
How to deal with erectile dysfunction naturally

6 posts in this topic

Heeeeeyyyyyy......  this is Elton here from actualized.org :-) and in this blog post I'm gonna show you how to get deal with erectile dysfunction.

I'm sure this post will be of tremendous value to many people out here who are experiencing this issue and specially if you are like how I was when I had first dealt with this, I was totally stressed out and felt that I was less of a man and that women would hate me for not being able to perform, especially when I learnt that dirty amazing sex was key to be an attractive man.

Fast forward to the time I could break free from this and I felt so good when I had amazing sex almost 3 years later, I realised that I was so silly in being so stressed and depressed about it all the time, and waste so much of time googling the things I need to do to overcome this. I realised that if I had just followed the process, the results would come eventually and it would save me a lot of pressure and anxiety along the way, the bad emotions were actually not at all necessary in this whole process.

So I have decided to share all the things I have learnt along the way which can help you a lot with your success in the journey to erections of steel and pleasing your woman (or yourself if you would be really honest.)

First few steps are the basic steps and you could have many other health benifits too, so it's like shooting many birds with 1 bullet.

1. First of all you need to get to the basics of health, and leave behind bad habits like smoking, weed or drinking alcohol and watching porn. All these restrict the blood flow in your body and for strong erections you need more of blood flow. Porn gives you unrealistic expectations and increases your stimulation to extreme, in real life sex may be a bit different.

2. Get your diet right in the post after this I will share the food you must intake for strong and powerful erections these foods I have collected from various websites, youtube and the best resources I came across, like the book the hardness factor, books on audible, YouTube channels etc. Just for the Actualized.org followers Leo's smoothie and vegetable soup are very awesome and works wonders in creating good blood flow. Having at least one of the things I mention in the below post will again not only boost erection power but will also be very beneficial for your heart. A deeper cause can cause Erection issues so eliminating bad habits and having a good diet can help you correct those underlying causes.

3. Although I come to it as the third point, exercise plays a very vital role in your overall health, in the book the hardness factor the author advocates reaching 10,000 steps per day. Walking is one of the oldest forms and also very effective forms of exercise. Let walking be thy exercise and exercise be thy walking  ? . However to spice up your exercise routine include many other forms too, for me running for 3 months drastically improved my sexual performance and endurance in bed as well as helped me drain out my sinuses. Lifting weights have been proved to increase the testrome levels in your body. The harder your body gets the harder will be your erections. I have shared few yoga poses in the post below.

4. Don't stress out or be depressed, being stressed out and depressed will only weeken your erections. Meditation, yoga or as well as simple breathing techniques will help deal with moods. A study reveals that Humming produces nitric oxide in your body, also another study reveals that just breathing through nose increases 20 percent more nitric oxide in your body.kriya yoga will be very effective in this case because there are techniques like om jappa where you humm and deep breathing techniques within itself.

Meditation and yoga has various other benefits too which is not in the scope of this post.

5. Live your life purpose, in the book the way of a superior man the author advocates that a man is truly happy and satisfied when he lives his purpose, a man wants to fuck the world and a man wants to fuck his girl, if a man is not happy with the world he will not happy with his girl too  and not living a purpose in life eventually makes you impotent. Get the life purpose course and work towards it every single day. I definitely agree with this because when you are doing something you love you automatically enhance your moods and if you do something you hate for 8 hours a day for the rest of your life, guess how that will make you feel... being happy is very important to deal with erectile dysfunction.

6. Use the affirmations and visualisation to be funny this will rewire your internal moods and give you a better boost and make you more relaxed, being relaxed is also a huge factor when it comes to maintaining erections, affirmations combined with meditation and yoga will help you be calm and relaxed and funny and playfull. 

7.now for the main juice( no pun intended) the most effective techniques I have found in this journey was through this guy mantak chia, a guy on this forum only had advised me to check him out and I did. I suggest you try this step first and tell me of it works as I feel its the fastest way to achieve strong hard erections.

A. The kegel exercise

B. Hold the pc muscle for 1 min and 30 sec rest 

( start with 5 reps and gradually increase to 10) 

You want to work your way to hold upto 2 min and 30 sec rest or 1 min rest.. this will give you the ercetion of steel and you will be easily able to last longer in bed easily more than 10 min.

C. Search for sharpening the knife technique by mantak chia it's a technique where you desensitise your penis with baby oil, this prevents premature ejaculation.

Massaging your balls with the oil, this also helps in producing more testosterone.

All these techniques are essential ones and help preventing protrate cancer too.

If you don't have the time to do all these techniques or get lazy you can follow one more technique

When you pee, stop the flow for 1 or 2 sec and resume, do this 5 to 6 times during peeing.

You can do this every time you go to pee.

So that was it, all you need to know to getting started these are just 5 steps but following through on this requires discipline and focus.

It not only gives you better erections but as you see it will also improve the quality of your like as it requires kind of a life style change.

It can be a place to start self actualization too.

So all the best guys hope you found this blog post helpful, don't forget to thank me later and post your comments down below and let me know if this worked for you or not.



Edited by Elton
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Testosterone boosters


Almonds and chestnuts



Beef liver









Green leafy vegetables



Dark chocolate



Blueberries ans strawberries


Sun rays for vitamin D

Extra vergin olive oil

Green tea




Beet juice

1-4-2 breathing techniques

Blue light app on phone

Don't eat before sex

Lift weights.


Intermediate fasting

Foods to unclog arteries 

Red wine
Dark chocolate
Chia seeds
Egg plant 
Flax seeds
Green tea 
Kidney beans 
Sweet potato 
Olive Oil 
Apple cider vinegar 
Black beans 
Low fat yogurt 
Brown rice 
Coconut oil 
Dragon fruit 
Tomato sauce 
Brussel sprouts 
Collard greens 
Brazil nuts 
Fatty fish 
Acai Berries 
Goji berries 
Black tea 
Peanut butter 
Green peas 
Almond butter 
Sunflower seeds 
Hemp seeds 

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You can search these Yoga poses on Google or check out videos on YouTube. Just do one pose every day for a week and then change to another pose in the second week and so on.

1 Yoga Asana for ED – Paschimottanasana

2 Yoga Asana for ED – Kumbhakasana

3 Asana for ED – Uttanapadasana

4 Yoga Asana for ED – Naukasana

5 Yoga Asana for ED – Dhanurasana

6 Yoga Asana for ED – Shavasana

7 Yoga Asana for ED – Garudasana

8 Yoga Asana for ED – Baddha Konasana 

9 Yoga Asana for ED – Janu Sirsasana

10 Yoga Asana for ED – Siddhasana

11 Yoga Asana for ED – Pavanamuktasana


12 Yoga Asana for ED – Ardha Matsyendrasana



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@Something Funny  doing kegels with a 2 min hold and 1 min rest will make you last longer.(you won't get soft in between)

For pre mature ejaculation you need to apply baby oil and massage your penis with it, follow the description below. This help desensitize the penis stopping pre mature ejaculation.

Here is the technique 

1. Lightly massage the penis to a partial erection to hold blood within its length. 2. Grasp around the base of the penis shaft with the thumb and forefinger of one hand This retains the blood within the penis. With the other hand grasp all the way around the penis, making an “OK” sign with the forefinger and thumb, and grip tightly. 3. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze all the way around your penis and slide them forward slowly. This forces the blood within the penis forward into the corpora cavernosa (erectile tissue) and the glans (head). 4. The blood spaces within the penis are forced to expand every time you milk forward. As one hand milks forward to the head, the other hand should be used to grasp around the base of the shaft; once the first hand reaches the head, it should release it and return to the base. Milking should be repeated with alternating hands in this way at a medium to slow pace. Each milking should last 3 to 4 seconds from grasping the base and sliding to the head. When first starting the milking, some men experience red spots, bumps, or light bruising on the penis head and surrounding areas. Don’t worry; this is perfectly normal and will usually subside within the first week of exercise. These effects are simply caused by the stretching of the blood spaces within your penis and the new increased blood circulation.


Don't trust me try it out yourself !

Edited by Elton

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@Something Funny yes mantak chia Is the source for this, the name of the book is chi kung for prostrate health and sexual vigour in his another book the multiorgasmic man too he explains this technique, the hardness factor is another book where he recommends many supplements along with walking and exercise, I recommend the diet i have posted here that is effective too, Bryan ayers aka uncle b has a YouTube channel where he give out a lot of information on this and promotes his supplement African fly but again I recommend the natural fruits and veges along with meditation and yoga and prostrate exercises to overcome this.

It is the best to not try artificially induced testosterone as the body will not produce it naturally after that.

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5 hours ago, Something Funny said:

@Elton thanks, that's very interesting. 

Just to clarify:

You need to make the same sign with each hand, then keep one at the base and slide another one up, then change hands, right?

For how long should I do this exercise? Until I cum or should I stop before the ejaculation?

Yes you must not cum, you won't even feel like, you can do 50 on each side left right up and down I started with 20 amd 20 or 30 on each side is effective too...

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