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I've inhaled some activated carbon

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I used to paint graffitis a few years ago. During that time I got a few paid gigs to paint inside someone's house. The fumes are potent to say the least when you paint inside, so that's when I wore a respirator with 2 activated carbon filters.

The first time I painted, I noticed that the other filter was leaking a bit. I got these small pieces of carbon in my mouth and nose. Didn't give it much thought back then. After a few months I got another gig where I also wore the respirator. This time after taking the respirator off I noticed that it had leaked significantly more. I most likely inhaled a fair bit of the activated carbon leaking from the respirator. 

I have no idea how unhealthy this is, definitely doesn't sound like it would increase my lifespan lol. I was around 15 years old when this happened, so I hope that my young body is capable of getting rid of any chemicals/toxins that I've exposed myself to.

That being said, I've had some minor health problems mainly related to autoimmune issues. Symptoms such as exhaustion/tiredness, minor migraine, and digestive issues. Nothing serious though and I'm slowly healing through various techniques. It's just an interesting thought how these symptoms could be related to the exposure. What do you think?

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