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Please share you´re experience with shrooms, the web is full of triprepports but the majority seems to come from a very low consiousness perspective. I´v had two experiences. First one very light, very positive and nice, second one so overwhelming that i can not possible imagine a more difficult trip without going unconscious, this made me very sceptic approaching shrooms again. I still remember the great benefits from the first trip though, which make me want to cling on.

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Have a look at one of my post. If you have any questions I would love to help you out.


Edited by Principium Nexus

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@Vanish I have had the exact same experiences. I've done it twice. First time was nice and second time I just had my head in my pillow and couldn't wait till it was over. I was confused and disoriented. Maybe not ready to let go yet. I took 2.5 grams the first time and 3.5 the second. It was also when I first started meditating.  I think you can have different experiences based on where you are at with meditation. That is my opinion though.  After those experiences, I started feeling what I believe are my chakras opening.  I plan on trying it again but titrating with smaller dosages. 

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@Green Warrior  Yes! Smaller doses is probably the answer. I thought before my second trip that at some point i have to meet my demons, why not now and doubled the dose from 12 to 25 g (fresh) . My demons came up right, but next time i´d like to remember my name while meeting them!

12 minutes ago, Green Warrior said:

 I think you can have different experiences based on where you are at with meditation.


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I've only done them once at a pretty small dose so my perspective is really limited on this. But for me it was absolutely a positive experience. I can definitely see the potential of shrooms for personal development.

Some insights I had:

1) You become extremely present to the moment. It feels like you have no history and there isn't much of a future

2) Everything felt dreamlike. This is hard to explain except to say that events just didn't feel "real".

3) So much of our behavior is driven by discontent. When I was on shrooms, everything was just perfect the way it is. This eliminated the need for a lot of "doing"

4) Life is a playground. So whatever play means for you, go do it

5) Patterns became extremely interesting. Your mind is essentially grouping things together into patterns all the time

Definitely want to do higher doses in the future and eventually work my way up the psychedelic ladder to the granddaddy, 5-Me0.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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47 minutes ago, aurum said:

work my way up the psychedelic ladder to the granddaddy, 5-Me0.


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Maybe there is a pattern here because I also started working with shrooms until recently and can report having pleasant experiences at first and difficult ones later.

The challenging trips occured once with 2 vials liquid psilocybin (4g dried) and once with 1 vial. They both started well but in the 2-3h mark things started going psychologically very difficult. I started looping between drinking water, going to the bathroom and trying to vomit in what seemed in endless cycles. All that happened parallel to me thinking Im going insane and losing my mind for good. For me, this was the most frightening thing I had ever experienced in life. I also had the sense of being stuck between dimensions and not being able to get back to reality. I looked at the clock but my rational mind didnt work, I knew the trip would last for 4-6 hours and i would be safe but during the trip I couldnt apprehend that.

So all in all, I have similar feelings as the topic starter but after 2 weeks of the experience I am starting to open myself to the idea of continuing work with these substances. I have acquired 5Meo in HCl and freebase and have enough psychedelics to last me a long time if I feel i want to continue with this approach.

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The mindloops can be quite scary indeed and sanity is sometimes hard to find in a timeless state of repitition. I must note that this occurs most often if you are physically doing stuff and you find yourself doing that several times over again. In therapeutic sessions they give you an eye mask so all the external sensory input is taken away and this will offer a deep introspective experience most of the time. Recently a girl told me that she tried this eye mask setting (taking it off sometimes) and that she literally could walk through her head, almost like a maze.

Doing shrooms alone versus with other people also makes a huge difference. If you really learn what tripping is and how to approach it solo tripping can give you much deeper insights than doing it with friends for example. Both settings have their up and downs, alone you don't get as distracted and overwhelmed with stuff other people do, but exploring "quests" with friends can be very funny and amazing. Tripping with people you know very well is extremely important because sometimes it's hard to act "normal" and that might be a problem if you are with strangers that don't completely understand you.

Don't have a full agenda the next 3 days, sleep well the night before and don't do it if you are not feeling well (physical or emotional).

Make it a journey, prepare before you take off. Read books about subjects you want to explore in reality or want to view in a different perspective during that state of mind. Meditating, eating health and getting your initial mindset aligned with what you want to realize will help alot!

No experience is really alike, they always show you what you need and there are no excuses. If you experience something you fear than that is something you have to face because it will stay in the depths of your mind. Mindloops will always be tricky but resistance will only make it worse, learn to accept and go with the flow even if it repeats. Being creative like making art, music or dancing if you can do that are all nice things to get more feeling into what you are doing.

Doing it in nature where you don't get disturbed by other people is great on a sunny day.

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55 minutes ago, Principium Nexus said:

Doing it in nature where you don't get disturbed by other people is great on a sunny day.

Did all the above, and captured that precious moment:



Pic taken from this spot

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I have a question that i been curious yet fascinated about cause everytime i end up deep and closer to pure awareness especially with psychedelics, i see how it all played out and planned out to that point, my body usually reacts before my mind gets obliterated, the body seems to know when its going back to source before the mind or shall i say monkey mind?

I always get the same message, everything is in divine order, everything is in divine play, Ultimately.

This is very challenging for me to explain because there is much more depth too it but i don't have the words for it. Its almost like when i was at a stage of pure consciousness, past/present/future become one, i saw it all, how it started, how it ended, how it continues and beyond. Now in my day to day life i get random glimpses of that moment as I've lived this moment already and life a billion or shall i say infinite number of times over and over again and my body seems to react in a way, my senses are stimulated like its "ahh that moment again" but the body always seems to show symptoms before the mind picks on on it.

Sorry if its confusing, we need to learn telepathy already 



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I never knew it was possible to have so much fun and excitement. The stuff fairy tales are made from. Then ego death, like the entire OS of my mind was reformatted. An hour and half later I felt very accomplished as I finally remembered what I was "Oh my god, I'm a human. Oh yeah" - Was really exciting about living a life now totally free from conditioned programming, and was then really disappointed as the conditioning immediately came flooding back in as the experience wore off. 

Also, aliens.

13 hours ago, Vanish said:

second one so overwhelming that i can not possible imagine a more difficult trip without going unconscious, this made me very sceptic approaching shrooms again.

out of curiosity what was the dosage? 

Edited by Arman

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@Arman It was "magic truffles" - 25 g fresh, they were advertised 5 out of 5 in a power scale. No doubt about that...

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More will not always give deeper trips and can even make it more confusing. By focusing on what you feel you can expand that domain enormously almost like meditating. Btw meditating and psychedelica go really well.

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Update: I did shrooms for the third time, outside this time during the day by myself.  The last two times I did it in my house by myself during the day.  I took 1.9 grams which is the lowest dose I have taken.  I forgot to say before I did smoke weed with it. Just one hit. The nauseous feeling of shrooms can ruin it for me. 


I would like like to start by saying after the first couple of times, I felt like it begun the spiritual awakening process through the chakras.  Not during the shroom experience itself but within a week of doing them. After the first time, it felt like waves of energy from my neck to my head. Then after the second dose, I felt my third eye opening (lots of pressure in head and then bridge of nose and the feeling of swirling between my eyes, and seeing indigo in my meditations). I waited two months to do it a third time. During my meditations I slowly felt the energy go from my third eye to my heart. Now it just started to go to my heart a few days prior to me taken shrooms. I had sort of an achy feeling in it.

During this last shroom experience, while outside I put on the video @Peace and Love  showed us in the music to inspire enlightenment post called full chakra healing and meditated. 

After an hour of listening to it, I think my heart chakra opened. And the only way to explain it was it was love. It was love so overpowering i almost couldn't take it. It wasn't an attachment love. Like, I didn't have love for myself or for other people but it was just there. The feeling was awesome and lasted 3 hours.  Now two days later, for the first time I'm starting to see yellow in my meditations which is the solar plexus chakra so I think the energy is moving down.

Also, my conclusion every time with shrooms and enlightenment is that I'm thinking too much.  But this was a Great experience. 


Its weird. I type this and 1 year ago I wouldn't have believed it. Now, I want to share my experiences but I don't want to mislead anyone. The above is what I think I am going through. So based on my experience, take the shrooms with ease just like meditation. 

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On 2/3/2017 at 1:28 PM, Green Warrior said:


I would like like to start by saying after the first couple of times, I felt like it begun the spiritual awakening process through the chakras.  Not during the shroom experience itself but within a week of doing them. After the first time, it felt like waves of energy from my neck to my head. Then after the second dose, I felt my third eye opening (lots of pressure in head and then bridge of nose and the feeling of swirling between my eyes, and seeing indigo in my meditations). I waited two months to do it a third time. During my meditations I slowly felt the energy go from my third eye to my heart. Now it just started to go to my heart a few days prior to me taken shrooms. I had sort of an achy feeling in it.

During this last shroom experience, while outside I put on the video @Peace and Love  showed us in the music to inspire enlightenment post called full chakra healing and meditated. 

After an hour of listening to it, I think my heart chakra opened. And the only way to explain it was it was love. It was love so overpowering i almost couldn't take it. It wasn't an attachment love. Like, I didn't have love for myself or for other people but it was just there. The feeling was awesome and lasted 3 hours.  Now two days later, for the first time I'm starting to see yellow in my meditations which is the solar plexus chakra so I think the energy is moving down.




Yay! I'm so happy for you!  I've also seen the yellow colored flames while I'm doing kundalini yoga as well.  And I was told by my reiki/yoga teacher that it was my solar plexus.  I know exactly that feeling you are talking about.  I used to get that very warm loving fuzzy feeling in my heart chakra every time I would read any of "the secret" books by Rhonda Burne about the Law of Attraction.   However on the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra they need to have a more cooling sensation to feel balanced.  I love using Doterra Peppermint oil in those two areas.  It really heightens the meditation experience. @Green Warrior

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Since i´ve started this thread i have tried shrooms one more time, this time i had only 1/5 of the difficult-trip dose, and the lesson i learned this time: Balance is the key (who said that? ;) ) Accept where you are at in personal development and do not try to push it too far. Personal development often is a dirty job, but it can be beautiful too. Be able to integrate the shroom-experience calm and peaceful, noticing how small subtle things can be enjoyed made me grow a lot.

So - handle shrooms with respect and start low :) 


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