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What is supposed to happen when you contemplate sound, pain etc.?

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Sharing this somehow feels silly. But this is what I experienced, so I guess it's valid(?).

Focusing on physical pain, for example, sometimes either makes it blend into the background or I become the observer as if my awareness makes thoughts disappear and with it the meaning behind that pain. It's then no longer pain, but just a neutral sensation.

When I focus on sounds, I notice there's a difference, but I cannot get behind it, no matter how long I stay with it and it almost drives me crazy. It's difficult to explain.

With colours, I feel that they are the same on a deeper level. It almost feels like an intuition.

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You’re “supposed” to gain insight into the nature of these sensations. This is not a bad way to do spiritual practice. I would recommend spending time with each physical sense, then with the mind, then be with all six simultaneously and see what that does for you. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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