
MBTI functions info

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Myers-Briggs types






MBTI preferences

At the heart of Myers Briggs theory are four preferences. Do you prefer to deal with:


  • People and things (Extraversion or "E"), or ideas and information (Introversion or "I").
  • Facts and reality (Sensing or "S"), or possibilities and potential (Intuition or "N").
  • Logic and truth (Thinking or "T"), or values and relationships (Feeling or "F").
  • A lifestyle that is well-structured (Judgment or "J"), or one that goes with the flow (Perception or "P").

In Myers Briggs theory, for each pair you prefer one style more than the other. Jung also allowed a middle group where you like an equal balance of the two. You combine the letters associated with your preferences to get your Myers Briggs personality type. For example, having preferences for E, S, T and J gives a personality type of ESTJ. Although you have preferences, you still use all eight styles - in the same way that most people are right-handed but they still use both hands.


Extraversion and Introversion - The first pair of styles is concerned with the direction of your energy. If you prefer to direct your energy to deal with people, things, situations, or "the outer world", then your preference is for Extraversion. If you prefer to direct your energy to deal with ideas, information, explanations or beliefs, or "the inner world", then your preference is for Introversion.


Sensing and Intuition - The second pair concerns the type of information/things that you process. If you prefer to deal with facts, what you know, to have clarity, or to describe what you see, then your preference is for Sensing. If you prefer to deal with ideas, look into the unknown, to generate new possibilities or to anticipate what isn't obvious, then your preference is for Intuition. The letter N is used for intuition because I has already been allocated to Introversion.


Thinking and Feeling - The third pair reflects your style of decision-making. If you prefer to decide on the basis of objective logic, using an analytic and detached approach, then your preference is for Thinking. If you prefer to decide using values - i.e. on the basis of what or who you believe is important - then your preference is for Feeling.


Judgment and Perception - The final pair describes the type of lifestyle you adopt. If you prefer your life to be planned and well-structured then your preference is for Judging. This is not to be confused with 'Judgmental', which is quite different. If you prefer to go with the flow, to maintain flexibility and respond to things as they arise, then your preference is for Perception.



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Personality Preferences

The personality type theory uses eight unique dimensions to characterize 16 personalities. These dimensions are based on a concept developed by Carl G. Jung and are called Preferences. Personality Preferences help to classify a person’s natural tendencies in different areas such as energy direction, decision-making, working methods, etc. There are four pairs of opposing Preferences (for example, Extroversion vs. Introversion), making a total of eight. While every person uses all eight preferences to different degrees, a person will lean more toward one than the other.

Each personality Preference is noted by a single letter (such as E for Extroversion), and different combinations of these Preference letters make up a person’s Personality Type and Temperament. For example, if a person’s Preferences are Extroversion (E), Sensing (S), Feeling (F) and Perceiving (P), then their personality type is ESFP. Similarly, that would classify the person as having the SP temperament. Preferences, along with Cognitive Functions, are at the core of understanding the 16 personality types.

Extroversion (E)

Extroversion is characterized by a Preference to focus on the world outside the self. Extroverts are energized by social gatherings, parties, and group activities, as well as the responses of people around them. People with this Preference are usually very enthusiastic; they like pushing their limits and squeezing the most out of the world around them. Most of the time, Extroverted personality types will take the initiative in a social situation and are most likely to rely heavily on other people for validation. They enjoy being the center of attention and tend to actively seek this attention everywhere they go. This can be a bit problematic for them, as sometimes they might lose themselves and become unable to stay alone for long. Naturally, this means that they get bored easily, which can lead them to seeking novel experiences simply for the thrill of it all, rather than for a greater good. Extroverts prefer verbal and assertive communication styles and are very inclusive of others. It’s a difficult task to get an Extrovert to be silent for a prolonged amount of time, as talking helps them think.

Extrovert Characteristics

  • Gregarious
  • Assertive
  • Talkative
  • Social/outgoing
  • Energized by interaction
  • Expressive and enthusiastic
  • Volunteers personal information
  • Distractible
  • Has many friends
  • Enjoys groups, parties, etc.
  • Easy to approach


Extroverted Personality Types

ESTJ – The Administrator

ESTP – The Daredevil

ESFJ – The Caregiver

ESFP – The Entertainer

ENTJ – The General

ENTP – The Debater

ENFJ – The Guide

ENFP – The Optimist


Introversion (I)

Introversion is characterized by a Preference to focus on the inside world. Introverts get energized by spending time alone or with a small group. Even if it doesn’t seem so at first glance, Introverts are well-suited for a variety of situations, since their reserved nature gives them the ability to pace themselves. They are able to listen carefully to what others say to them and interpret the deeper meaning beneath the words. This is one reason they find large group gatherings draining – Introverts seek depth in relationships, rather than breadth. People with this Preference are very introspective and enjoy “alone time”, as it gives them the opportunity to get to know themselves a bit better. Others might perceive them as too sensitive at times, but this sensitivity has its perks – it allows the Introvert to be more alert to the situation and makes them stellar at picking up cues. Since they are so receptive to changes in their environment, it makes sense that Introverts like to control their own spaces as much as possible. They are often compelled to flee from anything that irritates them (especially social interaction), which can prove difficult or impossible at times. When faced with a predicament they cannot escape, Introverts need some alone time afterward to recharge their batteries and restore their calm facade.

Introvert Characteristics

  • Energized by time alone
  • Private
  • Keeps to self
  • Quiet
  • Deliberate
  • Internally aware
  • Fewer friends
  • Prefers smaller groups
  • Independent
  • Not socially inclined
  • Good listener


Introverted Personality Types

ISTJ – The Archivist

ISTP – The Tinkerer

ISFJ – The Defender

ISFP – The Adventurer

INTJ – The Mastermind

INTP – The Logician

INFJ – The Sage

INFP – The Mediator


Sensing vs. Intuition

Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) describe how a person receives and processes new information – either through their five senses or in a more abstract way. Sensing and Intuition are opposite Preferences. A person’s natural tendency toward one will be stronger than the other. It’s worthy to note that these Preferences are not referring to how one processes information. They are also important when it comes to how a person reacts to their environment, whether there are other people involved or not. It is important to note that if one person is classified as an Intuitive, this doesn’t mean that they can’t be practical; likewise, being a Sensor doesn’t mean a person is lacking in imagination. People with both of these Preferences use their minds and five senses well, but the difference is in the way they instinctively perceive their environment. Think of it as what comes to mind first when they encounter a new situation.



Sensing (S)

Sensors are focused on the present and have a here-and-now mentality. This doesn’t make them out of tune with the past and future; rather, perspective from both past and future influences their present decisions. Because of this mindset, they are typically very practical and focused people who are oriented toward actionable and useful thoughts. However, keep in mind that when necessary, these people can still practice creativity within their decision-making process. They are simply more inclined to choose ideas with practical applications. One of the bigger challenges that Sensors often face is that they are prone to a narrowed-down perspective. Sometimes it’s difficult for them to see the bigger picture, and they instead choose a seemingly practical solution that might not be the best fit in the long run. Even so, Sensors are usually the people who “get things done” because of their hands-on attitude and action-oriented mindset.


Sensing Characteristics

  • Concrete
  • Realistic
  • Lives in the present
  • Aware of surroundings
  • Notices details
  • Practical
  • Goes by senses
  • Factual


Sensing Personality Types

ESTJ – The Administrator

ESTP – The Daredevil

ESFJ – The Caregiver

ESFP – The Entertainer

ISTJ – The Archivist

ISTP – The Tinkerer

ISFJ – The Defender

ISFP – The Adventurer


Intuition (N)

People with the Intuitive Preference live in the future and are immersed in the world of possibilities. Their minds are wonderfully whimsical places, where everything is possible. Intuitive people don’t shy away from questioning, wondering, or trying to grasp the “bigger picture”. They are theoretically-oriented and one of their favourite questions is “What if?” Even though people with Intuitive inclinations like to process information through patterns and impressions, they aren’t the most practical problem-solvers. Instead of coming up with solutions, they prefer to let their imagination run free, giving everything a deeper meaning than there probably is. This is why they are the best people to turn to when there is a need for innovation or a fresh perspective. It’s easy for Intuitive people to come up with a radically different angle and they certainly don’t shy away from coloring outside the lines. They are people who gather knowledge by reading between the lines and their abstract nature makes them inclined toward deep ideas and concepts. A world without Intuitives would be a much duller and uninspired place.


Intuitive Characteristics

  • Future-focused
  • Sees possibilities
  • Inventive
  • Imaginative
  • Deep
  • Abstract
  • Idealistic
  • Theoretical


Intuitive Personality Types

ENTJ – The General

ENTP – The Debater

ENFJ – The Guide

ENFP – The Optimist

INTJ – The Mastermind

INTP – The Logician

INFJ – The Sage

INFP – The Mediator



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 Thinking vs. Feeling

The Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) Preference pair refers to how people make decisions, either by objective logic or subjective feeling. Thinking and Feeling are opposite Preferences. A person’s natural tendency toward one will be stronger than the other. This isn’t to say, however, that Thinkers don’t feel emotions or that Feelers can’t use their heads. Here, this concept is a matter of instinct. If faced with a situation, Feelers would be more inclined to react emotionally or empathize with the feelings of others, contrary to Thinkers, who would take a more pragmatic and logic-driven course of action. If the situation calls for it, Feelers can push their nature aside; however, this wouldn’t be an easy thing to do. The same applies to Thinkers; they can consider emotions and examine how their actions influence others, but it can take a bit more effort.




Thinking (T)

Thinking people are objective. When they have to make a decision, they focus on facts and concrete information. They are people who are ruled by their head instead of their heart. In many cases, Thinkers value truth over tact and can easily identify flaws. They are critical thinkers and oriented toward problem solving. To them, knowledge is the only tool for coming up with the best course of action. When they interact with others, they are driven by effectiveness and fairness. This can make them seem distant to those around them, but don’t be fooled – Thinkers aren’t emotionless. They simply aren’t that comfortable with emotions, which are out of line with their usual rational path. They are able to feel deeply – just not when a decision needs to be made. Thinkers have the ability to put their feelings at bay and handle any situation with objectivity and logic.

Thinking Characteristics

  • Logical
  • Objective
  • Decides with head
  • Wants truth
  • Rational
  • Impersonal
  • Critical thinkers
  • Thick-skinned
  • Firm with people


Thinking Personality Types

ESTJ – The Administrator

ESTP – The Daredevil

ENTJ – The General

ENTP – The Debater

ISTJ – The Archivist

ISTP – The Tinkerer

INTJ – The Mastermind

INTP – The Logician



Feeling (F)

People with the Feeling Preference are subjective. They follow their hearts more than their heads – sometimes even without realizing it. Although the visibility of this Preference may show up in different degrees from person to person, Feelers often are caring, warm and empathetic. They are very concerned with the wellbeing of their loved ones and will likely go out of their way to help them, should the need occur. This might be an admirable quality but it’s easy for Feelers to neglect taking care of themselves, which can lead to burnout. Additionally, Feeling people are driven by their strict principles and values, which can cause them to be too self critical and hard on themselves if they don’t live up to their own expectations. 

As much as these people are invested in keeping the balance and harmony in every aspect of their lives, this doesn’t mean there is no logic in their actions. To them, emotions can’t simply be disregarded and instead should be embraced.


Feeling Characteristics

  • Decides with heart
  • Dislikes conflict
  • Passionate
  • Driven by emotion
  • Gentle
  • Easily hurt
  • Empathetic
  • Caring of others
  • Warm 


Feeling Personality Types

ESFJ – The Caregiver

ESFP – The Entertainer

ENFJ – The Guide

ENFP – The Optimist

ISFJ – The Defender

ISFP – The Adventurer

INFJ – The Sage

INFP – The Mediator


4 Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P)

The Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) Preference pair refers to how a person interacts with the world outside themselves, either in a structured or in a flexible manner. Judging and Perceiving are opposite Preferences. A person’s natural tendency toward one will be stronger than the other. These Preferences aren’t only concerned with day-to-day tasks or work related activities. They can also reflect how people deal with the various options in front of them. Judging and Perceiving preferences give answers to questions such as: “Do I feel comfortable making my bed in the morning or should I keep it messy?”, “Do I need more choices or fewer?”, or “Does chaos motivate me, or do I thrive in structure and order?”


Judging (J)

Judging people think sequentially. They value order and organization, and thus feel best when they have a clear course of action ahead. Nothing is more important to them than following a schedule and establishing a structure in their lives. They would prefer to come up with as many backup plans as possible to avoid facing uncertainty in any shape or form. Judging people see no point in going with the flow and instead seek closure and enjoyment in completing tasks. To these people, deadlines are not to be taken lightly. If they are not careful, however, they may appear too rigid in the eyes of others. Yet, Judging people can adapt to their environment when they need to. If they encounter a high demand for flexibility and uncertainty, though, they will likely be left stressed and frustrated. Keep in mind that the Judging Preference does not mean judgmental. Rather, Judging refers to how a person deals with day-to-day activities.


Judging Characteristics

  • Decisive
  • Controlled
  • Good at finishing
  • Organized
  • Structured
  • Scheduled
  • Quick at tasks
  • Responsible
  • Likes closure
  • Makes plans 


Judging Personality Types

ESTJ – The Administrator

ESFJ – The Caregiver

ENTJ – The General

ENFJ – The Guide

ISTJ – The Archivist

ISFJ – The Defender

INTJ – The Mastermind

INFJ – The Sage


Perceiving (P)

Perceivers are adaptable and flexible. They are people who thrive when the unexpected strikes, and they are adept at spotting unexpected opportunities as well. They are random thinkers who prefer to keep their options open. Instead of trying to control their environment, they react to it accordingly, which helps them manage whatever may come their way. Perceivers believe the world is full of possibilities, though this way of thinking does have its faults. People with this Preference can easily be overwhelmed by the many options they see out in the world and can be prone to impulsive-decision making. Their “gray” mentality prevents them from thinking in black-and-white extremes but also makes it difficult for them to commit to anything. This avoidance of commitment shows in their work as well, as they are very good at starting projects but not so good at finishing them. To Perceivers, deadlines are often merely suggestions.


Perceiving Characteristics

  • Adaptable
  • Relaxed
  • Disorganized
  • Care-free
  • Spontaneous
  • Changes tracks midway
  • Keeps options open
  • Procrastinates
  • Dislikes routine
  • Flexible 


Perceiving Personality Types

ESTP – The Daredevil

ESFP – The Entertainer

ENTP – The Debater

ENFP – The Optimist

ISTP – The Tinkerer

ISFP – The Adventurer

INTP – The Logician

INFP – The Mediator



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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ISTJ (introversion, sensing, thinking, judgment) is a four-letter code representing one of the 16 personality types found on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). People with an ISTJ personality type tend to be reserved, practical and quiet. They enjoy order and organization in all areas of their lives including their home, work, family, and projects. ISTJs value loyalty in themselves and others, and place an emphasis on traditions.

  • ISTJs are planners; they like to carefully plan things out well in advance. They enjoy an orderly life. They like things to be well-organized and pay a great deal of attention to detail. When things are in disarray, people with this personality type may find themselves unable to rest until they have set everything straight and the work has been completed.
  • ISTJs are both responsible and realistic. They take a logical approach to achieving goals and completing projects and are able to work at a steady pace toward accomplishing these tasks. They are able to ignore distractions in order to focus on the task at hand and are often described as dependable and trustworthy.
  • ISTJs also place a great deal of emphasis on traditions and laws. They prefer to follow rules and procedures that have previously been established. In some cases, ISTJs can seem rigid and unyielding in their desire to maintain structure.



  • Detail-oriented
  • Realistic
  • Present-focused
  • Observant
  • Logical and practical
  • Orderly and organized



  • Judgmental
  • Subjective
  • Tends to blame others
  • Insensitive


Dominant: Introverted Sensing

Introverted sensors are focused on the present moment, taking in an abundance of information about their surroundings.

They also have vivid memories of the past and rely on the memories of these experiences to form expectations for the future.


Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking

ISTJs are logical and efficient. They enjoy looking for rational explanations for events.

They prefer to focus on the details rather than thinking about abstract information.

Being efficient and productive is important for people with this personality type. They appreciate knowledge that has immediate, practical applications.

ISTJs make decisions based on logic and objective data rather than personal feelings.


Tertiary: Introverted Feeling

As they make judgments, ISTJs often make personal interpretations based on their internal set of values.

This is often described as an "instinct" or "gut feeling" about a situation. ISTJ might make a decision based on logic, only to have this feeling kick in telling them to trust their feelings rather than just the facts.


Inferior: Extraverted Intuition

This aspect of personality enjoys new ideas and experiences.

This is the weakest part of the ISTJs personality, but developing this function can sometimes lead to a more balanced personality.



Personal Relationships

ISTJs prefer spending time alone or with small groups of close friends. People with this personality type are usually very loyal and devoted to family and friends but may struggle to understand their own emotions and the feelings of others. They can be quite reserved and sometimes fail to pick up on the emotional signals given by other people. However, once they are close to a person and develop an understanding of that person's feelings and needs, they will expend a great deal of effort toward supporting those needs.


Career Paths

Because of this need for order, they tend to do better in learning and work environments that have clearly defined schedules, clear-cut assignments, and a strong focus on the task at hand. When learning new things, ISTJs do best when the material is something they view as useful with real-world applications. Concrete, factual information appeals to ISTJs, while theoretical and abstract information has little value unless they can see some type of practical use for it. While they may exert tremendous energy into projects they see as valuable, they will avoid wasting time and energy on things that they view as useless or unpractical.


Popular ISTJ Careers


Computer Programmer





Police Officer or Detective

Military Leader



Tips for Interacting With ISTJs


ISTJs tend to get along best with friends who are similar to themselves. While they tend to be a bit serious and by the book, they do like to have fun. They might not be willing to jump into new things, but you can be a great friend by helping them pursue hobbies and activities that they enjoy.


ISTJ parents tend to be quite focused on tradition and are good at providing security and stability to their children. Children of ISTJ parents often find that their parents will treat them with care and respect and that they also expect the same treatment in return.

Parents of ISTJ children will find that providing consistency can help their children feel more secure. Sticking to routines, introducing change slowly, and giving them time to adjust to new situations are all ways to help an ISTJ child.


While ISTJs may experience deep feelings, they often struggle to show that side of themselves in romantic relationships. You can be an understanding partner by not expecting them to bare their soul to you right off the bat. Sometimes it may seem that your partner is not considering your feelings, but you can help them see your side by rationally presenting facts and logical explanations for your side of the argument.


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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ISFJ: The Protector (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) 

ISFJ stands for introverted, sensing, feeling, Judging. 

Key ISFJ Characteristics


They Are Observant

While people with this personality type are introverted and tend to be quiet, they are keen observers and are focused on other people. Because they are so perceptive, ISFJs are good at remembering details about other people.


They Tend to Repress Their Emotions

Those with this personality type are particularly well-tuned into the emotions and feelings of others. While ISFJs are good at understanding their own emotions, they often struggle to express them. Rather than share their feelings, they may bottle them up, sometimes to the point that negative feelings toward other people can result.

When dealing with life struggles, such as illness or the death of a loved one, they may keep quiet about what they are experiencing to avoid burdening others with their troubles.

They Are Practical

People with this personality prefer concrete facts over abstract theories. As a result, they tend to learn best by doing. They thrive in This also means that they usually value learning for its practical applications. They also tend to become more interested in new things when they can see and appreciate how it might solve a real-world problem.

They Are Creatures of Habit

ISFJs enjoy structure and strive to maintain this order in all areas of their lives. They thrive in highly structured and consistent environments where they are given step-by-step instructions and clear expectations.

Their preference to keep things the way they are rather than change. But this does not mean ISFJs aren't adaptable. They simply prefer to have time to think about and prepare for big changes.



  • Reliable
  • Practical
  • Sensitive
  • Eye for detail


  • Dislikes abstract concepts
  • Avoids confrontation
  • Dislikes change
  • Neglects own needs



Dominant: Introverted Sensing

This function leads the introverted sensing types to focus on details and facts.

ISFJs prefer concrete information rather than abstract theories.

They are highly attuned to the immediate environment and firmly grounded in reality.

Because of this tendency to focus on and protect what is familiar, ISFJs are often seen as highly traditional.

When making decisions, ISFJs compare their vivid recall of past experiences in order to predict the outcome of future choices and events.


Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling

ISFJs place a great emphasis on personal considerations.

Extraverted feelers are focused on developing social harmony and connection.

This is accomplished through behaviors that are viewed as socially appropriate or beneficial, such as being polite, kind, considerate, and helpful.

ISFJs try to fill the wants and needs of other people, sometimes even sacrificing their own desires in order to ensure that other people are happy.

Tertiary: Introverted Thinking

ISFJs are planners and tend to be very well-organized.

They utilize logic in order to understand how the world works.

As ISFJs take in new information and experiences, look for connections and commonalities in order to find patterns.

Rather than simply trying to understand a small part of something, they want to see how things fit together and how it functions as a whole.

Inferior: Extraverted Intuition

While ISFJs tend to be focused on the present and on concrete facts, this largely unconscious function can help balance the ISFJ personality by helping the individual focus on possibilities.

Taking in facts and then exploring the "what-ifs" can lead to new insights about problems.



Personal Relationships

Because they are quiet, people sometimes misinterpret this as standoffish behavior. However, ISFJs are compassionate and caring toward others, often working to secure the safety and well-being of other people without asking for thanks or anything in return.


ISFJs are often described as kind, reliable, and trustworthy.


Because they are hard-working, dependable, and rarely seek accolades for their own accomplishments, ISFJs are sometimes taken for granted by those around them. In some cases, people might even try to take advantage of this reliability.


ISFJs tend to have a small group of very close friends. While they may be quiet and reserved around people they don’t know well, they are more likely to "let loose" when they are around these close confidants. They place a high value on these close friendships and are always willing to support and care for the people to whom they are close.


Career Paths

ISFJs have many characteristics that make them well-suited to particular careers. Because they are so attuned to the feelings of others, jobs in mental health or the healthcare industry are a good fit.


They are also meticulous and orderly, making them suited to jobs that involve planning, structure, or attention to detail. Their commitment to their work, reliability, and ability to work independently make them attractive to a wide variety of employers.


Because of their solid people skills and desire to create order, they often do well in management or administrative roles. They excel at coming up with plans and helping other people work together to achieve a common goal.


Popular ISFJ Careers





Child care provider



Office Manager


Social worker




If you are friends with an ISFJ, you are probably already aware that they tend to be warm and selfless. Even though they are quite social for introverts, they are not always good at sharing their own feelings. Asking them how they are doing and being willing to talk can help them to open up.

You can help be a good friend by paying attention to their needs. Take the time to see what they might need you to do for them.


ISFJs are natural caregivers and are very nurturing toward their children. They are good at giving their kids structure and order, but sometimes have a difficult time enforcing discipline.

If you are the parent of an ISFJ child, be aware of your child's need to have time alone. Also, be aware that your child may be willing to give up things that are important to them to make other people happy. Encourage them to pursue their interests and goals and remind them that meeting their own needs is important as well.


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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INFJ - the sage/advocate. 

Sometimes referred to as the "Advocate" or the "Idealist," people with this personality type often feel misunderstood. Perhaps it's because they're the rarest MBTI personality type, making up only 1% to 3% of the U.S. population.1 Or maybe it's because they're walking, talking contradictions. They're easy-going perfectionists. Both logical and emotional, creative and analytical.

Key INFJ Characteristics



With their strong sense of intuition and emotional understanding, INFJs can be soft-spoken and empathetic. This does not mean that they are pushovers, however. They have deeply held beliefs and an ability to act decisively to get what they want


While they are introverted by nature, people with this personality type can form strong, meaningful connections with other people. They enjoy helping others, but they also need time and space to recharge.



What sets the INFJ apart is their ability to translate their idealism into action. They don't just dream about changing the world—they make it happen.



People with this personality type like to exert control by planning, organizing, and making decisions as early as possible.



Both emotional and logical:

When making decisions, INFJs place a greater emphasis on their emotions than objective facts. But this doesn't mean they see the world through rose-colored glasses. INFJs understand the world, both the good and the bad, and hope to be able to make it better.



  • Sensitive to the needs of others
  • Reserved
  • Highly creative and artistic
  • Focused on the future
  • Values close, deep relationships
  • Enjoys thinking about the meaning of life
  • Idealistic



  • Can be overly sensitive
  • Sometimes difficult to get to know
  • Can have overly high expectations
  • Stubborn
  • Dislikes confrontation


Dominant: Introverted Intuition

This means that they tend to be highly focused on their internal insights.

Once they have formed an intuition about something, they tend to stick to it very tightly, often to the point of being single-minded in their focus.

Because of this, they are sometimes viewed as being stubborn and unyielding.


Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling

This characteristic of this type makes INFJs highly aware of what other people are feeling, but it means they are sometimes less aware of their own emotions.

INFJs sometimes struggle to say no to other people's requests for this reason. They are so attuned to what other people are feeling that they fear causing disappointment or hurt feelings



Tertiary: Introverted Thinking

INFJs make decisions based on ideas and theories that they form based on their own insights.

INFJs rely primarily on their introverted intuition and extroverted feeling when making decisions, particularly when they are around other people. When they are alone, however, people with this personality type may rely more on their introverted thinking.

In stressful situations, an INFJ might try to rely on emotions when making decisions, especially if it means pleasing other people. Under less stressful conditions, however, an INFJ is more likely to rely more on their intuition.


Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

While this is a less developed and largely unconscious aspect of the INFJ, it does have an impact on personality.

This aspect of personality helps INFJs pay attention to the world around them and stay aware of their surroundings.

Extroverted sensing also helps INFJs better live in the present moment, rather than simply worrying about the future.

This aspect of personality also helps INFJs appreciate physical activities such as hiking and dancing.


Personal Relationships

INFJs also have a talent for language and are usually quite good at expressing themselves. They have a vivid inner life, but they are often hesitant to share this with others except for perhaps those closest to them. While they are quiet and sensitive, they can also be good leaders. Even when they don't take on overt leadership roles, they often act as quiet influencers behind the scenes.

INFJs are driven by their strong values and seek out meaning in all areas of their lives including relationships and work. People with this type of personality are often described as deep and complex. They may not have a huge circle of acquaintances, but their close friendships tend to be very close and long-lasting.

INFJs are interested in helping others and making the world a better place. They tend to be excellent listeners and are good at interacting with people which whom they are emotionally close and connected. While they care deeply about others, INFJs tend to be very introverted and are only willing to share their "true selves" with a select few. After being in social situations, INFJs need time to themselves to "recharge."


Career Paths

INFJs do well in careers where they can express their creativity. Because people with INFJ personalities have such deeply held convictions and values, they do particularly well in jobs that support these principles. INFJs often do best in careers that mix their need for creativity with their desire to make meaningful changes in the world.

INFJs are usually high achievers and excel in academics and the workplace. They can be perfectionists at times and tend to put a great deal of effort into their work. Co-workers tend to feel that INFJs are hardworking, positive, and easy to get along with. Because they are introverted, however, they may find that they need to retreat at times to recharge.

In managerial roles, INFJs can sometimes struggle to exert authority. They tend to lead with sensitivity and are good at helping subordinates feel appreciated in the workplace. Jobs that require a great deal of routine or adherence to strict rules can be difficult for INFJs.


Popular INFJ Careers




Religious worker










Because they are reserved and private, INFJs can be difficult to get to know. They place a high value on close, deep relationships and can be hurt easily, although they often hide these feelings from others. Interacting with an INFJ involves understanding and supporting their need to retreat and recharge. People with this personality type sometimes feel misunderstood. You can be a good friend by taking the time to understand their perspective and appreciating their strengths.


Because INFJs are so skilled at understanding feelings, they tend to be very close and connected to their children. They have high standards and can have very high behavioral expectations. They are concerned with raising children that are kind, caring, and compassionate. INFJs encourage their children to pursue their interests and talents to fully realize their individual potential.



INFJs have an innate ability to understand other people's feelings and enjoy being in close, intimate relationships. They tend to flourish best in romantic relationships with people with who they share their core values. As a partner, it is important to provide the support and emotional intimacy that an INFJ craves. Sincerity, honesty, and authenticity are all traits that the INFJ appreciates in their partner.



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Myers-Briggs types







INTJ: The Architect (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

Sometimes referred to as the "Architect" or the "Strategist," people with INTJ personalities are highly analytical, creative, and logical.

Key INTJ Characteristics

INTJs tend to be introverted and prefer to work alone.

INTJs look at the big picture and like to focus on abstract information rather than concrete details.

INTJs place greater emphasis on logic and objective information rather than subjective emotions.

INTJs like their world to feel controlled and ordered so they prefer to make plans well in advance.



  • Enjoys theoretical and abstract concepts
  • High expectations
  • Good at listening
  • Takes criticism well
  • Self-confident and hard-working



  • Can be overly analytical and judgmental
  • Very perfectionistic
  • Dislikes talking about emotions
  • Sometimes seems callous or insensitive


Dominant: Introverted Intuition

INTJs use introverted intuition to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities. Rather than simply looking at the concrete facts, they are more interested in what these facts mean.

People with this personality type enjoy thinking about the future and exploring possibilities.

When remembering events, they may recall impressions more than exact details of what occurred.

INTJs are good at "reading between the lines" to figure out what things might really mean


Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking

As a secondary function in the INTJ personality, extroverted thinking leads people to seek order, control, and structure in the world around them.

For this reason, INTJs can be very deliberate and methodical when approaching problems.

People with this personality type tend to make decisions based on logic. They organize their thoughts in order to see cause-and-effect relationships



Tertiary: Introverted Feeling

INTJs use introverted feeling but because it is a tertiary function, they do so to a lesser degree than they use the dominant and auxiliary functions.

Those who develop this aspect of their personalities more fully pay greater attention to values and feelings when making decisions.

As a result, they may also feel more drawn to people and activities that are well-aligned with their values.


Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

In INTJs, this tends to be the least developed of their cognitive functions, but it does still exert some influence.

This function allows people to experience process information through their senses.

When this function is in play, people may feel that they are living in the moment and are energized by the world around them.

Personal Relationships

People with this personality type are introverted and spend a lot of time in their own mind. INTJs work best by themselves and strongly prefer solitary work to group work.

While they tend not to be particularly interested in other people's thoughts and feelings, they do care about the emotions of the select group of people to whom they are close. In personal relationships, INTJs are willing to devote time and energy toward making these relationships successful.

Other people often interpret INTJs as cool, aloof, and disinterested, which can make forming new friendships challenging. People with this type of personality often see little value in social rituals and small talk, making it even more difficult to get to know them. They tend to be reserved and prefer to interact with a group of close family and friends.


Career Paths

When INTJs develop an interest in something, they strive to become as knowledgeable and skilled as they can in that area. They have high expectations, and they hold themselves to the highest possible standards.

INTJs are good at gathering information from the outside world, analyzing it, and reaching new insights. People with this personality type tend to be very analytical and logical. They value information, knowledge, and intelligence, and make excellent scientists and mathematicians. They tend to do particularly well in fields that require efficiency and the ability to interpret complex information such as engineering, academia, law, and research.

INTJs typically do well in careers that integrate their strong ability to understand and evaluate complex information with their ability to put this knowledge into practice. Careers that allow the INTJ to work independently and autonomously are also ideal.


Popular INTJ Careers











INTJs tend to be solitary and self-sufficient, so establishing friendships can sometimes be difficult. Because people with this personality type tend to think so much of the future, they may avoid getting to know people because they believe that a long-term friendship will not work out.

The good news is that while INTJs may not have a lot of friends, they do become very close and committed to those who persist. INTJs tend to prefer friends who are also introverted, rational, and low on emotional drama. 



INTJ parents tend to be thoughtful and attentive, yet they are typically not highly affectionate. They have high expectations for their kids and offer support by helping kids think logically when faced with decisions. Parents with this type of personality encourage their kids to be self-directed critical thinkers who are capable of solving problems on their own.

If your child is an INTJ, focus on finding ways to encourage your child's intellectual strengths, but try to find a balance that avoids excessive perfectionism.You can also help your child develop their emotional strengths and look for ways to express their feelings.



Because INTJs can be difficult to get to know, romantic relationships can sometimes falter. If your partner has this personality type, it is important to know that loyalty and understanding are important. Don't be afraid to show that you are dedicated to your INTJ partner, but also don't pressure them to spill their emotions.


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On 5/27/2022 at 8:05 AM, Preety_India said:

INFJ - the sage/advocate. 

Sometimes referred to as the "Advocate" or the "Idealist," people with this personality type often feel misunderstood. Perhaps it's because they're the rarest MBTI personality type, making up only 1% to 3% of the U.S. population.1 Or maybe it's because they're walking, talking contradictions. They're easy-going perfectionists. Both logical and emotional, creative and analytical.

Key INFJ Characteristics



With their strong sense of intuition and emotional understanding, INFJs can be soft-spoken and empathetic. This does not mean that they are pushovers, however. They have deeply held beliefs and an ability to act decisively to get what they want


While they are introverted by nature, people with this personality type can form strong, meaningful connections with other people. They enjoy helping others, but they also need time and space to recharge.



What sets the INFJ apart is their ability to translate their idealism into action. They don't just dream about changing the world—they make it happen.



People with this personality type like to exert control by planning, organizing, and making decisions as early as possible.



Both emotional and logical:

When making decisions, INFJs place a greater emphasis on their emotions than objective facts. But this doesn't mean they see the world through rose-colored glasses. INFJs understand the world, both the good and the bad, and hope to be able to make it better.



  • Sensitive to the needs of others
  • Reserved
  • Highly creative and artistic
  • Focused on the future
  • Values close, deep relationships
  • Enjoys thinking about the meaning of life
  • Idealistic



  • Can be overly sensitive
  • Sometimes difficult to get to know
  • Can have overly high expectations
  • Stubborn
  • Dislikes confrontation


Dominant: Introverted Intuition

This means that they tend to be highly focused on their internal insights.

Once they have formed an intuition about something, they tend to stick to it very tightly, often to the point of being single-minded in their focus.

Because of this, they are sometimes viewed as being stubborn and unyielding.


Auxiliary: Extraverted Feeling

This characteristic of this type makes INFJs highly aware of what other people are feeling, but it means they are sometimes less aware of their own emotions.

INFJs sometimes struggle to say no to other people's requests for this reason. They are so attuned to what other people are feeling that they fear causing disappointment or hurt feelings



Tertiary: Introverted Thinking

INFJs make decisions based on ideas and theories that they form based on their own insights.

INFJs rely primarily on their introverted intuition and extroverted feeling when making decisions, particularly when they are around other people. When they are alone, however, people with this personality type may rely more on their introverted thinking.

In stressful situations, an INFJ might try to rely on emotions when making decisions, especially if it means pleasing other people. Under less stressful conditions, however, an INFJ is more likely to rely more on their intuition.


Inferior: Extraverted Sensing

While this is a less developed and largely unconscious aspect of the INFJ, it does have an impact on personality.

This aspect of personality helps INFJs pay attention to the world around them and stay aware of their surroundings.

Extroverted sensing also helps INFJs better live in the present moment, rather than simply worrying about the future.

This aspect of personality also helps INFJs appreciate physical activities such as hiking and dancing.


Personal Relationships

INFJs also have a talent for language and are usually quite good at expressing themselves. They have a vivid inner life, but they are often hesitant to share this with others except for perhaps those closest to them. While they are quiet and sensitive, they can also be good leaders. Even when they don't take on overt leadership roles, they often act as quiet influencers behind the scenes.

INFJs are driven by their strong values and seek out meaning in all areas of their lives including relationships and work. People with this type of personality are often described as deep and complex. They may not have a huge circle of acquaintances, but their close friendships tend to be very close and long-lasting.

INFJs are interested in helping others and making the world a better place. They tend to be excellent listeners and are good at interacting with people which whom they are emotionally close and connected. While they care deeply about others, INFJs tend to be very introverted and are only willing to share their "true selves" with a select few. After being in social situations, INFJs need time to themselves to "recharge."


Career Paths

INFJs do well in careers where they can express their creativity. Because people with INFJ personalities have such deeply held convictions and values, they do particularly well in jobs that support these principles. INFJs often do best in careers that mix their need for creativity with their desire to make meaningful changes in the world.

INFJs are usually high achievers and excel in academics and the workplace. They can be perfectionists at times and tend to put a great deal of effort into their work. Co-workers tend to feel that INFJs are hardworking, positive, and easy to get along with. Because they are introverted, however, they may find that they need to retreat at times to recharge.

In managerial roles, INFJs can sometimes struggle to exert authority. They tend to lead with sensitivity and are good at helping subordinates feel appreciated in the workplace. Jobs that require a great deal of routine or adherence to strict rules can be difficult for INFJs.


Popular INFJ Careers




Religious worker










Because they are reserved and private, INFJs can be difficult to get to know. They place a high value on close, deep relationships and can be hurt easily, although they often hide these feelings from others. Interacting with an INFJ involves understanding and supporting their need to retreat and recharge. People with this personality type sometimes feel misunderstood. You can be a good friend by taking the time to understand their perspective and appreciating their strengths.


Because INFJs are so skilled at understanding feelings, they tend to be very close and connected to their children. They have high standards and can have very high behavioral expectations. They are concerned with raising children that are kind, caring, and compassionate. INFJs encourage their children to pursue their interests and talents to fully realize their individual potential.



INFJs have an innate ability to understand other people's feelings and enjoy being in close, intimate relationships. They tend to flourish best in romantic relationships with people with who they share their core values. As a partner, it is important to provide the support and emotional intimacy that an INFJ craves. Sincerity, honesty, and authenticity are all traits that the INFJ appreciates in their partner.

This is why all INFPs think there INFJ. This summary is nice but has little do with mbti, its a general statement that represents a healthy idealistic person and it happens to be very flattering.

MBTI is only about the functions and nothing else about that person is implied. Hitler was a INFJ. What does this description have to do with hitter? 

Barnum effect: "The Barnum Effect is a person's natural tendency to think that a generic or vague personality description applies specifically to themselves. Examples include statements made by horoscope readings and fortune-tellers."

Can you give the full description of the INFP so we can compare the 2? Im not trying to be negative here, my INTJ ness just gets triggered with with these kind of things, try not to take it personally. ?I like you and your contributions to the forum. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@lxlichael Why use trust as part of ones sense making process? It makes no difference who is speaking? I see if your in the habit of trusting to discern what is true or not then its important. 

The preety one doesn't trust what anyways says anyways lol, so its a non-issue. She will stand her ground to the death. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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17 minutes ago, lxlichael said:

Yeah no. Just digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole. I don’t need to explain to myself to someone who hasn’t proven themselves intellectually at all. Or in any regard, outside of, yeah just shadiness (I.e. social leveraging).

Integral is 100% right though.

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19 minutes ago, lxlichael said:

@thisintegrated r u kidding me? Honestly you have just as much credibility as he, just lacking credibility in different ways, I’ve been nice to you simply because of my sympathy for you and that’s it man. It goes when you’re in inaccurate and you’re running against me.

In the kindest way don’t mistake my niceness as me like agreeing with you, I may just simply have empathy for you which was the case for me to you.

If you like you can pose direct questions to me and we can have a separate conversation with each other in this thread which is on key and purposeful but it’s not going to end well for you you know that though. I would be solely logical in my discussion. Peace and wisdom. 

Te users can be way too focused on "credentials".  Leo has zero qualifications in actualization, but that obviously doesn't matter.  Similarly, you can't dismiss someone for not having MBTI qualifications.  The world's top MBTI experts don't have a degree in MBTI either.

Edited by thisintegrated

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@lxlichael Is it possible to address what i said and not who said it?

Everyone has there strengths and weaknesses on this site. if im looking for an answer in a specific area i have a sense of who created the best internal models for it. When it comes to MBTI, ive surpassed preety, its just what it is, when it comes to many aspect of psychology that she accels in, she is beyond me. Im aware of and respect her abilities/strenghts for that topic. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@lxlichael How long have you been analyzing me? Is it just today? 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@integral INFP will appear in order. I'm still editing. I consider you a very good person, so no worries. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 hour ago, integral said:

@lxlichael Is it possible to address what i said and not who said it?

Everyone has there strengths and weaknesses on this site. if im looking for an answer in a specific area i have a sense of who created the best internal models for it. When it comes to MBTI, ive surpassed preety, its just what it is, when it comes to many aspect of psychology that she accels in, she is beyond me. Im aware of and respect her abilities/strenghts for that topic. 


1 hour ago, lxlichael said:

If someone I trust brings it up sure, however I don’t use my words towards those I don’t trust as I don’t wish to form any kind of bond with you, you’ve proven yourself untrustworthy. If someone has any difficulty understanding why trust is important then I’m sure they won’t have any issue conversing with you not realising that the very basis of the interaction is predicated on many assumptions pertaining to trust and can implicate the notion of trust in relation to the person depending on how vulnerable they are. If you spoke like a robot or didn’t bring up emotionally loaded topics where oxytocin wasn’t at all implicated I wouldn’t care about you as trust wouldn’t be a barometer of interest, however somehow you’re trying to negate its purpose even though your very own conversational style is devoted to putting people in a false sense of security, aka a feeling of trust.


1 hour ago, integral said:

@lxlichael How long have you been analyzing me? Is it just today? 


1 hour ago, lxlichael said:

@integral Dude I didn’t spend more than 5 minutes it’s pretty easy to break you down. You obviously don’t know me very well, large sums of data, lots of syntheses simultaneously, creative bonanza, etc. Yeah it can get pretty boring when you’re communicating with me. Unless you’ve got something relevant to say please move along now you’re just wasting my time, k thanks.


1 hour ago, lxlichael said:

Oh you mean like this? @Benton

Haha I barely pay attention to this forum and remember everything like this link.

It would be unethical to do it publicly unless you were being an ass and say deserved it haha. I promise when I get back from my break I will but it’ll just be when it feels right.


39 minutes ago, lxlichael said:

Preety is safe now she’ll see through Integral or at least with the headlights on driving forward. I know what she’s like she’ll just have theatre seat now there, stay peaceful Preety. And you’re safe now too Benton. A strange situation haha. You two kiddos, you’re alright, you two are both self honest (including weaknesses) about your personal development so I respect that. Preety’s genuinely trying to make progress, like she’s surprisingly self honest while at the same time still struggles with the same difficulties. Its none of my business where you two are either that’s yours just keep on remembering to prioritise your own well being over anything else unless it abides by your boundaries and personal respect. It’s humbling and I genuinely mean it what I’ve said there for the both of you. And yal already know how self honest I’ve been about my goals. Gotta help you lot better though I know that. I need a break though for this coming month, clear my head. I need a way to help yal, just the whole forum really, in a way that minimises the friction on my participation and anyones acclimation, from any positive front I’m welcoming of new ideas, better to send them to me after June.

This MBTI stuff Preety it’s interesting. I don’t fall for people that try to use it to socialise though that’s a genuine red flag to me as well but that’s neither here or there for me anymore. I know MBTI backwards, I’ve already created my own personality theory as well but this thread isn’t about that.

I liked the connections drawn in your original post Preety, I won’t extent my analysis beyond appreciation itself for the time being, MBTI is your thing so that’s cool, respecting it as it’s presented they’re interesting ideas.

Thanks for reviewing material 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 minutes ago, lxlichael said:

@Preety_India drink the kool-aid :P. You don’t see what he’s doing I do though. All good but doesn’t phase me. My instincts have proven better than yours, so like I said about credibility. We’re all good Preets no biggie. Literally in every instance my instincts have always been proven correct, I have just been unaligned about how to navigate those instincts but I’ve gotten way better there. Literally no one has been accurate about me other than yourself in your accurate observation about me just for the most part being a no fuss blunt person, but you’ve wavered there sometimes. I’ve been getting better at acting in a way that is more circumstantially beneficial with respect to those instincts, though at the same time I can’t precisely know the intention behind yours of course. I mean no harm to Integral, just telling it as I see it.

I respect your thoughts. 

Thank you 



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2 minutes ago, lxlichael said:

“Show that you’re the better person, show that you’ve got more class… show… show…” 

That’s just one of his traits, yeah don’t like those kinds of games not enough authenticity for me. 

It’s called a whole lot of passive machievellianism, I just invented that term it should be a real one.

Anyhow thank you I appreciate yours as well, I prefer the ones where you’ve put the most thought into them though as it gives me insight into your inner world, that’s always a very heart-warming experience for me as it’s the most authentic and real.

I don’t trust “nice” people where they don’t reveal the contours outside of emotional fairy dust that’s purely a bait, hook and switch.

Take care Preety looking forward to reading those deep thoughts yeah? Thank you means a lot.

Your welcome 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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ISTP: The Crafter (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving). 


People with ISTP personalities enjoy having time to think alone and are fiercely independent. ISTPs also love action, new experiences, hands-on activities, and the freedom to work at their own pace.

ISTPs enjoy taking things apart just to see how they work. They are logical and rational, but are more interested in practical applications than in abstract ideas. They love doing new things and can become bored with routines rather quickly.


Key ISTP Characteristics

People with an ISTP personality are results-oriented. When there is a problem, they want to quickly understand the underlying cause and implement some type of solution.

ISTPs enjoy new experiences and may often engage in thrill-seeking or even risk-taking behaviors. They often engage in risky or fast-paced hobbies such as motorcycling, hang gliding, bungee jumping, surfing, or ice hockey. In some cases, they may seek out adventure by choosing careers in areas such as racing, flying, or firefighting

They prefer to make judgments based upon objective criteria rather than personal beliefs or values.

ISTPs are often described as quiet, but with an easygoing attitude towards others.

ISTPs are not well attuned to the emotional states of others, and they can sometimes be seen as a bit insensitive. They also distance themselves from their own emotions, ignoring their feelings until they become overwhelming.

One common misconception about ISTPs is that they are the stoic, silent type. While they do tend to be reserved, this does not mean that they do not experience strong emotions. Instead, they are good at keeping a cool head, maintaining their objectivity, and coping with crisis.


  • Logical
  • Learns by experience
  • Action-oriented
  • Realistic and practical
  • Enjoys new things
  • Self-confident and easygoing



  • Difficult to get to know
  • Insensitive
  • Grows bored easily
  • Risk-taker
  • Does not like commitment


Dominant: Introverted Thinking

ISTPs spend a great deal of time thinking and dealing with information in their own heads. This means they do not spend a great deal of time expressing themselves verbally, so they are often known as being quiet.

It may seem like the ISTPs approach to decision-making is very haphazard, yet their actions are actually based upon careful observation and thought.

They deal with the world rationally and logically, so they are often focused on things that seem practical and useful.

Because they are so logical, ISTPs are good at looking at situations in an objective way and avoiding subjective or emotional factors when making decisions. People with this personality type can be difficult to get to know, often because they are focused so much on action and results rather than on emotions.


Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing

ISTPs prefer to focus on the present and take on things one day at a time. They often avoid making long-term commitments and would rather focus on the "here and now" rather than think about future plans and possibilities.

ISTPs tend to be very logical and enjoy learning and understanding how things operate. They might take apart a mechanical device just to see how it works.

While they are good at understanding abstract and theoretical information, they are not particularly interested in such things unless they can see some type of practical application.


Tertiary: Introverted Intuition

This function often operates largely unconsciously in the ISTP personality. While they are not usually interested in abstract ideas, they may take such concepts and try to turn them into action or practical solutions.

It is this function that is behind the "gut feelings" that ISTP sometimes experience when making a decision. By synthesizing information brought in by the dominant and auxiliary functions, this aspect of personality may be responsible for sudden "aha" moments of insight. 


Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

This aspect of personality tends to operate in the background of the ISTP personality, but it can become more apparent during times of stress.

During highly charged situations, ISTPs can sometimes lash out in sudden outbursts of emotion. They often ignore their own feelings until things reach a boiling over point, which can lead to displaying emotions in ways that can seem inappropriate.

Personal Relationships

ISTPs are introverts and they tend to be quiet and reserved. They thrive on new experiences and dislike strict routines. In relationships, they are highly independent and do not like to feel controlled. Making commitments is difficult for the ISTP, but will put a lot of effort into relationships that hold their interest.

They do not often share their emotions with other people. While they enjoy hearing what other people think, they frequently keep their own opinions to themselves. For these reasons, people sometimes describe ISTPs as difficult to get to know. They often find friends who enjoy similar hobbies as they do and enjoy spending time with these friends as they pursue these activities.

Career Paths

Because ISTPs are introverted, they often do well in jobs that require working alone. ISTPs tend to dislike too much structure and do well in careers where they have a lot of freedom and autonomy. Because they are very logical, they often enjoy work that involves reasoning and hands-on experience. In particular, ISTPs like doing things that have practical, real-world applications.

Popular ISTP Careers

Forensic science



Computer programming


Law enforcement

Software engineer


Physical therapist






ISTPs tend to be curious and even adventurous, but they also have a strong need to be alone at times. You can be a great friend by asking them to get out and pursue new things, but be ready to respect their need for peace and quiet when they are not feeling up to going out.



If you are a parent to an ISTP child, you are probably well aware of their independent, adventurous nature. You can encourage their confidence by providing safe and healthy opportunities for them to explore things on their own. Provide rules and guidance, but be careful not to hover. Give your child plenty of hands-on learning, outdoor adventures, and opportunities to experiment with how things work.



Because ISTPs live so strongly in the present moment, long-term commitments can be a real challenge. You can strengthen your relationship with your ISTP partner by being willing to take things day to day and by respecting their fierce need for independence.



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Myers-Briggs types







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