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Why is dictatorship bad ?

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Most people seem to think a dictatorship is horrible. They seem to view it as one of the worst forms of government. Why? What is inherently wrong with a dictatorship?

It's funny that most people think a dictatorship is inherently evil, but that is the form of government of the Christian God and the government of choice of the bible.

Dictatorships are not inherently wrong, it is merely the fact that there has never been a single human being who could hold the office and not become corrupt due to human nature. It's not really a good idea to have one person making all the decisions without any advisement and second opinions, but it doesn't make it evil. It's human nature that makes the position of dictatorship bad.

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every person wants self determination, the right not to have one's path decided by outside forces

a dictator enslaves people and denies people's self determination

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16 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

every person wants self determination, the right not to have one's path decided by outside forces

a dictator enslaves people and denies people's self determination

I think dictatorship can be positive. If a truly GOOD leader would be in place, one who would look for the greater good, he or she woould do a better job of governing than a democracy. There  would be no red tape which stops so many good plans.

I'm of course aware of its negativity..

It gives the authority and power to one individual to decide the fates of millions of people and gives them no choice but to accept it or be punished.

It usually denies the existence of individual rights and, much like the Christian God, have no actual basis for his wants but will go at whim to control everyone.

But it all depends if we have a good decent dictator or an evil one. 

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I think dictatorship can be positive. If a truly GOOD leader would be in place, one who would look for the greater good, he or she woould do a better job of governing than a democracy. There  would be no red tape which stops so many good plans.

I'm of course aware of its negativity..

It gives the authority and power to one individual to decide the fates of millions of people and gives them no choice but to accept it or be punished.

It usually denies the existence of individual rights and, much like the Christian God, have no actual basis for his wants but will go at whim to control everyone.

But it all depends if we have a good decent dictator or an evil one. 

there isn't a good leader, all desire to lead is mental illness - inferiority complex

even if you are appointed leader but don't seek it, history shows you will still likely do a woeful job at it

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Most dictatorships didn't end well.

Learn from history. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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12 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

there isn't a good leader, all desire to lead is mental illness - inferiority complex

even if you are appointed leader but don't seek it, history shows you will still likely do a woeful job at it

Like i said it all depends on what kind of dictator are we dealing with and giving authority to .

He is not necessarily be evil. Its just that there never was a good dictator in the first place.

But no, its far from evil, and it works a lot better then democracy. People cant handle freedom, so why should they be given any. Most people dont even care what happens to their right to vote. Half of them doesnt even show up when it election time.

There are 2 kinds of people. The first is the biggest group. The easely sattisfied masses. Keep them happy, and the country is happy. They are the simple workers, and they are happy when they have enough food, a tv with blonde talentless people on it 24/7, and a wife to share the bed with.

And there is a very small group of people that actually cares. They want power, to change and to influence the country. They are not sattisfied with just a tv, food and a wife. They want more. Those are the ones that end up in politics. And those are the ones that need to be checked on in a dictatorship. Satisfy them by giving them power. 

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12 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Most dictatorships didn't end well.

Learn from history. 


Not all of them. It's up to the people. I have nothing wrong with a dictator ruling over me so far, the dictator does not desire power but desires to rule with justice. I have never met such a person, and would need to know a person well to follow them as such. All forms of government are dictatorships in different shapes painted different colors.

In democracy the majority rule the minority, this apeals to the majority, obviously, but the majority of people in a capitalist society desire money, so the super rich can easily persued the majority simply by leading them as a dog with balogna, that dog will follow you anywhere. The minority thus becomes not a minority of people, out voted, but becomes a majority of people who disagree at the very foundation with their own society and there will never be a vote to decide if we should restart from the ground up.

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@Someone here a dictator can take away even your basic freedoms. You won't like it at all 

You say all this because living in a democracy has made you too comfortable 

You're taking your personal freedom much for granted. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Someone here a dictator can take away even your basic freedoms. You won't like it at all 

You say all this because living in a democracy has made you too comfortable 

You're taking your personal freedom much for granted. 


Maybe but i explained that not all dictators should be evil and corrupt. Dictatorship is one form of government structure and it has its pros And cons ,so as democracy. 

The primary benefit of this government structure is that it permits swift changes to occur within a society. Once the dictator decrees what should happen, those changes are made. There are no delays or ongoing debates about which course of action should be better. The dictator has sole control, which eliminates any arguments or fighting that could stop the process of change before it starts.


Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here this is your imagination and fantasy that dictators shouldn't be corrupt. 

In reality the kind of power dictators acquire, it would require an inhuman level of moral integrity to not be corrupted by such power and authority. That's practically not possible, you would need a Saint, but a Saint would fundamentally refuse to be a dictator because they are not hungry for Power. So there's a moral contradiction here. A person who is likely wanting this sort of power cannot be saintly, and so they need this power since psychologically they are either a psychopath or a sociopath and that's why they're so obsessed with power. Once they gain peoples trust and acquire such power they are more than likely to abuse it and make people's lives miserable and enjoy inflicting pain. 

So a dictatorship can look cool only in fantasy movies. That is subjective world. 

But in the objective world, most dictatorships end in utter disaster because of the personality flaws of the dictator and his ruthlessness that helped him become the dictator in the first place. 

Having a dictator is like having an abusive boyfriend. He looks like a strong guy who will protect his girlfriend from rapists until one day he uses his violent force against her and she ends up paying for trusting his strength. 

Strength without character is dangerous. Character without strength is passive. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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40 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Like i said it all depends on what kind of dictator are we dealing with and giving authority to .

He is not necessarily be evil. Its just that there never was a good dictator in the first place.

But no, its far from evil, and it works a lot better then democracy. People cant handle freedom, so why should they be given any. Most people dont even care what happens to their right to vote. Half of them doesnt even show up when it election time.

There are 2 kinds of people. The first is the biggest group. The easely sattisfied masses. Keep them happy, and the country is happy. They are the simple workers, and they are happy when they have enough food, a tv with blonde talentless people on it 24/7, and a wife to share the bed with.

And there is a very small group of people that actually cares. They want power, to change and to influence the country. They are not sattisfied with just a tv, food and a wife. They want more. Those are the ones that end up in politics. And those are the ones that need to be checked on in a dictatorship. Satisfy them by giving them power. 

stay in your own lane, take care of your own bubble, mind your own business, don't speak for others

that's what i've learned ... let those who do do and those that don't lead

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how good a dictator system is depend on the dictator. there are good dictators. and a good dictator system is better than a good democracy. gaddafi of libya was a good dictator.libiya was the richest african country. libiyan govt had many good things like free education, a citizen get  a share of oil profit, free health care , libiya is debt free, etc. irans supreme leader is a  sufi like person .listening to ayotollah ali komeni gives me peace of mind. he has somethings like what is called in hinduism called shaktipat. he has mastered his ego. without irans help israel would have turned lebnon into another palestine and would have ethinicaly clensed them also

and there are bad dictators. salman of saudi ariabia is terrible. he should be tortured to death for his war crimes in yemen. there are lot of war criminal dictators. myanmar is another example.

and democracy is not the answer to dictatorship. ameican presidents bush,obama,trump all are puppets. big corporations rule america. presidents are puppets pulled from many direction.presidents exist to give the citizens a false sense of control. also democratic system of a country can be manipulated.imran khan of pakistan was very good. he created employment and many good policy. but he sided with china and russia and usa manipulated pakistans democratic system and over thorew him. there are people above modi in india. they operate behind shadows.foreign powers can manipulate the democratic system of any country and install a puppet regime.


if i can rank all

good dictatorship > good democracy > bad democracy > bad dictator

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Look at your own body.

Can each cell vote? Sort of. Do more specialised "knowledgeable" cells like neurons have more power of voting, or liver cells that understand liver systems have more power to vote about liver issues? - Seems like it.

Is there one neuron dictating the rest of the body? No. 

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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It takes experience to run a country of any size. For that reason, the structure of a monarchy keeps the training for governing within the family. In a dictatorship, the experience comes from first-hand incidents that generate expertise. Think of it like this. You have one person who trained for 4 years in school to be a welder. You have another person who has worked the last 4 years, 8 hours every day, as a welder. Which person would you hire for your next welding job?

 Which is why the power of a dictatorship can seem so inviting, especially to a nation that has been struggling economically. The real-life experiences of the ruler feel relatable to the general public, which allows them to accept the idea that sacrificing their rights for the better good of everyone is an idea worth pursuing.

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1 hour ago, itachi uchiha said:

how good a dictator system is depend on the dictator. there are good dictators. and a good dictator system is better than a good democracy. gaddafi of libya was a good dictator.libiya was the richest african country. libiyan govt had many good things like free education, a citizen get  a share of oil profit, free health care , libiya is debt free, etc. irans supreme leader is a  sufi like person .

Why is good distatorship is better in your world than good democracy if the outcome is the same?

The difference between good dictatorship and good democracy is that in good democracy all the good results are produced what you mentioned but there is a plus. The plus is that individuals have their freedom.

Also, another big difference between the two is that a really good functioning, productive,happy society under democracy implies that, that particular society is highly developed, they are able to work with each other, they are able to agree on things, they aren't highly polarised, they are highly educated, they are intelligent and being able to make hard and difficult decisions for themselves without the need for and outsider 'mother' who will force them to be and do everything in 1 particular way.

So in my world good democracy > good dictatorship for sure.


Edited by zurew

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31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

 Think of it like this. You have one person who trained for 4 years in school to be a welder. You have another person who has worked the last 4 years, 8 hours every day, as a welder. Which person would you hire for your next welding job?


It is more like training someone to touch the moon with a stick.

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51 minutes ago, zurew said:

Why is good distatorship is better in your world than good democracy if the outcome is the same?

The difference between good dictatorship and good democracy is that in good democracy all the good results are produced what you mentioned but there is a plus. The plus is that individuals have their freedom.

Also, another big difference between the two is that a really good functioning, productive,happy society under democracy implies that, that particular society is highly developed, they are able to work with each other, they are able to agree on things, they aren't highly polarised, they are highly educated, they are intelligent and being able to make hard and difficult decisions for themselves without the need for and outsider 'mother' who will force them to be and do everything in 1 particular way.

So in my world good democracy > good dictatorship for sure.


India is a democracy

But the ruling party is facist.and they won over majority.bjp is opressing muslims and other minorities day in day out.every week there is an attack on muslims somewhere.not only muslims but other minorities like sikhs and christians are opressed.hindus are 80% population and bjp won over their support.experts say that a genocide is on its way within 2 years.democracy is not this rainbows and butterflies thing


But a bad dictatorship is far worse than a bad democracy.but in a democracy ,there are lot of roadblock.when a ruling party tries to bring something good,the opposition stops it.nothing gets done.the approval for anything takes forever.while in a good dictatorship everything can be implemented immediately as dictator is everything.

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2 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

democracy is not this rainbows and butterflies thing

Yeah i know that, i know the limits and the consequences of a democratic system where people are polarised and when corrupt people in power. However the question was, why would you prefer a 'good dictatorship' over a 'good democracy'?

Lets say both systems outcome is the same, i would still prefer 'good democracy' for the reasons i mentioned above.

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55 minutes ago, zurew said:

However the question was, why would you prefer a 'good dictatorship' over a 'good democracy'?

Lets say both systems outcome is the same, i would still prefer 'good democracy' for the reasons i mentioned above.

in good dictatorship thing get done super fast while in a good democracy things take a lot of time to proces. also in a good democracy there are people who are above the president and they will pull the strings while in a good dictatorship ,the dictatory is the highest man in the pyramid, top of the food chain

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2 minutes ago, itachi uchiha said:

in good dictatorship thing get done super fast while in a good democracy things take a lot of time to proces. also in a good democracy there are people who are above the president and they will pull the strings while in a good dictatorship ,the dictatory is the highest man in the pyramid, top of the food chain

I see, so you value efficiency over individual freedom?

Good example for you would be China, i think.

Edited by zurew

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