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5 Dimensions of Consciousness

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This is an updated version of my "Dimensions of Consciousness" model.

There are 5 dimensions.


  • 1: Illumination Dimension 

I previously called it pure consciousness dimension. 

When people say "increase consciousness" they are basically saying "increase the illumination dimension of consciousness".

The higher your illumination dimension the more awake you are.

Illumination is about recognition and clarity of non-duality/awakening truths. 

It's not about mental clarity or conceptual recognition, but about actually becoming directly conscious of that awakening truth. It's about actual awakening. 

For an awakening It is not always enough to just increase the Illumination dimension. Sometimes it is also necessary to actively try to grasp/recognize something with your mind using contemplation.

Low Illumination dimension + contemplation = conceptual awakening 

High illumination dimension + contemplation = actual awakening


- Practices that target the illumination dimension:

  • psychedelics
  • advanced lucid dreaming/OBEs

To a lesser extend:

  • RASA or Light Transmissions (Ramaji, Gareth, Imogen,...)
  • long dark room retreats
  • advanced Invocations
  • Intense concentration and jhanas
  • self inquiry 

To an even lesser extend: all other spiritual practices. 



  • 2: Void Dimension 

The void dimension is about form vs formlessness. The higher the void dimension, the more formless and spacious your consciousness becomes.

When you increase the void dimension high enough, you are in the Void, in complete formlessness: no body sensations and maybe not even thoughts.

In order to be conscious of Love, God and Infinity plus having a formless consciousness (=being in the Void), you need to increase both Illumination and void dimension.  


Very profound Oneness experiences usually need a high void dimension. Because the void dimension is very good in dissolving seperation/boundaries.


Lowering your brainwaves causes the void dimension to increase.

- Practices that target the void dimension by decreasing your brainwaves:

  • Sleep Yoga
  • SAT transmissions
  • trance, tiredness, sleep deprivation
  • dark room retreat
  • float tank

And to a smaller extend:

  • kriya/kundalini yoga
  • meditation
  • physical exhaustion 
  • being sick
  • brainwave entrainment (binaural beats, Lumenate,...)


- Practices that target the void dimension as well:

  • Psychedelics 
  • OBEs
  • Shamanic breathing 
  • SAT transmissions 
  • Long fasting

And to a smaller extend:

  • Invocations 
  • Weed and alcohol
  • Shaktipat transmissions 

These practices might increase the void dimension also through decreasing your brainwaves, or they increase the void dimension through a different way. Idk.

Anyways, it seems that these practices (for the most part) don't increase your tiredness.

What I want to say with all that, an increase in the void dimension doesn't necessarily correlate with an increase in tirednes. That means it is possible to have a high void dimension (thus a very formless consciousness) while working out in the gym or even while taking a cold shower.


  • 3:  Intensity Dimension 

In the past I basically included the intensity dimension in the void dimension.

The intensity dimension intensifies your recognition (of non-dual truths). But it doesn't increase your recognition (and state of consciousness)

It for example intensifies your awareness of: Love, God, no-self, not knowing, ...

- Example 1: not knowing

  • High illumination and low intensity: You recognize that you actually know nothing (except for what is in your direct experience right now)
  • High illumination and high intensity: actual not knowing (for anything beyond your direct experiences). The scenario of what your memory tells you what happened 1 minutes ago is just as likely as the scenario that you were a frog on a different planet 1 minute ago and then shifted here with fake memories.

- Example 2: Different love awakenings

  • High Illumination and low Intensity: you recognize that you are love in this moment. This love is not overwhelming. 
  • High Illumination and high Intensity: you recognize that you are love in this moment. This love is very intense and overwhelming. You might be crying.
  • Extremely high Illumination and low Intensity: you recognize that you and everything else is love. You have always been love. Existence is love, there is nothing but love. (So that is the increase in Illumination dimension). This love is not overwhelming (because of low intensity).


- Correlation between Illumination and intensity dimension:

Sometimes the Illumination and intensity dimensions have a high correlation.

For example, pyschedelics tend to increase both Illumination dimension and intensity dimension proportionally.

But other practices, like for example light transmissions (and RASA), and self inquiry tend to increase the Illumination dimension and hardly affect the intensity dimension at all.


- Correlation between void and intensity dimension:

Increasing the void dimension seems to increase the intensity dimension too.

For example if you are conscious of Love, and then increase the void dimension, then the intensity dimension usually also increases proportionally.

That means, your state of consciousness becomes more formless (due to higher void) and the love recognition and immersion becomes more intense (higher intensity dimension).

But increasing the intensity dimension doesn't cause the void dimension to increase too. So it's possible to have a high intensity dimension and low void dimension. 


- Practices that target the intensity dimension:

  • Psychedelics 
  • Advanced OBEs
  • And all Illumination and void practices which can indirectly increase the intensity dimension 




  • 4: Magnitude Dimension 

The magnitude of consciousness in a human is far higher than in a mouse. And it is far higher in a god (astral entity like Zeus) than in a human.

- Practices that target the magnitude dimension:

  • Psychedelics
  • Advanced OBEs

And to a lesser extend:

  • Advanced invocations (I think that's the most realistic practice to increase your baseline magnitude dimension)



  • 5: Alertness Dimension 

During deep sleep your alertness dimension is at cero. When you wake up and are conscious, you have a good degree of alertness. When you take a cold shower or drink coffee, your alertness dimension increases even more.




Sometimes there is a correlation between these dimensions, but from a broader perspective they can be independent of each other and any combination is possible.


Here are my posts of the older versions, they contain more details on some points:




Edited by GreenWoods

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  • Illumination dimension: low vs high consciousness 
  • Void dimension: form vs formless consciousness 
  • Intensity dimension: subtle vs intense (awarenes of an awakening truth)
  • Magnitude dimension: mouse vs human consciousness 
  • Alertness dimension: unconscious vs alert 
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Can you expand(pun intended) on the magnitude dimension? I can't grasp it. I get the logical concept of it by how you described it but, how would it feel to have a larger or lower magnitude? 

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Magnitude Dimension 

A lower magnitude would feel like becoming a mouse.

A higher magnitude would feel like becoming a god like Zeus. (But it doesn't neccesarily mean to become more powerful).

A higher magnitude is what materialists would consider higher or more consciousness when they think of very advanced aliens.

Higher magnitude dimension is having a higher consciousness. "Higher" not in the sense of higher Illumination dimension, or higher alertness, or more presence or more ethical (these other things could increase too, as a result. But not necessarily.)

Imagine the consciousness of a mouse has the magnitude value of 1, every human 10 and Zeus 100.

How would your state of consciousness change if you could steal the consciousness of other people, and add it to yours? It wouldn't necessarily increase Illumination or alertness. It just increases the magnitude of consciousness.

It could perhaps be described as:

  • More consciousness 
  • More amount and magnitude and power and complexity of consciousness 
  • Expanded mind
  • Getting an upgrade of your brain, mind and consciousness

But most of these descriptions are usually used in different contexts, so it can be confusing using these words.

Psychedelics can increase your magnitude. I think 5meo particularly strongly. I guess people who have experience with 5meo probably know what the magnitude dimension is about and what the difference between it and the Illumination dimension is.

Advanced invocations can also give you a feel for it. Because by energetically merging with entities who have a higher magnitude dimension, your magnitude temporarily increases too. (With MUCH practice, your baseline magnitude can increase that way too. But this dimension is the hardest to increase your baseline in (apart from the alertness dimension)).

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So is it like having higher bandwidth of thought? Being able to hold many more strands of thoughts and deal with bigger more complex thought webs much much faster. Being able to be more creative. Being able to be more logical. Basically a bigger brain/a more complex brain.

Would expanding your bubble of experience so that, let's say, you can perceive life spherically in that you can look even behind yourself or with your eyes closed. Will that be considered an increased magnitude as well?

What are advanced invocations? How to do them?

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4 hours ago, Swarnim said:


So is it like having higher bandwidth of thought? Being able to hold many more strands of thoughts and deal with bigger more complex thought webs much much faster. Being able to be more creative. Being able to be more logical. Basically a bigger brain/a more complex brain.

I think all of that are possible consequences of a higher magnitude. But I don't think it describes the raw difference of a higher magnitude of consciousness, what higher magnitude literally is.

The magnitude dimension is the most difficult dimension to explain. When you experience a higher magnitude it will probably become clear what higher magnitude means.

4 hours ago, Swarnim said:

Would expanding your bubble of experience so that, let's say, you can perceive life spherically in that you can look even behind yourself or with your eyes closed. Will that be considered an increased magnitude as well?

No, that's a psychic power. A higher magnitude tends to increase power, but not always. For example if you increase your magnitude with psychedelics, your psychic powers could increase slightly, but usually not proportionally to the magnitude increase.

But if you compare all these astral entities to humans, then I think their difference in magnitude is somewhat related to their difference in psychic power.

4 hours ago, Swarnim said:


What are advanced invocations? How to do them?

With advanced invocations I mean invoking gods, angels or ascended masters for long meditation sessions. And it requires a certain level of energetic sensitivity and maybe also a bit of open psychic senses in general. Otherwise these invocations won't do much. 

I described the "how to" Here.

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I currently don't use the intensity dimension anymore. I think it is not necessary in order to conceptualize and map states of enlightenment.

I think what I thought the intensity dimension covers, can to a great extend be covered with the void and magnitude dimension.

- Oneness, Emptiness, no-self, spaciousness, Peace (+ feeling of liberation)

  • High Illumination dimension leads to recognition of these facets.
  • High void dimension leads to an actual, immersive and intense experience of these facets

Formlessness (= high void dimension) directly results in (or equals) a more intense experience of these facets.


- God, Infinity

  • High Illumination dimension leads to recognition of these facets.
  • High magnitude dimension leads to an actual, immersive and intense experience of these facets
  • High void dimension makes the experience formless

Formlessness doesn't make the experiences of these facets more intense. It only makes them more formless. 

To make the experience of these facets more intense, the magnitude dimension is required. 


- Love

  • High Illumination dimension leads to recognition of that facet.
  • High intensity of a love awakening is dependent on: high Illumination, high void, high magnitude, and emotional capacity to feel love


That means, the intensity dimension is not necessary and would only add unnecessary complexity. 

Using only Illumination, void and magnitude is good enough to make sense of most enlightened states (+ using the distinction of different facets of awakening, of course).


But my understanding of the magnitude dimension needs a lot of improvement. 

Many times, the distinction between magnitude and Illumination as well as the distinction between magnitude and void is very unclear. They seem to overlap. 

A better understanding of the magnitude dimension will make things clearer.

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Benefits of a high Void, Illumination and Magnitude Dimension 


- Benefits of a high Void Dimension:

  • Intensified experience of Oneness, Emptiness and no self awakenings and an increased sensation of spaciousness
  • higher energetic sensitivity. Thus receiving transmissions become more powerful. (In my experience, the void dimension is the biggest factor that determines the strength of transmissions)
  • a high void dimension affects your aura and therefore the aura of others. In that way, a high void dimension naturally leads to a spiritual transmission to others 
  • increased peace and the feeling  of liberation
  • increased bliss (as well as love and happiness) (more about bliss at the middle of this post)
  • resistance dissolves
  • it becomes easy, natural and automatic to surrender. And you are more in the flow and life becomes seemingly more effortless. 
  • less suffering from the ego mind (due to high void dimension of no-self)
  • increased intuition and psychic perception 
  • increased psychic power (reason explained here)
  • the higher your void dimension, the closer you are to the non-physical and astral realms. That means a high void is neccesary for OBEs. And invocations become more vivid (because you are closer to the realm where spiritual entities reside). (invocations also become more vivid due to increased psychic perceptions and increased energetic sensitivity)



- Benefits of a high Illumination Dimension:

  • Enlightenment: recognition and being conscious of facets of awakening (+ benefits that this awareness brings)
  • understanding, wisdom



- Benefits of a high Magnitude Dimension:

  • intensified experience of God, Infinity and Love awakenings 
  • a high magnitude dimension affects your aura and therefore the aura of others. Thus it results in a transmission to others
  • possibly an increase in psychic power
  • advanced progress on David Hawkins LOC model and the density model of the law of One.


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Thank you so much!! You have very clear and precise descriptions. :x This confirmed many things I've reached on mushrooms for me. Especially about the Magnitude aspect lately - Mushrooms at higher dosages has been highly effective for this as well (I have yet to try 5-meo however). And I highly recommend floatation tanks for the Void dimension you speak of!! (something not usually talked about here)

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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@puporing :)

5 hours ago, puporing said:

This confirmed many things I've reached on mushrooms for me. Especially about the Magnitude aspect lately - Mushrooms at higher dosages has been highly effective for this as well


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Thanks. You might find it interesting to know that meeting an "astral entity" during my religious awakening with DMT, there was a simultaneity to it that is very different from normal perception.

On the latter end of the trip, as I came out of it a bit, a Hindu deity appeared to me. I'm not sure which one but it was blue with a forehead dot. Anyway, there was a very bizarre duality of self, because this entity seemed to be far more powerful and important than me. But infinitely less powerful than Me. At the same time as my character spoke to this being as though I were an underling, another aspect of me recognized that this deity was an appearance within me, and that it was ultimately unreal. It did not speak back to me but I spoke at it, asking if I should share this knowledge with other people. The thing asking was my character. But I also knew it to be a conversation between myself and myself.

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There are infinitely many dimensions to consciousness, you clearly have not felt the depth of this. Stop trying to always classify everything into categories. There are literally no limitations, the amount of different states of consciousness produced from absolute infinity are so unimaginable huge we humans will never get it. This is probably less than 0.001% of what is possible.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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@RMQualtrough Interesting!

Such experiences are outside my model. 


10 hours ago, amanen said:

There are infinitely many dimensions to consciousness, you clearly have not felt the depth of this. Stop trying to always classify everything into categories. There are literally no limitations, the amount of different states of consciousness produced from absolute infinity are so unimaginable huge we humans will never get it. This is probably less than 0.001% of what is possible.

@amanen Of course.

This model is infinitely far away from modelling all states of Absolute Infinity. 

Including weird states of consciousness from psychedelics. 

Its purpose is to model states of consciousness related to enlightenment (as defined by humans).

Most people have very simplistic ideas about enlightenment, and there is a lot of confusion as a result.

I think this model brings clarity and has many practical applications. 

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Small correction of the Void Dimension

I said, the higher your void dimension, the more formless your consciousness. 

This doesn't necessarily mean that forms/appearances dissolve until you're in the Void. That can happen but that's not what the void dimension is really about.

High void dimension means that the quality of consciousness becomes formless, rather than the appearances within consciousness. (You can have an extremely high void dimension and still have appearances like anyone else).

Practically speaking this means:

  • Objects don't feel external, independent, solid and physical anymore.
  • Rather it feels like they are mere appearances within your consciousness, and that they have no substance and are empty. 
  • These appearances feel like they are imagination.
  • The feeling of solidity and consistency is weaker. If appearances suddenly changed in a completely radical and random way (like in a high-dosage psychedelic trip, or in dreams) you wouldn't be that much shocked
  • The higher your void dimension, the more it feels like you are dreaming. (high illumination dimension is about recognizing/becoming conscious that you are dreaming. High void dimension is about actually feeling as though you are dreaming).
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How to increase your Baseline Void Dimension 

The more time you spend in a high void dimension (during spiritual practices) and the higher the void dimension during these times, the more your baseline void dimension is affected.

This is usually a slow and gradual process. 

- Meditation 

Most people who have a high void dimension have it as a result of much meditation practices, usually easily over 10 000, 20 000 or 30 000+ hours. Meditation increases the void dimension, but it's not very effective at doing it, therefore it takes so much time.

(kriya yoga is included in this category. But it's more potent at affecting  the void dimension than meditation).


- Trance

Trance is a lot more effective at increasing the void dimension than meditation.


- Tiredness

Tirednes or sleep deprivation increases the void dimension even more. The more time you spend being tired (and ideally meditating at these times) the more your baseline void dimension is affected.

It's not recommended to attempt raising your baseline void dimension through sleep deprivation because that's not good for your health. 

Better ways to use tiredness regarding the void dimension:

  • spend the last 30 minutes before sleep in meditation in darkness with binaural beats below 8 hz
  • waking up during sleep and meditating (again darkness + binaural beats)
  • upon waking in the morning: meditate (darkness + binaural beats)

More about that in this post.

Tiredness affects the void dimension a lot more than normal meditation, but it still takes very long until the baseline is noticeably increased. Therefore trying to achieve a significant increase through tiredness or even sleep deprivation might not be a good idea.


- Attempting Sleep Yoga

So that's basically a combination of trance + tiredness. Even if you don't succeed at sleep yoga, just doing the practice (and thus entering deeper and deeper states) impacts your baseline void dimension. 

My baseline void dimension has significantly increased from doing sleep yoga practices for almost 2 years.



- Next Level 

Here is the real deal. Spending time in these states has the biggest impact on baseline void dimension.

  • conscious during sleep (how to: sleep yoga practices)
  • Brahman Consciousness (how to: psychedelics, SAT transmissions, intense shamanic breathing, advanced energetic practices, jhanas)
  • cessation (how to: jhanas)

These states are very difficult to achieve. But if you manage to regularly spend time in them, then that will have a tremendous impact on your baseline consciousness. 




There are other practices too that increase the void dimension, but these are the most practical. 

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On 6/6/2022 at 8:31 PM, GreenWoods said:

- Benefits of a high Void Dimension:


I made a post about different ways to increase spiritual bliss:

The void dimension is kind of always involved to some extend.

These are the ways how the void dimension increases bliss. By:

  • increasing shakti
  • awakening kundalini
  • making transmissions and invocations more powerful 
  • making it easier to surrender and accept unconditionally 
  • making the enlightened state more profound 


I think the void dimension really is the component of enlightenment that causes the most practical benefits.

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