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I wanna do something reckless but I'm hesitant

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I have an urge these days to do something crazy and stupid and reckless.  Something to push me out of my comfort zone . Like maybe trying alcohol or trying drugs like weed or cocaine .idk hiking in the mountains. Sky diving.  Idk really. I'm confused. I just want an adrenaline rush through my veins.  At the same time my rational mind knows that these things can be very harmful and dangerous.  But I just wanna get out of my same as everyday boring life and do something extreme to get high off it . I'm 25 and I didn't live a hot and exciting teen years. 

I'm confused. Should I try one of those ideas or should I wise up and not risk damaging myself In any significant ways .

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Ummmm yeah you should do some of that stuff, doesn't seem too reckless (maybe lay off the cocaine though..). I had fun drinking with friends back in college and wish I did more "reckless" things back then but I lived with very conservative parents. So only now I am getting to be myself more. 


I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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@Someone here Sounds like you're having intrusive thoughts? That's a thing everybody and their monkey mind deals with, maybe try and distinguish them from intuitions your "authentic self" is drawn towards

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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Don't risk too hard. I never did anything reckless. Zero regrets. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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What are examples of something super fun and kinda reckless but the risk is not too high ?

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I'd try weed or something, it's safe and the high garners a lot of insight when used right.  You've never tried alcohol?  Sometimes I forget this place has a lot of young guys/kids.

Weed, if it works for you, helps with anxiety or makes it worse - try a small hit, see how you feel after five minutes, then try another hit - go slow.
Weed increases consciousness moreso than booze, so if you wanna try something new I would go for the weed.

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Push your mind, body, and soul to their breaking points. Then rest. Then do it again. Over and over as a cycle. Until one day you have the mind of an omniscient machine, a body of strength, and a soul that has seen many traumas and healings and is now complete.

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13 minutes ago, Loba said:

You've never tried alcohol?  Sometimes I forget this place has a lot of young guys/kids.

Lol I'm not a "kid " just because I didn't drink alcohol yet . Its illegal in my country anyways. So there Is that.

Also It's generally a bad habit (unless you disagree with that ) so I don't understand your bragging about it as if it so high consciousness thing to do .

Same goes with weed.

Edited by Someone here

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24 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

@Someone here Sounds like you're having intrusive thoughts? That's a thing everybody and their monkey mind deals with, maybe try and distinguish them from intuitions your "authentic self" is drawn towards

Yeah I sense that something is wrong with these activities. But my mind is split .on the one hand I'd like to relive my teenage years that were lacking fun and excitement and on the other hand I don't wanna do something completely off the charts so that I don't hurt myself in any possible way. 

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@Someone here I'm 34, so anyone under 25 is like a "lil bro" to me.  You may not be a kid-kid, but when it comes to certain things in life, I find that young 20's are still trying to figure themselves out, much like kids are - with identity, exposure, dating, etc.

I wouldn't brag about weed or booze, they're annoying habits of which I love both.  I tend to talk more about how hindering alcohol is, of which I have pretty much quit, but the weed is still a strong one for me due to it's ability to enhance creative thinking.  Try it and see, you'll get a lot of insight from it, but less from the alcohol, although the alcohol might give you an understanding of how it feels to mostly be fear-free; that's where the pull is for me.

Edited by Loba

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1 minute ago, Loba said:

@Someone here I'm 34, so anyone under 25 is like a "lil bro" to me.  You may n ot be a kid-kid, but when it comes to certain things in life, I find that young 20's are still trying to figure themselves out, much like kids are - with identity, exposure, dating, etc.

This is not always the case . I know people in their 21 married and have children and they own a house and they are very responsible in their life . On the other hands you can find "losers" in their mid 30s who struggle to get their shit together.   So don't take it for granted that people in their 20s are Immature. Immaturity is not always linked to one's age .you can find people in their 40s and they still act like little kids .

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@Someone here True story.
I just remember being younger, and all that it took to learn about myself; about my own spirituality and place on this earth, and it is always evolving.  What I mean is, that if someone is younger, I tend to try to "take care" more with my words because I view youth as important because they are the future, and in my experience, a lot of what happens in your youth sticks to you more than it does when you get older, but you're right each individual is unique.  Do you feel your age or do you feel older than your years?

I would try... a few different things if I were in your shoes.  Better Now than never.  Each experience has something to offer for sure.
When I was young in my early 20's I tried every drug that I could get ahold of "just once", just to see what it was like and there was no addiction - aside from weed and sadly alcohol, but the heavy stuff, I never really enjoyed much.  It was too frenetic, as I had mostly access to uppers - and I didn't like that energy jolt it gave me as it made me feel unhinged.

If you have never tried weed before, I would do it in a setting that is best for you, get a playlist together and just really, really enjoy some quality music and let your emotions come to the surface, and to feel into your body, because on weed, the body feels nice, and inquire if you choose.

Just my 2c, do what you feel is right for you.

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8 minutes ago, Benton said:

@Someone here There is nothing wrong with anything. Do what you want.

Just understand consequence.

All those things you listed are pretty safe. Just be responsible.

Obviously there are potential risks to what I mentioned. Which is why I'm hesitant about trying these stuff out. What if I end up an alcoholic or a drug addict? 

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6 minutes ago, Loba said:

@Someone here True story.
I just remember being younger, and all that it took to learn about myself; about my own spirituality and place on this earth, and it is always evolving.  What I mean is, that if someone is younger, I tend to try to "take care" more with my words because I view youth as important because they are the future, and in my experience, a lot of what happens in your youth sticks to you more than it does when you get older, but you're right each individual is unique.  Do you feel your age or do you feel older than your years?

I would try... a few different things if I were in your shoes.  Better Now than never.  Each experience has something to offer for sure.
When I was young in my early 20's I tried every drug that I could get ahold of "just once", just to see what it was like and there was no addiction - aside from weed and sadly alcohol, but the heavy stuff, I never really enjoyed much.  It was too frenetic, as I had mostly access to uppers - and I didn't like that energy jolt it gave me as it made me feel unhinged.

If you have never tried weed before, I would do it in a setting that is best for you, get a playlist together and just really, really enjoy some quality music and let your emotions come to the surface, and to feel into your body, because on weed, the body feels nice, and inquire if you choose.

Just my 2c, do what you feel is right for you.


Maturity is the antithesis of being childish. As we grow older, our maturity often grows too. But that doesn't mean young people aren't mature. Most of them are without a doubt. But it doesn't apply to  everybody 

Maturity can mean many things in many different situations, but more generally it is an acceptance and understanding of the world around us. Maturity might mean understanding the reasons behind someone's actions and respecting and reacting in accordance with this. It might also mean offering help to someone who needs it or doing a job or chore without being asked to because you know it is the right thing to do. Reaching a status of maturity means that you are able to live your life independently but with high levels of respect for others.

I'm looking forward to trying weed ..can you  breifly  tell me if it's addictive and what are the potential risks of using it ?

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@Someone here  It can be addictive psychologically.  I started using it when I was in my early 20's, and it didn't initially start off as addictive until I moved out of my parent's, moved into a condo and lost two friend groups - both had BPD - one had a history of pitting people against each other, and the other's boyfriend was "touchy feely"; and they split relationships apart and often take people with them when they do, so that was the end of that.  I was stuck alone in a city without friends and a lot of free time, so I started smoking and noticed that I could think clearer - it clears up my ADD a bit - and that I could actually generate creative insight and as a creative person, this is important to me, and then I found God while on weed, so weed opened a door to the other side that I have a harder time getting to when sober - I guess you could say the addiction is really just trying to find my way back to God with the one neural map that I have.

I have had sober awakenings, but not the same as when I experienced it while high on weed, just the plasticity of my mind opens up, my heart opens up, my anxiety goes away - it fixes everything.  That's why it is addictive for me.

@Someone here I will answer you better, but @Gregory1 aka @Michael Jackson has banned me, temp. (it was a fe-ni mod... nottobrightlol)

Send me a note and I'll get back to you in a week. Much love, I'ma go work on art, y'all cats are lame-sauce.

Edited by Loba

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Isn"t weed has mind-altering compounds that affect both your brain and body. It can be addictive, and it may be harmful to some people’s health. 

Yes You Can Get “High” but is it worth it?

It’s why most people try weed. The main psychoactive ingredient, that stimulates the part of your brain that responds to pleasure, like food and sex. That unleashes a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling.

It May Affect Your Mental Health ?

From doing a Google research i found that Not everyone’s experience with weed is pleasant. It often can leave you anxious, afraid, panicked, or paranoid. Using weed  may raise your chances for clinical depression or worsen the symptoms of any mental disorders you already have. Scientists aren’t yet sure exactly why. In high doses, it can make you paranoid or lose touch with reality so you hear or see things that aren’t there.

Your Thinking May Get Distorted

It can also  cloud your senses and judgment. 

Whats up with that? 

A tangent question:  Do you still smoke it until today ?

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@Benton so do you suggest to Me to try it out or I'm better off avoiding it to not turn into addiction and disassociation? 

Have you smoked weed yourself? 

Also it's illegal in my I will have a hard time finding a dealer.

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@Someone here you won't get addicted but you could overdose. 

Also check health safety warnings before consuming. 

I don't think you should really do this. 

Something about the way you want this seems off. 

Trying things just for the sake of trying usually never ends well. 

People do things with the intent to derive a specific benefit not because they are bored. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Just smoke some weed man. Holy fuck ? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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17 hours ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Push your mind, body, and soul to their breaking points. Then rest. Then do it again. Over and over as a cycle. Until one day you have the mind of an omniscient machine, a body of strength, and a soul that has seen many traumas and healings and is now complete.


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