
Jordan Peterson's reign is over (opinions?)

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Some level of fatness is healthy, despite what mainstream media advocates. Skinny women are not healthy, they are weak. They know it themselves before everyone else.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@Knowledge Hoarder There's poetry in my native language literature that praises fat women. The fatter was the better, and the reasoning behind this is that they were perceived as healthier and coming from richer environments, therefore they are more fit for pregnancy. Humanity is more diverse than how it is portrayed nowadays.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Just some food for thought; The singer Adele got scorned in the media for losing extra weight and getting herself in better shape. If that doesn't ring a few alarm bells, well...


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On 17/05/2022 at 2:04 PM, bloomer said:

@Knowledge Hoarder

Yeah it's quite funny that so many men go to this guy for advice on women lol.

It's funny that men go for this guys advice on anything, let alone women. 

He just spews a bunch of wordy nonsense, I never understood a single word from his academic diareeah mouth. 

When has he ever said anything useful? Almost nothing I bet. 

Yes this women is a living potential of hotness, if she lost some weight and was just curvy instead of fat, she would be insanely hot. 

Criticizing her and telling her to lose weight is the healthiest thing society needs, only delusion and indifference would keep her fat and disgusting. 

Edited by Striving for more

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13 hours ago, flyingguitarist said:

These are the Beauty standards across different cultures,How can it be genetic? Its highly Intersubjective


Most of these examples represent status symbols in certain cultures, not necessarily what is considered sexually attractive, although those two can have some overlap especially in men. 

Edited by TheAlchemist

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Because women are judged so much more harshly on their appearance than men. A significant chunk of a woman's survival hinges on her appearance. And women struggle with fat more than men.


19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

1) Do you really think it's good that many young girls and women have crippling self-esteem problems because they cannot live up to the beauty standards found in magazines?

These days men have become equally or close to as insecure as women about their physical appearance. The whole incel and even MGTOW movement is pure proof of that. Just google "how much do looks matter" and you will see 90% of the stuff that comes up is about guys.

We live today in the Tinder/instagram/online era where dating happens more and more online hence the increase of importance of physical attractivness of guys. 

And it will get more and more important as people use online shit more and more regarding dating and even judging their value (instagram for eg).

Also does not help when women talk about looks in guys 24/7 (especially young ones), regarding what they care about. Even if it is not true hearing it every day 24/7 takes a toll on your self-esteem.


Edited by Karmadhi

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Seems many would be shocked at how many people at her weight can be far healthier than people skinnier than her. & Likely to live a far more fulfilling life than people with this neurosis over physical health. Her size isn't even 'bbw' in porn, and pornstars her shape will drastically outcompete skinnier girls. Not realizing this is a little out of touch pun intended lmao. And who was upset about Adele's weight loss? Conservative tabloids or cherry picked poorly expressed teenagers? Backlash was around people celebrating weight loss as the core of her achievement rather than as a health achievement because body positivity has alot to do with decoupling weight as a core indicator of health and beauty. It seems suiting as many people who were previously overweight don't appreciate the people who treat them more worthy once they lose weight. The discourse certainly trivialized a personal experience as is the cost of being a public figure but yeah using her personal life to make philosophical points can be a bit inappropriate

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6 hours ago, Roy said:

Just some food for thought; The singer Adele got scorned in the media for losing extra weight and getting herself in better shape. If that doesn't ring a few alarm bells, well...

I got scorned by my parents when I went from being fat to being normal and healthy.

Because people close to you don't feel comfortable with you changing.

I also get scorned for my awakenings and spiritual growth. Crabs in the bucket.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Because people close to you don't feel comfortable with you changing.

When I stopped smoking weed with my friends (I would still hang out while they were smoking), they were either confused or sad about it.

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@Gesundheit2 I didn't know we value people based on physical strength? Are we supervisors at a gulag with people hauling grain?

15 hours ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

This is a myth. Just cause some painters, sculpturers and whatnot were creating pieces of art with fat women in them - or even viewing them as some mythological godesses - doesn't mean they were more attractive than current fit, model-looking women with pretty faces and body features, such as wide hips, nice tits etc.

You are reminding me of art history class.



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@AtheisticNonduality Has it ever crossed your mind that these artists were just bad a getting the hottest girls?

You know who was fucking the hottest girls? The king.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

@AtheisticNonduality Has it ever crossed your mind that these artists were just bad a getting the hottest girls?


That woman in the painting is super hot.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:


That woman in the painting is super hot.


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Jordan Peterson is right. 

Health At Every Size (HAES) movement is toxic. What we need to do is educate people on food and get nutritionist into the US school systems. It's like trying to normalize drug addiction and saying it's healthy.

Kiana Docherty covers this topic well


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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@AtheisticNonduality Has it ever crossed your mind that these artists were just bad a getting the hottest girls?

You know who was fucking the hottest girls? The king.

Yes, but at the same time there was a different standard for beauty in the past. The standard has changed a lot even during the 20th century. Beauty is deeply subjective, even though some vague traits tend to be universal, like hourglass shapes, young bodies etc... But a chubby woman can actually be really erotic in the proper cultural context.

An example: I tend to always like thin and young girls, but then I really started to like my therapist (yes, there's also transference) who is a bit chubby and nerdy looking, and older than me. Since then, I still like some specific slightly chubby women because I now recognize their beauty too. Every person has their beauty, but of course there are some traits which are more agreed by the masses as attractive. It's not important to "score" the girl everyone wants, it's important to find the ones you personally like. But I'm sure you already know this.

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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@Leo Gura I'm sorry you went through that my guy. I just want to let you know, I support all of your endeavors, to improve yourself, and others. The idea is those people are probably just lost. And yes, please take care of yourself, don't sacrifice for the narcissism of the world. And one other thing, I discovered that the marijuana edibles can help people concentrate better, the next day obviously. 

Edited by BuddhistLover

"Reality is a Love Simulator"-Leo Gura


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All this controversy about the beauty of the model is irrelevant and missing the process.  Jordan Peterson has succeeded in getting free publicity – including not only the major news outlets but also all the social media, forums, etc.  This will actually increase the sale of his books.  He is using the same technique that Trump used to become president.  The right wing really has this process down.   But keep things clear.  He is not an intellectual.  He is a successful mass marketer.  Discussing the content, i.e. beauty, the insult, etc. is just playing into his game.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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What JP deserves to be ridiculed for is his misplaced and delusional ideas around what he believes the problems facing the world to be; delusions which he platforms to his immense audience.

I.e. thinking that younger generations (correctly) assessing that very little is being done to address an unfolding ecological catastrophe is the problem, rather than Climate Change itself.

Or that Progressives being unreasonable about pronoun usage is a bigger threat to the world than the rise of fascism as a symptom of failing democracy in the United States and Europe.

He doesn't deserved to be ridiculed over fact that he's crying while obviously going through a difficult time in his life.

What I'm left with is feeling pity for the guy. Pity, because it's hard to be completely sympathetic for him considering the context where this video took place (a reactionary political rant), and when his tears are also bookended by him shaming others for thier body types and sexual preferences (ala the magazine cover debacle).


Edited by DocWatts

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7 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

All this controversy about the beauty of the model is irrelevant and missing the process.  Jordan Peterson has succeeded in getting free publicity – including not only the major news outlets but also all the social media, forums, etc.  This will actually increase the sale of his books. He is using the same technique that Trump used to become president.  The right wing really has this process down.

That is a great point. Both Jordan Peterson and Trump rose to power by using the reverse-uno victim card: "look at all the people who disagree with my victim blaming narrative; I'm a victim!" It's quite, shall we say, postmodern ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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“The person who writes for fools is always sure of a large audience.”

― Arthur Schopenhauer, Religion: A Dialogue and Other Essays


targetting mainstream audience is alwasy a stupid move

Edited by itachi uchiha

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