 

I was rejected as well, big deal. Of course it hurts but come on, let's not lose hope immediately. ? 

One does not lose hope in the face of couple of failures.

Your use of the word ‘couple’ here shows that you don’t get just how much rejection from girls guys have to face throughout their lives :D

He’s probably talking about a couple hundred rejections/ghosting he’s experienced

Any guy doing a lot of dating is probably gonna deal with a couple thousand throughout his entire life

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26 minutes ago, somegirl said:

Ohh so what... 

I was rejected as well, big deal. Of course it hurts but come on, let's not lose hope immediately. ? 

One does not lose hope in the face of couple of failures.

The fundamental difference between rejection for guys and girls is the fact that guys go through a lot more of it due to the fact that they are usually pursuers.

Also i have noticed girls usually get rejected from the top guys while guys get rejected by ALL girls.

The average girl has 10x more power in the dating market than the average guy, if a guy is not a top guy he is kinda fucked and begging for scraps.

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6 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

if a guy is not a top guy he is kinda fucked and begging for scraps.

And because of this way of thinking, you get no results you want in dating world.
This kind of thinking sabotages you and makes you think that if only you had the right looks, the right this and that, that everything would be fine. I can assure you that, although it's important to look decent, clean etc, that looks play a small role in attraction. Attitude is more important and how you carry youself. And also how you think about the world and yourself.

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10 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Also i have noticed girls usually get rejected from the top guys while guys get rejected by ALL girls.

Also I was not rejected by top guys at all. They were average.

Limiting beliefs will kill us :D

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On 2022-05-22 at 11:31 PM, Aleister Crowleyy said:

Haha I've had much smoother messages than this and they still fucking decline and ignore. That shit hurts. Makes you wanna fucking commit MahaSamadhi. 



Mahasamdhi lmao?

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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On 5/22/2022 at 5:20 AM, Leo Gura said:

This increase your date rate a lot. All the work is done in-person, not via text.

@Majed This ^ is exactly right. Your texts are mostly fine. You just didn't make a strong enough impression upon meeting in-person.

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