
Magic shrooms trip advice

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I'm going to take 3g of magic shrooms for consciousness work. I've only done shrooms 2 times and it was 1.5 grams, and I wasn't educated that much about non duality and some other deep stuff, so what really shocked me during those trips is that I was so monkey-like and watching myself in a mirror felt weird as if it was not really me but an ape or monkey thing. Now I can see that it was a projection of my mind (I really like animals) and now I can see that everyday world is super weird if I would deconstruct science ideas out of everything. 
  I would like to hear advice from people here for my trip. What meditation should I do (if I should)? In which direction should I lean towards (I know that shrooms really like to dictate the trip, but still I want to go as deep as I can) 
  I know that psychedelics are super powerful, I'll make sure that everything is safe, and my friend is going to trip sit me. 
Im afraid that I would just enchance my previous ideas of reality and think that its the way it is, cuz my friend sort of believes in simulation theory and what he saw during mushroom trip is that his walls vanished and instead his room was made out of binary code and "creator" of this simulation spoke with him in computer language. So am I supposed to just full factory reset my ideas of reality and see what comes up? 
I would like to hear wisdom from you guys and then wisdom from shrooms. Thx

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@Alta There are lots of deconstruction/contemplation you could do sober, and then use mushrooms to enhance what you contemplate soberly. Can always refer to some of Leo's older videos before your contemplations/trips. Like:

Relative vs Absolute Truth

Deconstructing the Myth of Science (Parts 1-3)

Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness

The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained

What If Reality Is Nothing But Perspective?

What It Means To "Go Meta"

... to name a few.

Have fun. :D 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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On 5/21/2022 at 11:24 AM, Alta said:

So am I supposed to just full factory reset my ideas of reality and see what comes up? 

Yes. "You" (the ego) really has no say over what comes up in the trip. But you have a lot of say over the preparation you do beforehand & the receptivity to what comes up. Trust that the shroom will show you exactly what you need, with terrifying precision. The only question is, can you be open to it & let it land?

Factory reset is a beautiful way to put it. Personally I have damn near no beliefs at this point, so the last time I took a large dose of shrooms I seamlessly died + learned a variety of nonverbal lessons about "life," "energy," and "love" beyond standard human conception.

I imagine that if I had a junky psyche I would've been shown human lessons with human interpretations.

It's Love.

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For me it's not as important what you do in the trip but what you have done before. Have a concious week, take care of yourself. Eat healthy do some sport or yoga, meditate, go to some temple and pray, walk in nature. In the trip, if you want have some music at the beggining to guide you and then just let it go and let it be.

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3g is a pretty strong dose. Manageable, but it should mindfuck you good.

When you got a strong dose of mushrooms you don't need anything else. Just sit and contemplate.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

3g is a pretty strong dose. Manageable, but it should mindfuck you good.

When you got a strong dose of mushrooms you don't need anything else. Just sit and contemplate.

I did 3 grams of shrooms (took 1 gm and the after an hour took 2 gms) and I watched your guided mediations and your videos on love. I loved that experience, however, I found it hard to contemplate or self inquire in that state alone.


What do you do exactly when you say contemplate? 


(I found it easier to contemplate on LSD than on shrooms)

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4 minutes ago, Vido said:

What do you do exactly when you say contemplate? 

For me... it's whatever I am curious to know/explore at the moment, or whatever the heck is blasted at me, and you can go extremely deep into things. ?

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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Have some music & headphones at hand. It can be very beautiful to close your eyes and listen to some good music. And if things get intense music can help make sense of things by guiding you to see the beauty of life.

As far as meditation goes, some technique you know how to do would be the best so you can just start meditating when you want to explore that. (Being aware of what is(your breath, body sensations, sounds, etc.) and letting things be as they are is a technique that works well for me on psychedelics.)

You're afraid that the trip will show you how you think the world is and reinforce that. I think we project how we think the world is onto the world all the time, it's how you create the world. I think you being aware this could be the case is good so you don't delude yourself into thinking everything is in some way it isn't. But you probably don't need to worry about it too much.

However, if you meditate or feel into your breath and body sensations you can let go of thoughts a bit and experience the trip more "as it is" and not as how you're thinking it is. If you're stuck in your thinking a lot it will direct your trip more and if you're more connected with your breath and body, being more mindful, the trip will manifest itself more as it wants to you. But there's no need to try and force things. If you're having a lot of thoughts and you feel it's pulling you with it you can just go with the flow and think a lot about life and stuff. It can be very eye opening. If it becomes too much you can always reconnect with your breath and surrender to the direct experience.

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19 minutes ago, Vido said:

What do you do exactly when you say contemplate?

What do you want to know about reality?

If you aren't trying to know anything, why are you tripping?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What do you want to know about reality?

If you aren't trying to know anything, why are you tripping?

I want to understand suffering and love.


I want to understand Truth, but not to the extent of Absolute truth since I want my understanding to be accessible to most people.


What I'm searching for is what are the consistent practices I can design for myself (that's fun) to follow my dreams without any fears or resistance. 

To design them, I want to understand what I'm working with (love, truth, suffering, etc) and why something works if I did design something


I want to create a system that will help me and others to develop their own game to clear the stage orange in a more loving and less anxious motivation way.


So every time I trip, I try to understand love mostly since I want to understand how to practice love and use love to design consistent practices to fulfill the stage orange phase of my life. What's stopping me, how fear is tricking me into not doing something, why love dissolves fear, how truth is love, etc.

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@Vido Well, contemplate all that.

But you cannot understand Love without understanding Absolute Truth. So your hesitation there will hold you back.

You are asking those questions but you are not really open to the answers because you already have expectations and demands that the answers should provide you with.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

@Vido Well, contemplate all that.

But you cannot understand Love without understanding Absolute Truth. So your hesitation there will hold you back.

You are asking those questions but you are not really open to the answers because you already have expectations and demands that the answers should provide you with.

You might be right, reading that I can notice my body react.

Damn, that's a long journey then...


Thanks for the input. I will try to be as open and conscious as I can.

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Oh my god guys thanks to all of you that replied to me.
I created this post out of desparation, I've been fully focused on spiritual path with little glimpses of something that I couldn't find answers to, and sudenly just 2 days ago, right after this post, I have become aware of just being aware. 
It was a great problem for me, and it really felt like I was searching for glasses while being in one, the thing is that I couldn't take a step back from my thoughts to realize that they are just the same experience like sight and hearing, and for me it was like an "aha" moment. It feels so peaceful in this state, and its such a synchronicity that all of you started replying to this post just after this realization (love all of you)
I have a geniune question to Leo, how do I move from this place? 
What is next? I want to explore this new beatiful area that I was seemingly blind to, and Leo seems like a best teacher for this stuff
again thanks to all of you!

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If present moment which is just being aware of being aware is absolute, why I dont see infinity and other stuff like that (god)? 
From this moment I finnaly understand that meditation is not a "doing" but "being" 
And as Leo said there is infinite amount of dimension to this state
How do I keep moving deeper?

And now I know what I need to "do" on shrooms, I will just "be" and see what comes forth


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@Leo Gura

During my one and only magic truffle trip I tried to contemplate, but it felt like I was resisting the trip, resisting the experience. It felt wrong, not because I was scared, but because I felt like the substance didn't intend to leave room for contemplation but only for being a passive spectator of the trip.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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2 hours ago, Alta said:

I have become aware of just being aware. [...]

they are just the same experience like sight and hearing, and for me it was like an "aha" moment. [...]

It feels so peaceful in this state [...]

how do I move from this place? 

Having realized that, to which place do you want to move?

2 hours ago, Alta said:

If present moment which is just being aware of being aware is absolute, why I dont see infinity and other stuff like that (god)?

Expand your consciousness through spiritual practices.


From this moment I finnaly understand that meditation is not a "doing" but "being" 
And as Leo said there is infinite amount of dimension to this state
How do I keep moving deeper?

Moving deeper is already happening. You only let go. Let go of control and surrender to divine control in order to flow where your life force goes.

It might happen that you consciously decide things. Make decisions from that place of inner knowing.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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