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Nothing vs Something

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I know ultimately nothing = something but nonetheless pure absence does appear different than thingness/experience/the myriad of stuff we can see, feel, and hear etc

Isn’t it simpler and easier for THIS to stay as blackness/no experience/zero? Why the charade of “separate” body-minds, living and dying, etc etc

Is something better than nothing? What if there was just blackness and no experience ever? Would the truth of nonduality remain?

Deep down I grasp the “answers” but recently I fell into a bit of a funk. That clarity has been clouded again.

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The way I see it, there are 2 main definitions people use for "nothing".

If they mean a void, then that is not truly nothing, there is still something there, for example consciousness.

So saying nothing = something is confusing, because actually there is only somethingness and no nothing. 

existence = consciousness = something


In regard to the void, it would be more accurate to say: formlessness = form


True nothing would be non-existence. Non-existence/unconsciousness and existence/something/consciousness are definitely not the same imo. Therefore something = nothing is not correct imo.

Edited by GreenWoods

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It isn't any easier for there to be just blackness because there are no outside limiting factors for the totality of everything, so any form is equally easy to manifest.

And nothing includes everything, if it did not include all possible form, it wouldn't contain absolutely everything and wouldn't be complete.

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2 hours ago, Bruins8000 said:

but nonetheless pure absence does appear different than thingness/experience/the myriad of stuff we can see, feel, and hear etc

This is where you go wrong.

All difference is imaginary. So there literally is no such difference. Stop assuming it.

Everything you see, feel, hear, is nothing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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